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  • What tube line for Wembley (Derby content)
  • Blackhound
    Full Member

    Just back from the game, what a night! Went in hope rather than expectation like everyone else. Best team won, but it should have been 2 or 3 leaving ManU to concentrate on the league.

    In response to bringing on Gary Teale Sir Alex brought on Ronaldo and Rooney but it made no difference.

    We can dream nice thoughts for 12 nights, though the 13th could be a nightmare…….

    Full Member

    Congratulations! It’s great to see giant killing, particularly when its the top teams like Man U, Man City etc. Is this a resurgence of decent football in the East Midlands with the results at the Rams and Forest, plus new managers at both?

    Phil (A Leeds fan – so we’ve had a fair few disasters in the past)

    Free Member

    Yes, Derby could’ve had another 2 near the end, but….

    You’re playing Man U. They had an off night. They can, as you well know, spank you 6-0 at Old Twatford.

    But good luck! Me and me mate (Liverpool and Arsenal) were cheering on Derby. Well played.

    Free Member

    Although I supported MU you guys were waaaaaay better. Could anybody explain to me what Kuszczak is doing there? Being a fellow country man means mowt when you’re not very good at all.

    Free Member

    BTW you want to check this:


    Free Member

    Hairychested; what a beautiful thing that is…

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