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    Free Member

    “Good luck to Keir Starmer, he has some little shoes to fill.”

    If this election had happened in 2022, he would have had some big colourful shoes to fill

    Free Member

    Super happy today. The acceptance speech was the icing on the cake.

    One thing Starmer needs to do immediately is open up all the No. 10 closets to look for the skeletons, set up commissions to see where it went wrong with the Tories, dig up the buried reports, and fully enact Leverson. What they (the previous government) have been able to get away with should never, ever be allowed to happen again.

    Drain the swamp indeed.

    Full Member

    DUP had a bad night too.

    Such a shame.

    Full Member

    I’ve got my money on Braverman. Literally, at 9/1

    I got 11/1 for her the other day :D

    Full Member

    Tugendhat like Hunt is probably too moderate for where the Tories are right now. What happens with the Tories will depend on what happens with Reform and what happens with reform will depend on immigration and what happens on immigration might come down to what happens in France.

    If immigration becomes a non-issue, the Conservatives will move to the centre, if not, they’ll likely stay to the right.

    Full Member

    That Johnathan Pie “Thank You” vid a page or two back…..

    I’m not much of a facebook user/poster and don’t think I’ve posted anything political since Brexit. But thought it mild enough and jolly enough I posted it earlier…..I’ve now got 4 less Facebook friends than I had this morning – and I’ve only got a couple of hundred!

    So I’d recommend it – want to flush out a bitter tory today hiding in your friends list – excellent bleach.

    Full Member

    If immigration becomes a non-issue, the Conservatives will move to the centre, if not, they’ll likely stay to the right.

    Why …… didn’t the Tories lose considerably more seats to the LibDems than they did to Reform UK?

    It would be daft for the Tories to let Nigel Farage call the tune when it is the Liberal Democrats that they need to win the most seats back from.

    Full Member

    social care
    left behind areas, closed down high streets

    The beauty of it is that if these (above) are funded correctly this


    becomes unimportant and more migrants will be required for items 3 & 4.

    Free Member

    So I’d recommend it – want to flush out a bitter tory today hiding in your friends list – excellent bleach.

    An non invasive enema for Tories

    Full Member

    Yes, but they lost those seats as reform took their vote share. On average, they didn’t lose as much vote share to the LD as they did to reform. If Reform weren’y plundering their votes from the right, the Conservatives would have almost free reign and could campaign in the centre, thus attracting LD votes.

    Free Member

    “I didn’t find the speech inspiring at all. Nothing about what he will change, just politics is moving back to serving the public.”

    So you’d prefer what we’ve had recently then, where it wasn’t serving the people – each to their own…

    Full Member

    One thing Starmer needs to do immediately is open up all the No. 10 closets to look for the skeletons, set up commissions to see where it went wrong with the Tories, dig up the buried reports, and fully enact Leverson.

    – I’d heard that one of the first thing Starmer intends to do is re-establish a geuine ministerial code and proper independent democratic oversight of the political process, all of which has been so completely trashed under the casual constitutional vandalism of Boris Johnson. Apparently its all ready to go.

    Given the huge majority I suspect any Labour MP who isn’t squeaky clean will find the whip withdrawn pretty sharpish. If Starmer wants to achieve anything (which he clearly does) then establishing trust with voters after the completely normalised corruption and cronyism of the last 14 years is critical! The country is crying out for proper governance by competent people who take their public duty seriously

    Full Member

    “DUP had a bad night too.

    Such a shame.”

    Good night for SF too.

    Full Member

    “I think Kier Starmer’s been a rubbish PM so far. He’s done nothing to cut costs for hardworking families, done nothing for Palestine, and done nothing on climate change. What was the point? I’m voting Reform next time.”

    Youre joking but genuine conversation with my mum last weekend (shes voted brexit & tory the last 3 elections)

    ‘Ill give Labour 6 months and if they cant fix things thats it’

    I pointed out that the Tories have been in for 14 years and everything has got much much worse, but I wasnt going to push it as the fact that she’d abandoned the Tories was good enough for me

    Full Member

    I’d heard that one of the first thing Starmer intends to do is re-establish a geuine ministerial code and proper independent democratic oversight of the political process

    Aka Tice’s and Nigel’s worst nightmare.

    Full Member

    The UK is an outlier now in a western world drifting further and further right. I really hope the new Labour govt are going to be strong enough to fend off the coming storm.

    It’s this sort of hubris that will enable the far right (Reform) . The UK isn’t an outlier, it’s on exactly the same path as France et al, just a little bit behind. Starmer has time to prevent it, but he’s going to need to be a lot stronger and more ambitious on addressing inequality, rejecting the language and politics of blaming immigrants, drop the nonsense about secure borders, stop blaming minorities, and start aggressively making the case and introducing policy to create a progressive and inclusive country.

    He won’t though, instead he’ll concede more ground to Farage by jumping on the anti-immigration bandwagon and joining in with the war on woke nonsense like every centrist idiot before him has done across Europe. You don’t beat fascists by agreeing with them, and yet that’s exactly what centrists always do.

    Full Member

    Good night for SF too.

    Is it still too much to hope for that they actually start behaving like grown ups and actually take their seats at Westminster. Otherwise any electoral gains are completely and utterly pointless

    Full Member

    I didn’t find the speech inspiring at all. Nothing about what he will change, just politics is moving back to serving the public.

    Many “inspiring” speeches were given by Johnson… backed up by bugger all actual work done.

    Serving the public, that’s all I needed to hear.

    Full Member

    He won’t though, instead he’ll concede more ground to Farage by jumping on the anti-immigration bandwagon and joining in with the war on woke nonsense like every centrist idiot before him has done across Europe. You don’t beat fascists by agreeing with them, and yet that’s exactly what centrists always do.

    I bet that sounded great in the common room! :D

    Free Member

    I think Kier Starmer’s been a rubbish PM so far. He’s done nothing to cut costs for hardworking families, done nothing for Palestine, and done nothing on climate change. What was the point? I’m voting Reform next time.

    Too early to determine whether he is a capable PM.

    Everyone should be given the chance to prove themselves, what’s the hurry?

    In the meantime I am monitoring the petrol price and if it does not come down I know nothing change.

    Full Member

    “Is it still too much to hope for that they actually start behaving like grown ups and actually take their seats at Westminster. Otherwise any electoral gains are completely and utterly pointless”

    Abstentionism is a fundamental of republicanism, the first female MP ever elected to Westminster stood on a platform of abstentionism, so there’s little chance of a reversal. The idea of not being grown ups kind of illustrates how little british people understand about Irish politics, imo.

    Free Member

    ‘Serving the public’ sounds pretty good to me.

    Full Member

    I bet that sounded great in the common room!

    That’s exactly what’s happening across Europe. We’re about one and a half parliamentary terms away from where France are right now. But yeah, lets carry on blaming immigrants and minorities and ignoring the real problem.

    Free Member

    ‘Ill give Labour 6 months and if they cant fix things thats it’

    In the big company I work for, you can’t even move a desk from side of the office to the other in six months.

    The UK isn’t an outlier, it’s on exactly the same path as France et al, just a little bit behind.

    Or possibly a little bit ahead. Hopefully we are coming out of the populist U-bend, having seen that it doesn’t work.

    The beauty of it is that if these (above) are funded correctly this…immigration…becomes unimportant

    This is magical thinking. It will never become unimportant that the UK and French governments allow organised crime groups to land 400 people a week without controls. It will never be sensible for the solution to low paid, low productivity jobs being enabling employers to do more of the same through more immigration. It will never be possible to build our way out of a housing crisis if the population  is growing half a million per annum.

    Immigration isn’t going away as an issue based on economic growth or increased government spending or nicer vibes.

    Free Member

    Serving the public’ sounds pretty good to me.

    Standard statement from all politicians, nothing new.  That’s their job.

    If PM Starmer can get the petrol price down, he is heading in the right direction.

    Full Member

    Is it still too much to hope for that they actually start behaving like grown ups and actually take their seats at Westminster.

    And that Bobby Sands – why didn’t he just get a proper meal in him?

    Full Member

    Standard statement from all politicians, nothing new. That’s their job.

    Yet ignored for the last decade.

    It needed to be said and it needs to be done.

    He is aware of voter disillusion, mostly due to the Tory shit storm that threw muck over all politicians irrelevant of their party.

    Full Member

    So it turns out that Labour got half a million less votes yesterday than they got in the disastrous 2019 general election.

    And only 2% more votes.

    That’s a very sobering thought ?

    Thank **** for first-past-the-post, eh?

    I hope it works as well next general election otherwise we might be fecked.

    Full Member

    That’s exactly what’s happening across Europe. We’re about one and a half parliamentary terms away from where France are right now. But yeah, lets carry on blaming immigrants and minorities and ignoring the real problem.

    The counter argument to that is that after the utter shitshow of Brexit, where right wing populists promised the earth then delivered a 4% drop in GDP and years of chaos instead, last nights result – the ejection of a right wing rabble and only 4 seats for reform – show that the a majority of the UK electorate has had quite enough of that nonsense, thank you very much.

    They’ve elected a governent of ‘centrist fundamentalists’ with a whacking great majority after all?

    Thank christ!!!

    Full Member

    Has the Russian Embassy moved to Clacton yet?

    No, but his handlers can just row ashore from where the sub drops them off.

    Free Member

    Apparently shares are doing rather well today for house builders

    lets wait and see how long it is before scandal comes out of greasy £5 notes being passed starmers way,

    Say goodbye to your local green belt :-)

    Full Member

    Say goodbye to your local green belt

    Again, not according to their manifesto. Are there no chips on another forum you want to go piss on?

    Full Member

    So it turns out that Labour got half a million less votes yesterday than they got in the disastrous 2019 general election.

    And only 2% more votes.

    They got less votes AND more votes? Pretty impressive!

    Free Member

    Standard statement from all politicians, nothing new.

    And something none of those you’ve supported have ever achieved – still not accepted that you’re the outlier?

    Full Member

    Say goodbye to your local green belt ?

    It’s never really been about that, it’s about nimbyism. A vocal group around here are campaigning against an estate being built, though they all live on land that used to be orchards and arable.

    I don’t see them demanding their houses are compulsorily purchased and knocked down to rewild their area…

    “I’m alright Jack.”

    Full Member

    Thank **** for first-past-the-post, eh?

    Don’t be daft, we need to be giving Farage 100 MPs because you know, we must be fair to racists and fascists. :-/

    Full Member

    They got less votes AND more votes? Pretty impressive!

    % is used for the voting share. So yes both make sense.

    Its, probably, lucky reform ate away a lot of the tory vote (assuming what happened does match what appears to happen eg all their voters switching across).

    I say probably because now farage will feel emboldened.

    Free Member

    the ejection of a right wing rabble and only 4 seats for reform – show that the a majority of the UK electorate has had quite enough of that nonsense, thank you very much.

    The reason they only got 4 seats is FPTP. They got a shit-ton of actual votes.

    Free Member

    And something none of those you’ve supported have ever achieved – still not accepted that you’re the outlier?

    I don’t know what they have achieved really.  Never keep track of their achievement apart from using the petrol price to keep track of their progress, Can’t get the petrol price down?  No achievement in my view. LOL!

    Outlier? LOL!  I can support both Corbyn and Farage at the same time.

    Free Member

    80% of eligible voters didn’t vote for Labour.

    Democracy in name only.

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