I agree with surfmats approach.Then again i am not the sort of person to pull over and slow my journey down just to let idiots get to where they are going any quicker.If i am going the speed limit, i will keep to it.I will never stop to let someone past when they are already breaking the limit. who all on here stops in the nearest layby to let faster drivers past?
I took a diffrent approach a few weeks ago to a tail gater. I picked up my car,left the MOT station and was driving along under the 30mph speed limit when a white van tears up behind me with dodgy headlights. At first i thought it was one of the guys from the garage playing around but i noticed it wasnt when we had to stop at a roundabout. I carried on and the guy was about 10ft from my bumper,pulling slightly out to the right of our lane from time to time.I lost it.. indicated..slowed down and got out. screamed “get off my F****** bumper…OK?!”
he raised his hands in a “what am i supposed to do” jesture. i got in the car,continued the journey (still in the 30 zone) and he continued to do it. he soon pulled off down a side road.
So i leave a garage, take 2 turns through a town and then this happens. wtf? lol.