We’re raising money for trail building in Alyth, Perthshire. Tickets from http://www.justgiving.com/bradleywigginsraffle . 1st Prize framed and signed British Championship jersey. 2nd prize 2 nights premier B+B at local 4* hotel plus two days guiding with an MBLA tutor.
Trails are planned for a section of community woodland on Alyth Hill, these include a pump track, 200m of berms and table tops plus 600m of blue grade trail. So far the pump track is funded, but by raising money we improve are chances of finding funding for the rest.
The whole thing is being organised and run by the Alyth Hill Users Group who are a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) charity number SC043382. Please buy tickets and pass this info onto anyone else you think may be interested.