Home Forums Bike Forum too many…

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 16 years ago by aw.
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  • too many…
  • aw
    Free Member

    Bike confusion – I have four bikes and I REALLY need to get down to 3 or possibly 2.

    They are…
    kona unit 16″ 29er
    kona cindercone SS conversion 18″ (1997)
    Alan topcross SS
    Se Lager SS road bike

    All SS as you might have noticed 😉

    I have some cash so if the answer is to buy a new bike to replace several thn so be it.

    I am primarily a MTBer but have enjoyed Single speeding on the road more recently.

    I have been wondering about gears for flexibility but I do love the simplicity of SS.

    I like the look of cotic soul, simple, or soda and like coves (hummer and stiffee) I also like the look of the on-ones such as the scandal and 456s (including the Ti 456)…

    Help me get a bit of balance back ….

    Full Member

    alfine hub maybe, SS externally but with more flexiblity, will fit all the bike listed as possible “buys” or your current collection.

    Free Member

    I was wondering whether one geared mtb could do the lot or possibly one road bike and one mtb but which ones?

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