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  • UK Election!
  • fatmountain
    Free Member

    What is remarkable to me is that I was 14 when the last Labour gov. was elected after years of Tory corruption and incompetence. Back then, there seemed a real sense of optimism.

    Now, at 40 (!), it’s remarkable in the office today how few people seem to actually care. The overarching feeling seems to be relief that the Tories have finally been booted out of office rather than any sense of hope.

    As a side note, the Tories still won almost 7 million votes, who the **** are these people that vote Tory after the last fourteen years? It’s truly astonishing.

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    Quick off the mark!

    Full Member


    Really? I don’t think so.

    Look at the Reform/Tory vote percentages from the Poll Tracker. Reform took around 2-3% from the Tories from the point at which Farage declared, Labour lost more, but the LD and Greens saw a spike, so that’s less clear, but Reform were polling at 6-8% beforehand and went on to take 14-15%. Farage managed to drag 7% from a 3% swing.

    Free Member

    “Sweep stake for when Rishi steps down? Can I have this Sunday? I’m assuming his wife and kids are already on the private jet to Cali, with Rishi to follow.”

    My prediction for a while now is that he’ll be the first Non-Dom MP

    Full Member

    “In seat after seat most of the Tory % reduction was mirrored in a Reform increase. Looks very much like Reform’s vote is primarily right wing Tories unhappy with the party after Johnson and Truss got kicked out.”

    Yougov did analysis of this at xmas back then reform vote was about half what it is now, at the time only 1/3rd of the Refuk vote would or had ever vote tory, even if you assume that all the voters theyve added since then are disgruntled Tory voters theyre still not 100% natural Tories

    Full Member

    Can anyone tell me if Truss did give a speech or not, if she did a linky please, thanks!

    Full Member

    Truss looked like she wasnt turning up, they waited about 10 minutes, she eventually did, she just gawped like a gold fish then slunk off

    But Ross Atkins from the BBC grabbed her for an interview as she left

    Full Member

    All in all, a good result, Labour have a majority, the lib dems are back to where they should be operating, the tories and reform taking chunks out each other, it’s pretty much a one off election and i doubt it’ll be similar in 5 years time, so lots of work for labour to do.

    Now on to the hard work, actually governing, hopefully they’ll be given time, as it’ll take 2 years just to bed in what they’re plans are, that’s without any disasters striking, again, hopefully folk give them more than the 3 hours they got from the usual suspects on here ?

    Full Member

    Can anyone tell me if Truss did give a speech or not, if she did a linky please, thanks!

    The election rule is that only the winner gets to make a speech (thank God!). However, look at the gormless pillock here, standing like a sort of robot on standby. No emotion, no flicker of humanity behind her stupid eyes.

    Free Member

    They’ll try to appeal to Reform – and unlike UKIP, Reform actually have high profile MPs now. Farage is going to be unbelievably dangerous and generally awful all round.

    Reform will have about an eighth of the seats that the SNP had in the last parliament. The Tories found it pretty easy to ignore the SNP then. Labour can do the same now. Spending the next five years worrying about the party that’s going to spend the whole time infighting and shit-stirring would be a monumental mistake.

    Free Member

    In the future when I encounter someone I believe to be monumentally intellectually challenged I shall be asking the question, “Are you from Clacton?”

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Thanks mate!

    Full Member

    I’m very glad to see the Greens and Libdems have done so well last night too.

    Full Member

    I’m actually quite comfortable about the Reform result.

    They didn’t win loads of seats, but they did win enough that Farage will have 3 other egotistical grifters expecting a slice of the pie and the limelight.

    Since Reform is basically ‘Big Nige PLC’ there’s nowhere for an ambitious party MP to go.

    So I fully expect a massive bust up and at least 1 resignation or defection by the end of the parliament.

    Full Member

    The election rule is that only the winner gets to make a speech (thank God!).

    Don’t think it is. Pretty sure the outgoing MP gets (or indeed is expected to) give a speech if they stood and lost.

    Shapps gave a very (very) long one.

    She elected not to, and then walk away from the BBC interview too.

    Free Member

    I really do feel better today. Regardless of political alignment, the Tories really were doing bloody nothing whilst the country got agonisingly shitter and shitter. Hopefully, that can start to change.

    Full Member

    > The election rule is that only the winner gets to make a speech (thank God!).

    Quite a few outgoing Conservatives have given quite thoughtful speeches, e.g. member for Swindon.

    Free Member

    Now on to the hard work, actually governing, hopefully they’ll be given time, as it’ll take 2 years just to bed in what they’re plans are, that’s without any disasters striking, again, hopefully folk give them more than the 3 hours they got from the usual suspects on here ?

    I would like to think there’s an element of “natural party of government” as the Tory’s put it.

    If they can make a difference in 5 years and not have any major issues then the argument for a protest vote starts to subside.  The trouble for Labour the last  14 years is that they’ve been battling against the press and not cutting through.   If your policies can be seen to be working in the real world then it doesn’t matter what the Daily Mail says, you’ll look like a good choice to be government.

    Full Member

    The Swindon winner and loser were both pretty gracious to each other and spoke after they left the stage.

    Full Member

    > However, look at the gormless pillock here, standing like a sort of robot on standby. No emotion, no flicker of humanity behind her stupid eyes.

    British politics will be a lot better off without her. She’s really got a screw loose.

    BTW, what happened to the edit buttons?

    Free Member

    The last nail in the coffin for this country will be a Labour government…To coin a phrase from a popular sitcom: We’re doomed.

    It’s been about 40 years since Dad’s Army was popular. But to be fair your stereotype of the Labour Party is about 40 years out of date too. You’re the last person alive that thinks the Labour Party is socialist!

    Full Member

    rather than any sense of hope


    I’m still holding hope that, now they are in, and comfortably in, they will enact a bunch of goodness for everyone.

    No idea how to post x/twitter posts do they show like other clever folks on here (shrug emoji as emojis not working either)

    Free Member

    I think [Farage]’d rather have come a close second, bragged about how well he’d done then scuttled off to America to get whatever scraps the orange oaf throws his way.

    Trump is not a great friend of Farage, Trump is not going to give Farage anything for free, Farage does not have any influence in the US, and Farage is not making tons of money in the US. All of these things are myths spread by Farage himself. It is total bullshit. He is an ugly-toothed, incomprehensible no-one in US politics.

    why really does a Welsh-only party…have any real business campaigning based on UK foreign policy when practically, they will be completely unable to affect it?

    Because Welsh voters that agree with PC’s position are entitled to representation, because opposition MPs play a strong role in scrutiny and committees (not just votes), and because foreign policy in particular throws up dilemmas that aren’t neatly divisible along ideological lines. That’s exactly when cross-party or conscience votes are possible.

    The whole point of devolved nations sending MPs to Westminster is to influence reserved matters like foreign policy!

    Full Member

    Since Reform is basically ‘Big Nige PLC’ there’s nowhere for an ambitious party MP to go.

    So I fully expect a massive bust up and at least 1 resignation or defection by the end of the parliament.

    I can see the first by-election being within months as either footage comes to light of a Reform MP goose-stepping in a Nazi uniform or burning a Palestinian flag, or Nige tires of the tedious reality of being an actual MP and calls it a day to go and suck up to Trump instead

    Like Boris, he’s a campaigner only and is inherently feckless and lazy. He wants the adoration and applause, to stand in front of a crowd of placard-waving halfwits. He’s zero interest in the bit that comes next, which may actually require him to do some work

    Full Member

    “However, look at the gormless pillock here, standing like a sort of robot on standby”

    I thought they told the candidates immediately prior to the declaration. Son’t want any medical emergencies on stage. She therefore knew she had lost, probably asked for a recount given the closeness.

    Full Member

    @intheborders We had an attorney general who spent most of his time in the Bahamas. Geoffrey Robinson maybe?

    Free Member

    “as it’ll take 2 years just to bed in what they’re plans are”

    Don’t you need plans first before you can bed them in?

    Full Member

    watching live on Sky news, he’s just driven the wrong way round a roundabout. Typical, thinking they’re above the law.

    Full Member

    So I fully expect a massive bust up and at least 1 resignation or defection by the end of the parliament.

    30p got form

    Free Member

    I think [Farage]’d rather have come a close second, bragged about how well he’d done then scuttled off to America to get whatever scraps the orange oaf throws his way.

    There’s nothing to compel him to turn up at all anyway, other than to stroke his own ego and posture to his electorate.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    BTW, what happened to the edit buttons?

    This came up last night mate, you need to go into settings and turn on the fancy editor I believe.?

    Full Member

    Reform will have about an eighth of the seats that the SNP had in the last parliament.

    Reform UK will have one MP less than the pro-Palestine independent MPs, which is nice.

    Nigel Farage I suspect considers them to be “Islamists” who don’t share our British Christian values, which is also nice if adds some humiliation to that fact.

    Edit: “Reform UK beaten by Islamists in a UK general election” I like the sound of that headline. I know a few people that it would really wind up

    And I believe that winning seats is all that counts?

    Free Member

    So the Reform cabal is Farage, Tice, Anderson…..three huge egos, Anderson is a genuine simpleton and I believe Rice and Farage have properly fallen out. Then I don’t know much about the fourth guy. I might be wrong, but I can’t see a harmonious time. They’ll all be on GB News the vast majority of the time anyway!

    I expect Farage is already on the phone with Priti Patel over him joining the Tories at some point.

    Free Member

    Since Reform is basically ‘Big Nige PLC’ there’s nowhere for an ambitious party MP to go.

    I think if I were a Reform MP, I’d be looking for the first opportunity to stab Farage in the back and then run across to the Tory party. They’re wrecked today but they still have a bunch of institutional machinery and knowledge in the business of getting re-elected.

    Full Member

    Labour in government, Labour in government.

    I still can’t really get it into my head.

    Just to think we have a government that will actually be doing stuff and not constantly pushing the constant culture war shite .That alone gives me cheer.

    Full Member

    As for the few losers’ speeches I heard, they were – generally – gracious and considered.

    On a different subject, I’ve just been looking at the results in Lincolnshire; it must be the racist centre of the UK.

    Changing subject again, my constituency – Newark – was retained by jenrick and I’m beginning to think that, after a suitable period of reflection/introspection, there should be a deep dive to establish whether or not Labour really/fully understood the constituency dynamics. It’s a very white constituency and, based on my campaigning activities, there is a surprisingly high level of racism underneath a thin veneer of ‘middle class repectability’.

    Full Member

    Have any other former PMs lost their seat at the next available election?

    Full Member

    Trump is not a great friend of Farage, Trump is not going to give Farage anything for free,

    True, but whilst Trump himself wouldn’t piss in Nige’s ear if his brain was on fire, there’s a fairly lucrative potential future for him as a conservative talking head on Fox News and the like.

    Full Member

    That Liz Truss video? Dear god! She really is a bungalow, isn’t she? Absolutely nothing going on upstairs!

    it’s the most damning indictment of the Tories possible that they made that walking vacuum PM

    Free Member

    watching live on Sky news, he’s just driven the wrong way round a roundabout. Typical, thinking they’re above the law.

    I think Kier Starmer’s been a rubbish PM so far. He’s done nothing to cut costs for hardworking families, done nothing for Palestine, and done nothing on climate change. What was the point? I’m voting Reform next time.

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