Mrs P is a big believer in Turmeric. I didn’t know it was used for short-term traumatic injury like the OP described, but this review suggests it can have uses there too: (of course small studies etc)
Mrs P used it for long-term chronic stuff. Since using it daily she stopped taking amitriptyline (after a couple of weeks – and has not gone back a couple of years later). Her mother who has had similar issues for decades also started using it and has cut out diclofenac and amitriptyline for chronic pain / neck mobility issues. I don’t think either would say it solved the problem but neither did the “drugs” which for them at least had some side effects. It could all be placebo effect, but so could the benefits they thought they were getting from pharmaceuticals.
If you listen to Tim Spector and the likes, there is no evidence for any supplements working (except vit D I think).
But of course, you do need a healthy dose of cynicism whenever you listen to Tim. He just happens to have a commercial solution for the markets which the other commercial solutions he criticizes fail to address. The real product he is promoting is actually Tim Spector – there’s some science behind his claims, but I’m always a bit skeptical when someone claims to be an academic and at the same time has their foot heavily in a commercial solution they are promoting.
If a substance isn’t consumed in its natural form (i.e as turmeric) then the body can’t process it.
Do you need to eat the bark of a willow tree to get the pain-releaving and blood-thinning benefits of aspirin? He does discuss turmeric (in a not too negative light here: ) and I think, as his message is very much “eat natural” he is saying whole spices are good – but not because of a body processing problem, because there are other active ingredients that might also be good. I would say if you were to actually eat enough turmeric for the sort of dose most people who take the supplements consume – you would have a very monotone diet!