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  • Watches! Can a Casio W59 be beaten?
  • hopefiendboy
    Full Member

    My trusty Casio w59 watch strap has decided to disintegrate again, on the third iteration of strap but the main watch just doesn’t give up!

    Are there any creditable alternatives out there or shall I just get a new strap for 3 quid?

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    Free Member

    You could come over all aspirational with a F91W

    I’ve just changed the battery in my G-2900 so I should be sorted for the next decade, maybe upgrade to a G shock? My strap is 11 years old, it’s been bashed to hell and back (survived an impact that broke my wrist) and chewed by the kids and is still intact.

    Full Member

    Time for an upgrade?

    Can’t beat the W86.

    Still has a crap strap, but the illumination is excellent.

    Occasionally I do think it’s just too much watch and the colours are controversial, but I’m worth it.

    Full Member

    do you guys not find that they aren’t very good at staying in time? the one W86 I have keeps speeding up and the last one (F91W) was always slow, or am I just unlucky? I’m debating whether to go mad and get a (battery) Seiko

    Free Member

    I’m a W96H man myself. I bought it as a stopwatch for reffing, but wear it all the time now. Chunky old G-Shock doesn’t get a look in.

    am I just unlucky?

    Yep, must be – I thought one of the points of these cheap Casios was that they were so accurate. S’why they’re the terrorwrist watch of choice (see what I did there)


    Full Member

    At last, a proper watch thread.

    F-91W for the win. Think my last one costs £4 about six years ago.

    Free Member

    new strap for 3 quid?

    I think I’ve found the issue. Try a strap that costs £10! Watch Gecko has loads at cheap prices.

    This is my favourite Casio:

    The AE1200-WH

    Free Member

    The AE1200-WH

    £35! For a WATCH! You must be made of money! 😀

    Free Member

    Douglas Adams was right.

    Free Member

    I bought my 8-year old a Casio databank like this for Christmas as it was the watch I used to circle every year in the pre-Christmas Argos catalogue 🙁

    I now ‘borrow’ it at every opportunity.

    Free Member

    £35! For a WATCH! You must be made of money!

    Yup, that’s right – German car on the drive, two bedrooms for ‘guests’, a Bluetooth speaker system that never works and a Casio AE-1200-WH on the wrist 😉

    Free Member

    Pffft, Timex FTW. More comfortable and easier to operate and read than your Casio products.

    I’m rocking a simple Marathon at the moment.

    Thoroughly recommend an Iron Man if you haven’t had one. Simplest to operate, feature rich watch (5+2 alarms etc) that I have ever had. Rare in a reasonable colour….

    Of course, if you want uber rugged, go for the Expedition version.

    Free Member

    These days a watch is nothing but jewellery.

    Digital watches are Elizabeth Duke.

    Full Member

    <div class=”bbp-reply-content”>

    “Pffft, Timex FTW. More comfortable and easier to operate”

    Easier to operate? I thought we all had the button presses for F91Ws hardwritten into our souls from childhood.


    Free Member

    do you guys not find that they aren’t very good at staying in time? the one W86 I have keeps speeding up and the last one (F91W) was always slow, or am I just unlucky? I’m debating whether to go mad and get a (battery) Seiko

    Mine is always about ten minutes out.

    Free Member

    That Timex Iron Man is £50! Rappers only!

    Free Member

    Does anyone know of a watch with Chronograph, that beeps when the stop watch is paused? I’d buy that right now.

    Free Member

    Mine is always about ten minutes out.

    Shirley if it’s consistently 10 mins out, that’s user error?

    Free Member

    Ha, you’d think! I adjust it every so often and then it speeds up. Not sure whether it ever gets more than 10 fast or whether that’s when I always adjust it. It feels like it’s always ten fast, though.

    Free Member

    Well thanks Plyphon.

    My wrist is now adorned by a CasioAE1200-WH. Grrrr.

    £29 I won’t see again.

    Free Member

    W96H man myself. Got 3 other watches but the Casio is the only one with a snooze alarm…

    Free Member

    I quite like the MW240-1BVEF which can be had for £14.

    Full Member

    These days a watch is nothing but jewellery.

    Only to some people. To others, a watch is what you use as a convenient way of seeing what the time is, without all the fannying around dragging a phone out of a pocket, getting it the right way round, then waking it up, a process that takes at least three times longer than looking at something strapped to a wrist.

    As qwerty says, I’ve got one of those analogue Casios that I bought my step-dad, I’ve modded it to take  matching orange ZULU strap, and it’s remarkably accurate, far more so than my £650 Seiko SPORK!

    Free Member

    These days a watch is nothing but jewellery

    No, it’s a way of telling time, an alarm and occasional stopwatch.

    Free Member

    NATO strap:

    Free Member

    ^^^ looks like my wrist in 1983. 😂

    Full Member

    My F91W is resplendent in a freebie MBUK velcro strap from about 1995, switched over from the Animal W01 when it died. Just used when it needs to go over a wetsuit or raincoat now, my daily digital is whatever the cheapest ($36 ish) G shock is available in Walmart when the last one gets too battered or the illuminator light gives up.

    Free Member

    @dezB the 96 is a great watch;

    nice big display

    astonishing battery life



    too many alarms (5!)

    too easy to switch from 12 to 24hr format

    strap costs nearly as much to replace as the watch itself. When that happens I just attach the watch body to the fridge/ splashback.

    worth a mention are the ‘wave-ceptor’ models that chart the moon/tides. I think I’ve got one somewhere that’s solar powered.

    Full Member

    Dammit. Really don’t need another watch, yet seem to have found myself with a AE-1200WHD on my wrist 😀

    Free Member

    I’ve got a w96H too. Cheap and cheerful and indestructible!

    Free Member

    Well cheers plyphon, one (AE-1200WHD) I hadn’t seen before and soon to be purchased 😁

    Where was cheapest twonks??

    Full Member

    Paid £36 from Amazon as it was next day dly with prime. Plastic one was £30 iirc.

    Full Member

    I was watching an episode of The Sopranos t’other day.  One of the cops doing a wire tap on Tony was wearing a Timex indiglo,  I’d forgotten how much I wanted one if those when they came out!!  Still readily available


    Full Member

    well this thread just cost me £18!! as this just arrived

    Free Member

    Despite the Bin Laden cache that the F-91 has I think the F-108 looks a lot better, especially in the flesh.  Basically the same watch but in a slightly chunkier case without going all G-Shock.  c. £15 delivered, different colours, what’s not to like.

    F-108 watch on Amazon

    Free Member

    Great work, chaps. I still need to get myself one, but I plan to make one my beater watch.

    If you fancy taking a Stanley knife to some leather, you can mod them like so:

    Free Member

    I’m all about the W-735H-1AVEF due to the vibration alarm and countdown timer.

    Means I can time the subsitutions for the boys football team I coach without taking my eye off the game.

    Full Member

    Not a Casio, but this thread has inspired me to order one of these…

    Full Member

    W96 is a tenner at Argos http://www.argos.co.uk/product/2517883

    And gshock http://www.argos.co.uk/product/4613321


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