Hi Trout, had another idea the other day after checking out the Exposure lights at the Cycle Show. ( This'll give Captain Snivel something to whine about). Exposure have the RedEye and RedEye Micro, that plug into the back of a JoyStick when it's helmet mounted. Great idea, nicely executed, but I felt it was asking to get ripped off and lost in the event of a crash or clouting the light on a low branch. My idea, which may have occured to Trout, and may not be practical, is to have a superbright red led and a second switch on the back of the Baby Troutlight, the second switch giving an independent steady/flashing mode for the red led when helmet mounted. That way you always have a rear light with you when using a helmet light. Another thought, regarding the on-going development of the front LL light that Captain Snivel was sneering about, with the 7 led having surfaced, is that the circular mounting makes a light bulkier, whereas the inline layout of the LL has a lovely low profile rendering it much less vulnerable to crash damage. The thing is, though, the design of the LL lends itself to expansion widthwise: an extra led on either side won't make the light any higher, and the additional width shouldn't be too intrusive; an extra mount on the other side of the stem would give the support anyway. The cnc work to make the wider case should be pretty easy to carry out, and the lunatic, giggling part of me could see a really nuts 10 led light bar that still wouldn't go any higher, just wider, about half as much again?