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  • UK Election!
  • welshfarmer
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    Yep. Just had 2 cheese sandwiches a coffee and some pretzels

    Full Member

    looks like the exit poll is well off with the no seats for reform…..

    That’s because the exit polls were mainly in Labour/Conservative seats.

    Free Member

    Ed Davey of the Lib Dems saying a lot of the simple words about health and care that I wish I had heard more from Labour. His campaign choices seem to have really paid off.

    Free Member

    So….Gullis is the one I’m really looking forward to. Can’t wait to see his face.

    Shapps will be fun. Hopefully Rees-Mogg too.

    Full Member

    It is still an extremely good night for them

    We’re going to have to endure old toady gloating tomorrow, aren’t we? Probably a price worth paying for the decimation of the Tories, but still…

    Full Member

    Kilmarnock to Labour, that’s the first SNP loss and it’s a pretty big one. It’s been SNP for a decade and pretty strongly. Looks like a straight up swing of 10000 from SNP to Labour- Labour used to pretty much own the seat but they’ve had a different candidate every election since 2010 so that’s been weird, at least one of them was a straight up nobody that they blatantly only put in because they had to have someone. Not sure how indicative it’s going to be for that reason, but it’s a big kick in the balls for the SNP.

    Another tory share becomes tory/reform/nobody split in about equal parts, I reckon. And that’s bigger than it sounds maybe, teh tories did pretty well here, I think they were third last time.

    <edit- and another, West Dunbartonshire- similar story, another relatively big SNP hitter. Probably not as safe a seat, they’ve had a decent majority but it’s been very variable.>

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    As a former Billericay denizen, this could be interesting. Reminds me why I left at 18 and never came back though…

    Free Member

    Ha Christ Widdecombe is **** crackers!

    Full Member

    Probably a price worth paying for the decimation of the Tories, but still…

    I would have preferred more Tory wins and no Reform UK wins even if the Labour majority was a bit smaller.

    I can’t express my loathing for Nigel Farage and Reform UK. Although not necessarily for RUK voters.

    Free Member

    I’ve switched to G and T…..aiming for 5am to see the main results. Need to start work at 9, then playing a gig two hours away from home tomorrow evening ?

    Full Member

    Blimey, Keir Starmer saw the total number of his votes cut by half since 2019, I can’t quite believe it.

    And Andrew Feinstein, a good pro-Palestinian Jew, came second with over 7k votes, that’s amazing.

    Free Member

    Starmer’s speech is very worthy and headteacher-y, slightly tediously laying out the purpose of things and how they work. But that’s maybe what is needed when there is no consensus about what politics is for or how it should work. People have had enough of clowns and entertainers.

    Full Member

    Shapps gone!

    Free Member

    People have had enough of clowns and entertainers.

    Agree. Hopefully this is the final hurrah for interesting politics…. lets have a return to boring please.

    Full Member

    Free Member
    Shapps gone!


    Free Member

    Shapps ? off you **** pal.

    Full Member

    Probably a price worth paying for the decimation of the Tories, but still…

    Maybe, maybe not.
    The question is around shifting the right wing vote from a party which, despite its recent screwups, is a party into a right wing vote controlled by farage ltd is a good thing.
    Personally I would prefer a functioning tory party which gets back to the old one nation tory approach (actually believing in it vs the recent ones who heard the term and went “yup thats us”). Obviously a big step back in time and I dont really agree with their solutions but at least they identified the right problems.

    Free Member

    IDS retained his seat, looks like an independent split the vote.

    Full Member

    Sadly, some Labour infighting and idiocy means Iain Duncan Smith survives.

    Free Member

    What were Labour thinking in IDS’s seat?! He had a tiny majority

    Shaheen looks livid!

    Full Member

    Moggs seat declaring soon.

    Free Member

    Grant Shapps gone!  Excellent!

    Full Member

    how the &*^% has ids kept his seat !

    he should be in jail for what he did as work and pensions &*().

    Full Member

    Shapps gone!

    Thank **** for that.
    It was close whether I would vote libdem or not thanks to Starmer but my dislike of Michael Green dragged me over the line.
    The choice of labour candidate was really, really uninspiring. Replacing a web marketing prick with a pr person is a tricky proposition.
    I am now tempted to head out and deface some of his signs on the Marquess of Salisbury land saying “loser”.
    That or bed.

    Full Member

    how the &*^% has ids kept his seat !

    A Labour screw up.

    Free Member

    Faiza Shaheen huffing and stomping her feet.

    Grant Shapps speaking under his own name as opposed to a pseudonym.

    Full Member

    Keir Starmer’s share of the vote has dropped from 64.5% in 2019 to 48.9% today, that’s minus 17.4%

    That is a terrible personal result for him. You would have expected his share of the vote to increase since 2019, not drop very significantly.

    I can’t quite get my head round it and keep thinking that it must be some sort of mistake.

    Although I guess that the people of Holborn might just not be very impressed with Starmer since he has become Labour leader. After all at the time of the last general election he was still quite a radical leftie.

    Free Member

    he’d have had more people standing against him.

    Full Member

    Single issue indy did the damage there.

    Full Member

    I doubt he had anything like this kind of opponent last time around.

    Full Member

    he’d have had more people standing against him.

    4 of the candidates got less than 80 votes!

    I guess that Andrew Feinstein, a leftie pro-Palestinian Jew, has eaten into Starmer’s vote. How embarrassing for him.

    Full Member

    how the &*^% has ids kept his seat !

    Ideological purity.
    The original labour candidate got purged for not being a true believer but, sadly, decided not to accept the glorious leader pronouncement and stood as an independent.
    Completely self inflicted by the glorious leader and his team.

    Full Member

    Corbyn romps home.

    Free Member

    Jeremy Corbyn won!

    Free Member

    Blimey, Corbyn did it easily.

    Free Member

    Ha Green candidate giving a round of applause to Corbyn

    Full Member

    Corbyn! There is hope for democracy yet.

    Full Member

    Corbyn romps home.

    Yup, and it was supposed to be very close!

    I’m really pleased that Corbyn has won. He might be a useless **** but at least he is generally right about most things.

    Free Member

    Frogface up now …. schist

    Free Member

    Farage Won!

    21,225 votes!

    Finally, in the 8th time he got in!

    There will be party in Parliament.

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