this time round I'm going to wait for the 2nd gen, or at least til there is a price drop or two.
I can't see it being that much more than a larger iPhone to start with, but once devs start to understand what they can do with it I'm sure it'll be fc*king ace. Plus you know they'll have a couple of things kept secret that they can release in v2.0 or the next software release at the least.
Bloody Apple and their way of releasing something you never knew you needed, then educating you on what you've been missing out on all these years !!
Personally I'm more excited by the possibility of v4 of the iPhone software, which will probably include some\all of the fancy stuff that the new device will have (fingers crossed)
It 'could' be the start of a change in the way we interface with computers though. In recent years I can think of only the Nintendo DS\Wii which has managed to successfully do something like this, which resulted in opening up videogames to a whole new market\demographic. My son loves playing with my iPhone (3.5 years old) and can use my Mac with no problems other than the actual typing of webpages etc. Take the typing part out and a touch screen\voice command interface suddenly opens up the technology to a lot more people (disabled\elderly\young\ etc).
We're a way from minority report levels of tech, but this could be big change.
(total fanboy here, but trying to resist . . . .)