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  • A level results – urine boiled content!
  • Woody
    Free Member

    Just seen a ‘lad’ on BBC news being interviewed about his results.

    Quite good apparently and enable him to get into his uni of choice. No problem, until he slipped in that otherwise he would have had to get a job to support his pregnant girlfriend due to give birth in a few weeks – cue hesitation and a bit of quick thinking as to what he had said and then “I’ll be able to support them better in the long run” !!!!

    Three things sprang to mind.

    1. Lucky him, as while he is at uni, we’ll presumably be supporting his new family.
    2. I wonder if she is going to uni too, or is the somewhat outdated idea of ‘male provider’ alive and well?
    3. Supposedly bright enough to get into uni of choice but too bloody stupid to use contraception?

    On balance, it thoroughly pissed me off 👿

    Free Member

    Given that the baby can’t be unborn, what would you have him do?

    Free Member

    Mehhhh, struggling to get worked up about this one.

    Free Member

    3. Supposedly bright enough to get into uni of choice but too bloody stupid to use contraception?

    Eh? You’ve a funny idea of what intelligence means it seems.

    Full Member


    Free Member

    “I’ll be able to support them better in the long run”

    Probably true to be honest.

    You have also made giant assumptions about how the gf and baby will be supported whilst he is at uni.

    Struggling to see what your problem is with this.

    Free Member

    sounds like he meant “Thanks christ, now I can run away to the other end of the country and not have to deal with this nasty reality that keeps following me about.”

    gonna be awkward when girlfriend’s parents see it, those clips just go round and round on BBC news…

    Or he’s just 18 and not good with wording things yet.

    Free Member

    Seems a bit judgemental.

    Free Member

    Boiled piss and the only CAPS you use are for BBC.

    Poor effort!!

    Free Member

    Bloke tries to maximise his future career prospects to support his family.

    What an appalling (non) story 🙄

    Your rant is weak.

    Free Member

    Good on the lad. He’s got into uni, got a girlfriend, and is fertile. Three wins right there.

    Free Member

    Stats aren’t my strong point, but isn’t a variation of 0.4% in the top grades given out totally insignificant? Also the graph in this BBC article– what is that showing, really?

    Free Member

    Eh? You’ve a funny idea of what intelligence means it seems.

    Nice nit-pick there molgrips. Intelligence and common sense do not always go together but you know that!

    I have idea what his financial circumstances are but it is highly likely that someone else is going to be picking up the bill to support his child while he continues his education.

    Free Member

    I have idea what his financial circumstances are

    At least we agree on something.

    but it is highly likely that someone else is going to be picking up the bill to support his child while he continues his education.

    Her parents, his parents, him, her ?

    And even if it is “us” as you suggest, better doing it for three years now, rather than for much longer when he can’t get a job through lack of qualifications.

    You have seen the youth unemployment figures haven’t you.

    Free Member

    Woody – Member
    Eh? You’ve a funny idea of what intelligence means it seems.
    Nice nit-pick there molgrips. Intelligence and common sense do not always go together but you know that!
    I have idea what his financial circumstances are but it is highly likely that someone else is going to be picking up the bill to support his child while he continues his education.

    Depending on what subject he does, someone else will be picking up the bill for his course too!!! 😯

    Free Member

    I ask again Woody, what would you have him do?

    Free Member

    I give this post an F

    Free Member

    Send him down the mines!

    Free Member


    Agree with your points (assuming he is going to study something which will assist his job prospects) but even if ‘the parents’ are picking up the bills, which I doubt as he said that he would have had to get a job if he hadn’t got into uni, therefor, it is fairly safe to assume that the taxpayer will be funding.

    I ask again Woody, what would you have him do?

    How about taking responsibility for his actions and not expect handouts to support his studies.

    Free Member

    Intelligence and common sense do not always go together but you know that!


    Anyway, leave the poor lad alone – he’s got enough problems as it is! He might have discussed his options with everyone and they’ve all agreed on the best way forward. Is he even going away to uni?

    How about taking responsibility for his actions and not expect handouts to support his studies.

    Do we have any evidence he’s not taking responsibility?

    Free Member
    Full Member

    poor thing. He’ll be at uni, and not be able to root around.

    Free Member

    too bloody stupid to use contraception?

    How do you know that?

    Full Member

    Young person in being stupid non-shocker. Poor effort at a rant 2/10.

    Free Member

    I was going to try and type something reasoned but the tone of the OP just made me visit Daily Mail-o-matic.

    My efforts were rewarded with


    Free Member

    poor thing. He’ll be at uni, and not be able to root around.

    Rubbish! He’ll be miles away, she’ll never find out!

    Free Member

    Agree with your points (assuming he is going to study something which will assist his job prospects) but even if ‘the parents’ are picking up the bills, which I doubt as he said that he would have had to get a job if he hadn’t got into uni, therefor, it is fairly safe to assume that the taxpayer will be funding.

    No it isn’t 🙄

    His/Her parents are happy to take financial responsibility providing he goes to University and maximises his chances of being able to support them in the future.
    If he doesn’t go to University, they aren’t going to be financially responsible for them both to sit at home and do nothing.

    Sounds plausible no ?

    (of course, for very poor rant purposes, it better to presume the worst case isn’t it.)

    How about taking responsibility for his actions and not expect handouts to support his studies.

    And you have no reason to presume that’s not exactly what he is doing do you ?

    (apart from the very poor rant purposes mentioned above)

    Free Member

    Depends what you mean by responsibility?

    At least he hasn’t joined the French Foreign legion 😉

    How do you know that?

    Given the various methods of effective contraception freely available, there is a reasonable chance he didn’t use any. Of course, it may have been planned, he may have been tricked, your guess is as good as mine but it wouldn’t be in the traditon of STW to have a discussion knowing all the facts 🙄

    Well done that you are so bereft of ideas that you had to resort to anything to do with the Daily mail. Bit weak don’t you think? Interesting you would take that quantum leap though 8)

    Free Member

    it is fairly safe to assume that the taxpayer will be funding.

    This is exactly why we have a welfare system. As a tax payer, I welcome my money helping to prevent Dead Baby.
    I could understand your vitriol if he had said “I got into uni, the baby we’re going to be having is now useless, we only wanted it for the benefits”…

    Free Member

    How about taking responsibility for his actions and not expect handouts to support his studies.

    Can you elaborate on this non statement, how would he take responsibility?

    Free Member

    That OP comes from a man full of WIN

    Free Member

    Sorry, was it the Daily Express?

    Full Member

    Rate my rant:

    Some of my pupils got a higher grade than I got, THAN ME THEIR BLOODY TEACHER, we never had A*, A **** STARS in my day, whats the world coming to? life is TOO easy, TOOO **** EASY these days, I despair.

    Free Member

    That OP comes from a man full of WIN

    Haha you have no idea what utter bollox that statement is!

    And before this degenerates into the positives and negatives of the welfare system and political dogma, I think I’ll go out and ride my bike…….. 😆

    Free Member

    I think I’ll go out and ride my bike……..

    *Office sobs 🙁 *

    Free Member

    I think I’ll go out and ride my bike…….

    Does STW have a description for this type of thread.

    It’s slightly more than plain trolling surely, as it uses the weak put-down of “I’m off to ride my bike”

    As if to suggest anyone who spends any time online is somehow inferior to the poster who is “off to ride their bike”

    Free Member

    Never heard of daily mail o-matic….

    I got “Could cyclists give the British cancer”

    Sobering words. Something for all of us to think about.

    Free Member

    I was going to try and type something reasoned but the tone of the OP just made me visit Daily Mail-o-matic.

    My efforts were rewarded with


    I choose


    Free Member

    How do you know that?
    Given the various methods of effective contraception freely available, there is a reasonable chance he didn’t use any. Of course, it may have been planned, he may have been tricked, your guess is as good as mine but it wouldn’t be in the traditon of STW to have a discussion knowing all the facts

    or shock horror it could have been contraception failure. Just possibly they were both being responsible, no contraception is 100% so maybe having had that accident they are facing up to their responsibilities and having the baby and doing the best they can in the circumstances?

    Free Member

    Haha best thing about this thread is that Daily Mail-o-matic. 😆

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