Home Forums Bike Forum Through axle stuck – help please!

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  • Through axle stuck – help please!
  • roadworrier
    Full Member


    Looking for some help…

    Have an cross bike with Shimano 105 rear through axle with disc brakes and 11 speed cassette.

    Somehow the through axle is jammed.

    The release lever works, and can be opened.

    The axle unscrews and releases itself from the drive side of the frame all the way, but goes no further, i.e. not back into the wheel to be withdrawn from the non-drive side.

    It appears that the axle is somehow jammed onto the wheel.

    The wheel spins freely, and gears actually shift OK.

    Any ideas on how to remove?

    Current thought is GT85 and t**t it with a hammer. Anything more scientific?

    Full Member

    Get a punch of some description and hit it out. Make a note to smear a bit of grease on the axle next time it is fitted (and try removing occasionally in the future to prevent it seizing again)

    Free Member

    Gentle tapping to start with, getting progressively harder.

    and try removing occasionally in the future to prevent it seizing again

    These threads come up about every 6 months and serve as a good reminder to pop out and do it to any bikes with through axles (although I did mine on Saturday).

    Free Member

    As above,
    Use an allen key as a punch to tap it out (insert Happy Gilmore scene)

    I’d then coil a cloth around an allen key and give internal face of hub a good clean.

    Hope all’s well

    Free Member

    smear a bit of grease

    Grease or copper slip?

    Full Member

    Thanks all.

    Gentle hammer did the job.

    Good advice on regular greasing too 😉😆

    Full Member

    Double post

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