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  • Why am i excited about a gadget?
  • tails
    Free Member

    Apple new product. I probably won't even buy it, oh the shame i'm a apple fanboy. 😳

    Free Member

    Will they be on sale today? Do I need to start queueing? Somebody tell me please…

    Free Member

    It will change the world at 6pm today.

    Free Member

    I'd love it if they released something like a corkscrew or a saucepan.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Or an apple peeler…..

    Free Member

    The Fanbois would still buy it 🙂

    Free Member

    Maybe they're going to relaunch that stupid apple tv thing

    Free Member

    The hot money is on a tablet finally, if its not i suspect alot of people will be very disappointed.

    Free Member

    The only thing that would get me excited and actually part with cash would be a solid state music player that you could record and edit music on.
    Like minidiscs. Cos I can't part with my minidiscs until they come up with something like that.

    Free Member

    But the answer to the original question – "Why am I excited?"

    It's because you're a nerd 🙂

    Free Member

    Maybe they're going to relaunch that stupid apple tv thing

    What actually was that?

    tell you what they should do as A) lower their prices and B) make the macmini as powerful as the imac.

    Full Member

    so, is a 'tablet' PC like a laptop that doesn't fold?
    If so, great! Where do I get one? 🙄

    Free Member

    An A-5 version of the iPod touch would work brilliantly for the way I generally use my laptop at home, while being much less 'intrusive'.

    I wouldn't pay Apple prices for it though.

    Free Member

    If so, great! Where do I get one?

    I'm not entirely convinced either but it will no doubt be highly portable, more so than a laptop and better spec than a netbook.

    Free Member

    so, is a 'tablet' PC like a laptop that doesn't fold?

    It's like your laptop lid, with a touch screen.

    Free Member

    IMO there are 2 questions that should be asked of this product:

    1. Would you give up your home laptop for one of these?
    2. Would you want to carry this with you instead of (if it's got mobile capability) your current mobile phone or along with your current mobile phone.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it'll be very cool (I'm an iPhone owner and think it's a good piece of kit) but I don't see where they're going to sell in volume.

    Full Member

    Why am i excited about a gadget?

    No idea – but my work colleague is so exited about the release of Mass Effect 2 for the XBox this Friday that I think he might explode!!! He's talked about nothing else for weeks.

    Me – I'm exited about the new F1 car launches which start this week, and which many people would find veeeeery dull indeed!

    Free Member


    Functions and features:
    * OLED screen
    * solar pad for recharging on the back (the device is mainly battery-powered)
    * the tablet is running on an iPhone OS variation
    * it can run multiple apps at the same time
    * it has thumb pads on each side (for mouse gestures)
    * fingerprint verification (up to 5 profiles can be registered on one device)
    * HDTV tuner, a PVR and a chess game built-in
    back camera and front camera (quote: “u shoot what’s in front of you + yourself. Augmented video conferncing!”)
    * wireless keyboard + monitor connection for external monitors

    Availability and price:
    * the tablet will be offered by Verizon and ATT
    * it will cost $599, $699 or $799, depending on the screen size and internal memory

    It will be called the iJesus and come with the moon on a stick.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    where they're going to sell in volume

    fanboys, surely this will kill off the most pointless macbook air.

    Free Member

    "better spec than a netbook"

    Or (amongst other rumours) it could just be running iPhone software on a bigger screen. Lets hope you can have more than one application running then…..

    It'll only be a better spec than a netbook if Apple charge £800 for it. Then it'll become the must have item.

    Personally I hope it is just a massive iPhone so you have to look like Dom Joly when you take calls on it!

    Full Member

    do you have a manbag and dress metrosexually?
    If not why are you such an i-fan!

    Full Member

    So, looks likely to be locked to the itunes store for software then?

    Free Member

    So, looks likely to be locked to the itunes store for software then?

    One thing I'd read suggested this would be the case. It means Apple have control over software, so there shouldn't be issues when installing it. It's an appliance.

    Free Member

    this time round I'm going to wait for the 2nd gen, or at least til there is a price drop or two.

    I can't see it being that much more than a larger iPhone to start with, but once devs start to understand what they can do with it I'm sure it'll be fc*king ace. Plus you know they'll have a couple of things kept secret that they can release in v2.0 or the next software release at the least.

    Bloody Apple and their way of releasing something you never knew you needed, then educating you on what you've been missing out on all these years !!

    Personally I'm more excited by the possibility of v4 of the iPhone software, which will probably include some\all of the fancy stuff that the new device will have (fingers crossed)

    It 'could' be the start of a change in the way we interface with computers though. In recent years I can think of only the Nintendo DS\Wii which has managed to successfully do something like this, which resulted in opening up videogames to a whole new market\demographic. My son loves playing with my iPhone (3.5 years old) and can use my Mac with no problems other than the actual typing of webpages etc. Take the typing part out and a touch screen\voice command interface suddenly opens up the technology to a lot more people (disabled\elderly\young\ etc).

    We're a way from minority report levels of tech, but this could be big change.

    (total fanboy here, but trying to resist . . . .)

    Free Member

    vinnyeh – Member
    So, looks likely to be locked to the itunes store for software then?

    An apple product that isn't?

    Jeez, you Premier boys need to sharpen up!

    Full Member

    PVR would be an odd one to include- that would almost certainly permit/encourage file sharing.

    actually, why would the guy violate a non disclosure agreement, when he says Apple has given him one to 'do press' on? That would almost certainly mean he'd never never be trusted again by the industry.

    Full Member

    An apple product that isn't?

    my macbook doesn't seem to be. :D. Yet.

    Full Member

    I'm going to buy shares in Windolene – there's going to be a whole lot of screen cleaning going on if touch screens do take off!!!

    Free Member
    Full Member

    If it is basically just a big iPodTouch/iPhone then it will be excellent for "sitting in front of the telly"-style surfing. That's mainly what I use my iPhone for at the moment anyway.

    But I suspect there may be a little more to it than that, the announcement will also include details of iPhone OS4.0 which will presumably be used on the tablet too.

    Full Member

    fingerprint verification (up to 5 profiles can be registered on one device)

    Nah. Too passé. Use the front camera to do facial recognition instead. 😀

    Free Member

    Like minidiscs. Cos I can't part with my minidiscs until they come up with something like that.

    Actually found my mini-disc players in a recent clear-out of my study. One is a tiny Panasonic with what appears to be a kaput battery, however the Sony one (which can record etc.) still worked fine when re-charged. Quite impressive given the battery must be something like 10-12 years old.

    Free Member

    The most exciting thing for me is the way Apple will re-invent the publishing industry, followed by it's open source spin-off file formats. Paper's outdated.

    Full Member

    Paper's outdated.

    Paper has been outdated since the first palms. Been waiting for the publishing revolution with reasonably priced e-books for bloody years but still no sign of it. Have seen a few restricted format, overpriced stuff on sale before but currently the only reasonable way of me having a library full of books and a decent reading program in the palm of my hand is to search p2p for scanned stuff.

    Full Member

    Paper has been outdated since the first palms.

    Nah, okay for short stuff, but reading anything lengthy off a backlit screen is rubbish.
    It's only now that epaper is taking off that I think it has a good chance of making an impact.

    Free Member

    If the thing won't work with a stylus then I wouldn't be interested.
    Paper outdated? It's one of the few things left that doesn't need electricity!

    Free Member

    The humble sheet of paper, will never ever ever ever ever x infinity be out of date or go out of fashion. ever.

    Free Member

    There's loads of books available for windows mobile that you can just find lying about the internet.

    I have a netbook, it's perfect for my mobile computing needs, but if you could ditch the keyboard that would be cool too, and more power. Put a decent OS on it, ie not one thats been cripled by Apple's non-apple software paranoia and we could be onto a winner. No doubt if they came up with what I wanted I couldn't stomach the price, my Netbook was £200.

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