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  • UK Election!
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    Full Member

    @ThePinkster also massively disappointed, I’ve had no campaign material or any sight of Aphra whoever they might be, I held my nose and voted for the labour candidate who lives in north Manchester instead of in the constituency (instead of my preference of greens) and it was a waste of time ?

    Full Member

    Jess Phillips looking like she’s been up all night… again… definitely the MP you’d most like to chat to down the pub… and still an MP (thankfully).

    Full Member

    I’m feeling pleasingly smug about having the Lib Dem sign outside my house now. Not that I contributed anything else (apart from my vote), but they were absolutely on it round here (Harpenden and Berkhamsted).

    Free Member

    A thousand times no paisley

    You **** said it!

    Full Member

    Havant , my constituency, voted to retain the conservative Mr Alan Mak .
    He’s a standard , out the box Tory MP. Doesn’t live locally , we never see him , he lies about achievement he’s been involved in , when his involvement totalled receiving a letter.
    He voted for more pollution in the sea, as a coastal area this is a big issue.
    It’s the gammon crusties voting to keep their triple lock pension in place. Keep out the foreigner as they take all the free houses and get free teles .
    Still , he scraped in by .2% , or about 90 votes. Which forced a recount, but theres been massive swing towards labour.

    Full Member

    Who was Jess Phillips aiming at with the comments about the campaign? I know the Gaza situation was going to be difficult but wasn’t aware it had been nasty. That’s a shame, by its nature politics has to be argumentative and confrontational; thankfully (and we aren’t quite done yet) violence or worse has been absent this time.

    Full Member

    Phillips gets it from all directions. She made it clear that it wasn’t her constituents involved. She’s probably been a target for people outside the seat to cause trouble.

    Full Member

    correct, so must have been candidates and/or their agents and supporters.

    Full Member

    “Havant , my constituency, voted to retain the conservative Mr Alan Mak .”

    Same constituency as me, I am heartened that Labour gained so much of the vote share and overtook the Lib Dem’s as second place, for the first time in years. For once I felt able to vote with my heart rather than tactically, although the result didn’t change it was much closer than I ever thought it could have been.

    Full Member

    must have been candidates and/or their agents and supporters

    Galloway’s people this time.

    Glad he’s lost his seat in Rochdale.

    Full Member

    Been asleep, who won?

    Full Member

    Not the tories, which is first job done.

    Free Member

    Yes ! Absolutely smashed the **** !
    Historical. 100 years of Tory overturned. Thank you S on A you beauties !


    Full Member

    Cons won here but libdem came a good 2nd, which should give them a bit of a following wind in 2029 and I can at least take heart that Reform were a distant 4th here.

    Full Member

    Libs have taken Epsom. Brilliant.
    All down to my leafleting of course!

    Free Member

    Liz Truss makes a bold first step in her political career…

    she says she needs “a bit of time” to think.

    Free Member

    Looks like Reform have got not far off the same number of votes UKIP achieved in 2015.

    Free Member

    In our constituency – Surrey Heath – the Lib Dems – took the previously secure Tory seat. This would have been Gove’s seat if he hadn’t decided not to stand. A bit of tactical voting produced a good result.

    Free Member

    LOL at Tim Farron

    Full Member

    Thanks Johnny/Tim… made me laugh.

    Full Member

    No change in the King’s constituency. Another safe win for a new Conservative to replace absent Adam. Labour were second but not close (14% majority). Reform were fourth. Oh dear, how sad.

    Full Member

    Didn’t realise Mercer had lost as well.

    What a shame.

    Free Member


    Lists the previous 100 years largest majorities for anyone curious.

    1924 — Tory majority of 209

    Full Member

    Lucy Fraiser gone ?

    Full Member

    Steve Baker being relatively graceless as ever.

    Full Member

    Local result… Josh (Labour) is not only our MP (at last), but with a 9K majority… didn’t see that kind of win coming here… ever.

    Full Member

    I didn’t vote for the first time! Putting Funkette to bed and fell asleep reading to her. Glad the **** Tories are out.

    Full Member

    Labour win here which is a historical win, I’ve never known them hold the area.

    Full Member

    Cons held my seat of South Shropshire but with a massively reduced majority. Down from something like 22,000 to around 1600. The LDs were hot on their heels. I wasted my tactical vote punting on Labour, they were fourth behind Reform! The tactical voting sites had it too close to call between Labour and LDs based on previous results.

    Still, the world is feeling a whole lot brighter this morning!

    Full Member

    “Looks like Reform have got not far off the same number of votes UKIP achieved in 2015.”

    If they stay below 6 MPs they dont get Short Money from the taxpayer, and considering they are limited company 53% owned by frog face, they shouldn’t

    Full Member

    V relieved! My (proxy) vote went to Josh and I am sure he’ll work hard for Calderdale. I couldn’t stay up all night so I’ve been reading this as catch up live feed from France. Thanks all… hope you’ve survived the merlot and cheese intake.

    Full Member

    Really pleased for Josh FG winning calderdale, it’s always felt wrong that the place of my birth would vote in absolute shits like Craig Whitaker.

    Full Member

    Well done Calder Valley, Labour take from Conservative. Sadly though, that is largely by virtue of people voting for Reform instead of Conservative. Only a 2% vote increase for Labour, 15.4% increase for Reform. Most of those Reform votes will have come from the area I live in too I’m sure, Craig Whittaker was very popular here. ?

    Full Member

    For the first time in over fifty years, I’m not in a Conservative seat, it’s amazing! St Neots and Mid Cambs.

    And my eldest son who was also in the bluest of blue seats is also now LibDem (Ely).

    It is historic.

    Full Member

    “Lucy Fraiser gone ?”
    Yes, my tactical voting worked. 32% change to get LD in.

    Full Member

    From twitter

    My favourite Tory defeats so far:

    Michael Fabricant, the larval form of David Dickinson

    Jacob Rees-Mogg, a haunted dildo with the moral depth of a graphene scorpion

    Penny Mordaunt off Battlestar Galactica, who now has to return to her day job of Not Being In The Royal Navy

    Free Member

    FFS, tories won by 20 votes. Only 55% turnout as well

    Full Member

    Sadly though, that is largely by virtue of people voting for Reform instead of Conservative. Only a 2% vote increase for Labour, 15.4% increase for Reform.

    You say that… but look at the votes for LibDem and Green candidates… they took 12.7% between them… the right are just having to face what the rest of have known in politics for decades, a failure to get behind one candidate under FPTP can let others through. And a lot of past Tory voters might have just not voted at all. Getting your vote out is key, and the Conservatives have been great at that in the past with the “fear of Labour” approach… that doesn’t look to have worked this time… although they pushed it hard in the last week.

    Full Member

    > Lucy Fraiser gone ?

    Oh yes! About time too. She was my MP for years until they moved the boundary.

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