Home Forums Bike Forum What leg injuries have you had (caused by cycling)?

  • This topic has 42 replies, 27 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by Smee.
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  • What leg injuries have you had (caused by cycling)?
  • Smee
    Free Member

    How did it happen and how did you fix it?

    Just doing a wee bit of research.

    Free Member

    Area: knee
    Injury: graze
    Caused by: falling off
    Treatment: kissed better by your mum

    Free Member

    Howdie Brother.

    Full Member

    pes anserine bursitis of the knee. Sorted by seeing a physio.

    Full Member

    1" cut across calf down to muscle,
    Falling off and catching cable tie end,
    Glued, then glues again and steri-stripped after it went septic.

    Free Member

    This inside my ankle

    resulting in this pedal modification

    Free Member

    Forgot to say how I did them.

    Just riding along except for the ankle which was saving a young childs puppy from drowning.

    Free Member

    Still healing up from 6" long 1" wide gash on calf – caught on a random branch (of all things). 9 proper stitches, 9 paper ones.

    Free Member

    Has that got a SPuD cleat on the bottom, WCA?

    Full Member

    Sheldona got a bad knee strain from standing at the side of his bike like a sailorboy.

    Free Member

    4'' down to the bone gash to the right knee.
    happened at dalbeattie at 10.30am, bought a bottle of tcp in the village, applied in the park, and bandaged with my sock.
    proceded to ae to ride the route.
    drove home to wakefield arrived at 8pm, proceded to pinderfields hospital for knee scrubbing out and 16 stitches putting in.

    Free Member

    Knee, soft tissue damage. Performed a spontanious frontal arial dismount & twa**ed said knee on the ground. Thought I'd done something serious it hurt that much.

    Full Member

    caused by over zealous overtaking, took 10 months for the feeling to come back in the skin beneath my knee, lovely oozy scabs though (oh and a broken set of pace forks and a split and twisted Cove HJ frame)

    Free Member

    rd, bigger blisters on my tool after a vigorous session of rumpy pumpy……. 😉

    Full Member

    bigger blisters on my tool after a vigorous session…..

    Were you w4nking with the studed glove on again? 😉

    Free Member

    scuffed a pedal on the floor and ended up breaking my right ankle. Foot was pointing at 3'Oclock..


    Full Member

    rd, bigger blisters on my tool after a vigorous session of rumpy pumpy…….

    change your boyfriend's brand of lube?

    Free Member

    Iliotibial Band syndrome (itbs)
    Had it in both legs / knees after doing longer distance events than i'm used to. Recurrent flair ups, hope it's ok at Kirroughtree on Wednesday 😯

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    Free Member

    Attempting to bunnyhop, foot slipping off pedal, pins impacting to shin. 6 perfectly circular scars. M'edTFU.

    Free Member

    martymcfly – try stretching glutes – that should help.

    Free Member

    ruptured patella tendon

    car cut across my path when I was riding home(super fit triathlete at the time)

    Top sports surgeon flown from the big smoke to Leeds to operate , had to remove loads of rear passenger window glass from the 3" hole where my kneecap had been(now up on my thigh)and used a mixture of wire and disolving(that don't disolve but go manky inside you!!)stitches.

    spent the next 4 months backwards and forwards to the physio and really put myself through a lot of pain to get the 97% mobility I now have , had the wire removed from the tendon at 5 1/2 months and spent a further 3 weeks back on the sticks.

    It took me nearly 12 months after the accident before I would go near a road on a bike again and decided that I would only ride mtb's as if I get hurt it's likely to be my own fault.

    Give me broken bones any day , soft tissue damage sucks big time.

    Free Member

    Nobby Nik on my front wheel that folded over during hard cornering. Deposited me on to the ground and embedded the chain rings in to my calf. 3 days before skiing but fortunately didn't impact my holiday 🙂

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    Free Member

    **** owwww..!!

    Free Member

    jedi – what is hidden under that lot?

    Full Member

    had it all taken out now too 🙂

    Free Member

    Ever get any knee problems now – stiffness or pain etc?

    Full Member

    not really 🙂

    Full Member

    only lost 8 weeks riding in the 18months they said i cant ride 🙂

    Free Member

    Good man.

    Full Member

    4 weeks after having the metal and bone graft i was riding herts.then 4 weeks after having it all taken out too

    Full Member

    A slow speed tumble onto large root caused what turned into 'shrekfoot' (a haematoma) as my Mrs hh named it; thought it was nothing when I got into the car at the end of the ride, and then I got home an hour later…

    Free Member

    I tore my calf muscle playing rugby 6 weeks ago. Cycling caused it though I'm sure. Still not fixed but I can get 20 miles or so out of it without problems now. Running or jumping is out of the question though.
    Besides that I got a chainring gash in my right knee after a chain snap incident. Didn't bother with stitches but now wish I had as it's quite an ugly scar.

    Free Member

    Knee impacts into the ground and stem requiring layoffs
    The odd head impact into ground and once a tree!
    Broken toe on tree root
    Rib impact – bruising only
    Shoulder impact last weekend – not broken, but hurts. Going to see physio Monday.

    Free Member

    countless knee lacerations
    a haematoma in my calf that took 6 months' treatment to shift (ow!)
    a row of chainring punctures similar to above, which also resulted in a numb section on the side of my foot

    Free Member

    Got hit by car.

    Broke femur.

    2mths in hospital on traction.

    That WAS 25 years ago but my leg healed perfectly thanks to the use of a steimens pin and traction. No probs with it ever.

    Would not want to repeat that event tho'!

    Free Member

    Nothing of any significance – the worst was a 1 cm full thickness cut on my elbow with some underlying damage that caused a tiny bursa. steristripped the wound and MTFU – the bursa went in about a year

    Free Member

    Trying to show the youngsters how its done at Dixons Hollow, Dalby. Still had a hematoma like half a melon 4 weeks later. 2 Bust ribs to go with it.

    Free Member

    Worst one was a broken tib and fib in 1989 while riding home from work on a rigid spesh. going too fast and lost it coming off a footbridge over the river in Bedford. Very neatly folded my leg round a kerb.

    I always reckoned it broke where the traction pin went through from when I broke my femur

    Lots of cuts and bruises as well

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