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    Yes and its been very well covered they have been much more targeted on the seats they were chasing to achieve a result with much more focused campaigning. Sounds like it worked.

    That isnt immediately apparent. It looks more that the collapse of the tory vote/transfer to farage ltd made a difference.
    So far the results are hard to tell given the change in seats but at best it looks to be a slight increase from 2019 and a drop from 2017.
    So the conversion of tory to labour seems relatively unsuccessful and runs the risk of anyone left of thatcher not lending their vote next time round. Given Starmers pandering to the sun and their brexit love in giving me problems yesterday I wouldnt put money on me giving him a mandate next time round.

    (Shitty forum not allowing quotes right now)

    Just stick blockquote in angle braces.

    Full Member

    Just stick blockquote in angle braces.

    Or read one of the stickied posts where this has been asked and answered about 15 times now.

    Full Member

    <Just stick blockquote in angle braces.>

    ta! EDIT Maybe not – also thanks for jumping me 2 pages back when I posted

    Full Member

    I think there needs to be acknowledgement of how well the Labour campaign was run, very few mistakes and pretty disciplined.

    Now, Starmer is only part of that but but a very important part.

    I think with reforms vote share becoming apparent it’s easier to see why the campaign was cautious and needed to put Brexit to bed. For the moment.

    I think it’s easy for us on here to trivialise what a turn around this had been for Labour. I never dreamt of this happening a couple of years ago. I was resigned to another Tory term of government.

    Starmer is accused of many things, including not being electable not so long ago. That’s now been proven wrong.

    Let’s see that happens. It’s also worth remembering that somewhere in the multiverse, Labour stood on principle in this election and told the electorate some truths it didn’t want to hear…

    …and lost.

    Full Member

    When/if Reform get seats, the scrutiny and resultant coverage will go up so significantly on them that I think they will buckle.

    They’re a one topic party and that won’t be enough to carry them when they actually have accountability for a constituency.

    Full Member

    That sounds like you dont want him to succeed? Have you nothing positive to say? Or is this just corbynite only happy in opposition?

    Why wouldn’t I want a Labour government to succeed? It’s not a bleedin game.

    And I am not a “corbynite”. I am not in the least bit surprised that he lost the 2019 general election with his woke nonsense and allowing Starmer to bully him into backing a second referendum.

    I’m surprised that Corbyn doesn’t have more supporters on STW, with all his political correctness telling people what words they can use, his love of organic food, and attempts to sabotage Brexit. He even rode a bicycle FFS!

    Free Member

    politicians are weird even after the last vote is cast they are still electioneering :)

    Full Member

    But in any case if you vote for a party with a racist platform (and not much else), then it’s fair enough to describe you as a racist.

    No its not.

    Reform are offering a lot around the NHS and the 20k tax for example.
    Now obviously there are a couple of flaws in the ideas, not least fascists have a habit of offering left wing stuff to get into power before killing any lefties who complain, but they try plausible deniability on the racist stuff which works for some and offer some benefits.
    See farage kicking out those (well temporarily semi disowning them) who give the game away a bit too much.

    Full Member

    You know what leaser wont be leading their party on 5 years?


    Free Member

    I’m flagging ? really want to see the mass Tory losses from 2:30am onwards!

    Full Member

    “Why all this talk about Reform they are a Conservative protest vote and home to the racists all countries have them, I cant see them winning a seat”.

    Sadly I think you’re wrong. Hopefully they won’t get the 13 predicted by the exit poll.

    “Wow, Labour’s predicted share of the vote is only 36%??
    That’s bad. It’s only 3% more than 2019”

    There’s another party (Reform) this time taking a significant percentage.

    Full Member

    Point of order on this: “People seem to have forgotten that he owes most of his success to the failures of the Tories.”
    If Tory failure is mostly behind his success, what happened at all the other elections since 2010? All the previous labour leaders surely should have benefited from the last 14 years of Tory failure?

    Full Member

    No its not.

    Reform are offering a lot around the NHS and the 20k tax for example.

    From the absolute deluge of reform supporting posts I’ve seen on X im struggling to think of a single thread where that was touted as one of the main reasons for voting reform.

    It’s all about immigration. I’m sure it sunshine trawls X there will be other things mentioned but boy, they are real outliers.  I think they didn’t really even need to print a manifesto, just type “no immigrants”. Job done.

    Free Member

    “You can almost forgive mim for two catastrophic election defeats, gift-wrapped for the Tories and leaving the Labour Party a smouldering wreck. His towering leadership has really been missed”

    He was a leader at the wrong time and wrong moment.

    Full Member

    If Tory failure is mostly behind his success, what happened at all the other elections since 2010?

    You haven’t noticed that the Tories seem to have been on some sort of kamikaze mission since Johnson?

    Full Member

    “Why wouldn’t I want a Labour government to succeed?”

    Well you have spent the last 18 months slagging Starmer to tedious levels, to the point I wondered if you had some wierd desire for ongoing tory rule as a catalyst for some kind of revolution, without any pragmatic acceptance that Starmer might be making compromises to achieve an election result. Perhaps there was a clue in that?

    “And I am not a “corbynite”.”

    That does genuinely surprise me given the monotonous criticism of Starmer, but fair enough, I accept that!

    ( Why do I subscribe when basic text formatting doesnt work!)

    Full Member

    Free Member
    I’m flagging ? really want to see the mass Tory losses from 2:30am onwards!

    Me too, I’m tempted to have an energy drink but if I do then I’ll go to bed and not sleep!

    Gah! I think I’ll hold on for another scalp or two then go to bed pretty damned happy.

    Full Member

    I think there needs to be acknowledgement of how well the Labour campaign was run, very few mistakes and pretty disciplined.

    Really? He came **** close to losing my vote yesterday since voting to get a tory out isnt a vote for his mandate of pandering to tories and certainly not to his love in with the sun with the odd overlap of his ruling out the EU rejoining and Murdochs pat on the back.

    I think with reforms vote share becoming apparent it’s easier to see why the campaign was cautious and needed to put Brexit to bed. For the moment.

    No it really isnt if you actually look at the raw data for the counts to date.
    So far its tory/ukip switching to reform/tory with a drop in votes. Although its hard to tell since several constituencies have changed.

    The rest of your claims are on equally flimsy foundation.
    He is both promising change but also pandering to the **** who voted for the tories that there will be no real change.
    Good luck squaring that.

    Edit: A quick look at a recent guardian update gives the prediction that the turnout is on the low side. Which is a problem. Why isnt the glorious leader getting people out to vote?

    Full Member

    Looks like Rishi has taken a final massive dump on everyone’s living room carpet with his honours list. So far Chris Grayling and Theresa Coffey. Seriously?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Comparing Corbyn and Starmer, I would choose the former over the latter any day.

    Full Member

    (Shitty forum not allowing quotes right now)


    ( Why do I subscribe when basic text formatting doesnt work!)

    Settings / My Account / Preferences / enable Fancy Editor.

    Full Member


    Posted earlier. A scream each time a non Tory wins a seat. I am enjoying it doing its thing in the background

    Free Member

    we need to start thinking about mandatory voting 55% turn out is an embarrassment!

    Full Member

    Free Member

    Reform guy on BBC was straight in with the PR calls.

    Yep but just empty noise, like I say I don’t believe it’ll ever amount to more than that. A bit of victimhood, a bit of “we wuz robbed” but no actual desire or move for change.

    Free Member

    So far Chris Grayling and Theresa Coffey. Seriously

    I mean, **** me sideways ….. genuinely  they’re so ridiculous that they just further undermine the system.

    Full Member

    Well you have spent the last 18 months slagging Starmer

    I have criticised Starmer when he has proclaimed policies very similar to the Tories,. If I don’t support the Tories why ffs would I support repackaged Tory policies?

    When Starmer has proclaimed policies which offer a real alternative to the Tories I have hugely supported him. For example Starmer’s 10 Pledges based on the moral case for socialism, have you read them? They were brilliant and spot on.

    As I said, politics isn’t some sort of game for me where you pick a side and just stick with it. For me it’s about real and meaningful change. Otherwise I’m not interested.

    Full Member

    So far Chris Grayling and Theresa Coffey. Seriously?

    On the grounds of how much it would annoy mad nads? I would definitely get a list of **** and then randomly choose a few just for a giggle.
    However there are several good reasons I shouldnt be put in charge of the country including the fact that when my dodgy sense of humour is put against duty the latter normally wins but it can be close.

    Free Member

    A bit of victimhood, a bit of “we wuz robbed” but no actual desire or move for change.

    I really hope you’re right.

    Full Member

    Settings / My Account / Preferences / enable Fancy Editor.

    Thanks mate. That was working a couple of days ago fine.  No idea why is was switched off. Hey, user comms is outdated in the new MVP world yeah!

    Full Member

    Really? He came **** close to losing my vote yesterday since voting to get a tory out isnt a vote for his mandate of pandering to tories and certainly not to his love in with the sun with the odd overlap of his ruling out the EU rejoining and Murdochs pat on the back.

    Whatever Labour said or did they were going to lose some people’s votes. They simply had to win more than they lost and it looks like they got it right. Well, not looks like, they have got it right.

    The rest of your claims are on equally flimsy foundation.

    Well hell, none of us are professional politicians or pollsters.

    He is both promising change but also pandering to the **** who voted for the tories that there will be no real change.
    Good luck squaring that.

    “Pandering” to voters that didn’t vote for you the last few times is how elections are won. Theres nothing to square. It’s obvious you aren’t happy with where labour currently are but it’s just not how many, many others feel, including myself. Tonight Labour are exactly where I want them to be.

    Free Member

    libdems throwing a spanner in the works over the exit poll :?

    Free Member

    As I said, politics isn’t some sort of game for me where you pick a side and just stick with it. For me it’s about real and meaningful change. Otherwise I’m not interested.

    This ^^^

    Full Member

    we need to start thinking about mandatory voting 55% turn out is an embarrassment

    Ok so I have to walk there to write “I hate them all” or just a quick anatomical drawing?
    Mandatory voting is just addressing a symptom not the cause.
    Whilst I could get behind mandatory voting if it came with a day off (work a lot with India bods and I was annoyed they get the day off to vote. That said their descriptions varied from needing a day being reasonable (living in a congested area where they were expected to move back behind oaps and so would be there for hours) vs someone who had a booth in their seemingly exclusive block of flats and needed minutes) if is a flawed idea.
    If people arent turning out to vote then you need to address why not simply pass a law telling them to.

    Full Member

    I am enjoying how much faster the wilhelm scream is than the bbc and guardian, first lib dem gain (in a seat that’s been tory for 14 years, was lib dem before). Labour nowhere in this seat.

    Ooh and Labour gain from Tories in Stroud

    Full Member

    As an aside, what’s everyone doing for sustenance? I’ve just cracked open a second bottle of red (a nice Doura) and inhaled a whole pack of rolitto’s

    I have made sure I’ve nowt on tomorrow. This may get messy

    Free Member

    As an aside, what’s everyone doing for sustenance? I’ve just cracked open a second bottle of red (a nice Doura) and inhaled a whole pack of rolitto’s

    I just ate a pork pie.  Feeling a bit sick now.

    Full Member

    we need to start thinking about mandatory voting 55% turn out is an embarrassment!

    Are you embarrassed? It sounds foolish if you think about it. Low turnout is a failure of politicians, not of voters. Politicians (and our media) need to provide compelling reasons to voters to turn out. Hopefully Labour delivers automatic voter registration: the actual turnout is even lower as millions are missing from the roll.

    Full Member

    Gillian Keegan is gone!

    She lost to the Lib Dems!

    Keep ‘em coming!

    Free Member

    Beer. Cookies and toast.

    **** Gillian Keegan gone!!!

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