Tradition states that whoever gets a certain guy (Craig) in my office in the secret santa dip has to buy him something total crap or a wind-up present
He’d been trying to sell a rabbit cage for ages on our intranet. He was asking for £20. My boss then got him in the secret santa and got someone else in the company to buy the rabbit cage but managed to barter him down to £10 with a sob story about buying it for her niece and all she could afford was a tenner. Craig spent weeks moaning about this and he was raging he didn’t get the full £20 for it. The day comes along when we have to exchange presents and my boss brings in the massive rabbit cage all wrapped up. Craig get’s genuinely excited when he sees the size of it and realises it’s for him.
The look on his face when he unwrapped it and realised what he’d got was absolutely priceless.
I get him and buy him a box full of tat from the poundshop
I get him again and buy him a bottle of vodka. Except I’ve poured the vodka out and replaced it with water. All year I’ve been waiting on him coming in one day and saying the vodka was crap, but that day never comes…
My boss got him this year and bought him something crap, but I’d kept the vodka from last year and stored it in the bottle of water I’d decanted last year. He unwraps it and looks a bit puzzled as to why he’s got a 3/4 full bottle of mineral water. We explain what we did and he looks a bit pale as he admits he had given the bottle of “vodka” from last year away as a present to someone else 😆