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  • Why the good lord gave us discs
  • oldgit
    Free Member

    Mainly to stop bumbling old fools like me following more able riders into situations you can’t handle.
    Well actually I did have discs only they were totally shot and I wanted to ride, thinking if I’m carefull I’ll be fine.
    And to be fair I was warned that perhaps I should give the last quarry/drop/bombhole a miss considering I was riding ‘brake free’ Nope I’ll be fine.
    Well it’ll be two weeks come Sunday and I still can’t walk for long or sit still let alone ride a bike.
    What a time for STW to get their doors kicked in.

    Free Member

    As I always say, your body is only there to break your fall.

    I feel for you. Just getting over a cold and havden’t felt right since Christmas. Lookig forward to a ride today.

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