Jesus Sh1t the Bed, I can’t believe this:
“You should never give blood if:
1 You have ever had syphilis, HTVL (Human T – lymphotorpic virus), hepatitis B or C or think you may have hepatitis now
2 You’re a man who’s had sex with another man, even safe sex using a condom.
For more information on why men who have sex with men cannot give blood click here
3 You’ve ever worked as a prostitute.
4 You’ve ever injected yourself with drugs – even once.
You should not give blood for 12 months after sex with:
1 A man who has had sex with another man (if you’re a female).
2 A prostitute.
3 Anyone who has ever injected themselves with drugs.
4 Anyone with haemophilia or a related blood clotting disorder who has received clotting factor concentrates.
5 Anyone of any race who has been sexually active in parts of the world where AIDS/HIV is very common. This includes countries in Africa.”
From The National Blood Service.
Can someone tell me if there is any scientific or medical reason for this, because it makes absolutely no sense, to me.