Started running again in December, couple of reasons, I've always found it a good way to shift weight and get more toned, and I had a meniscal arthroscopy last year and seem to get less bother with it the more active I am, and touch wood it seems to be doing the knee good.
I'm not planning anything longer than 10ks this year, as I do get a bit bored with longer distances, signed up for a couple, and also thinking of a couple of hill races too.
I've also signed up for one of these challenges, called race at your pace that is 100 miles in the month of January - did parkrun yesterday and a 12k tonight so on schedule at this admittedly early stage!.
I'm back enjoying it again, last time I ran was Edinburgh marathon in 2012, I didn't enjoy the race of the training if I'm honest, felt like it was hanging over me rather than something to enjoy.
Been off the booze since end of October and also ate pretty cleanly, and doing some of Joe Wicks HIIT workouts too, so lost a bit of weight, which is helping with the running for sure.
My wife is also just starting out too, she's loving it, and my 10 yo daughter is enduring parkrun with us too, I'm hoping she'll get the bug eventually!.
Anyway, I'm rambling, what's yer plans? All welcome, C25K to ironman types, all advice will be welcomed from me at least!.
All the best for '18 too btw.
I started running again in March after a lay off of about 4 years. Parkrun is great for keeping me motivated. I started with a time of around 32 minutes now my best is 24:30. I’m also a bit of a parkrun tourist, having run at 12 different venues over the 37 I’ve run so far. The variety helps.
The other thing I did was to join a running group. Long runs are so much easier when you run in a group and I now have lots of friends I’ve made purely through running,
I was training for my first half marathon in November but sprained my ankle , and the next available half’s marathon in December was postponed due to the snow so my first half will now be in February. I’m aiming fir a sub 2 hour time so am working on my pace.
I’ve been out for a 14km run tonight and did the parkrun double yesterday at Ashton Court and Pomphrey Hill.
For 2018 I’ve entered 2 half marathons and am debating to do 2 more. I also want to do a few more 10ks to see if I can improve on my 52 minutes Pb. I still have no real desire to do a marathon though.
With regards to weight loss I’ve shed 3 stone since I started. Might lose another half stone but my build is such that I can’t imagine getting much lighter.
Main advice I’d give is eat well, run in a group with faster people, and run lots of hills.
I doubt I'll enter any events but will try and get 2/3 runs in per week which I'm doing at the moment - I run more in the winter than cycling usually, but also due to the time demands a young family brings. Enjoy mixing things up with interval and hill sessions.
I'd like to do more trail/hill running but if I'm driving anywhere I may as well have ridden!
Started running last year. April 1st couldn't run more that 5 minutes so tried out a C25K app on my phone. Ran a half marathon 7 months later. Ended the year running more that cycling to be honest and I've really grown to love it. Lost a lot of belly too, well over 2 stone which cycling wasn't shifting. Was supposed to be running the Worthing half marathon in Feb but I've got a calf injury at the moment which has laid me up and keeps creeping back, because I'm not resting it up long enough. Will have to knock that on the head I think
First target is to run 5k without any walking. Before I got sick in December I was up to running for 12 mins before a 1 minutes walk. Now I’ve started back again I’m doing 6 minutes run/1 minute walk but I reckon I could get to 5k in 4 weeks.
Then after that, 10k!
It’s a bit too soon for events and things 😆 but it’s only poor condition that’s holding me back rather than lack of motivation. Running in the morning is epic and I love it.
I started running in October and did a couple of parkruns In 25mins and a few 55min 10kms but then my ankles gave up, dunno why weak I guess maybe too much too soon. I've not run for a month but starting up again soon slower this time though and some balance exercises of some sort. Fingers crossed
Gonna start C25K with the kids next week.
I used to do a bit of running and could run a very slow 10k tomorrow if I wanted, but I just hate it. Hoping I'll enjoy running with the kids and I know running really helps me with weightloss.
Hopefully get a family Parkrun completed before the summer.
I hate running but it is very much a necessary evil. I'm aiming for a fairly easy 30 hours of running this year. I'm a slow plodder so should manage a few 10k in those 30 hours. Most of the rest will be bleep test practice.
I used to run at club level. Gave up hardcore stuff following first monster ironman in 2010 and focussed on cycling.
Then they announcrd a Stirling marathon last year and i just had to do it so started back but completely lost any impulse to run after the race (took bad cramp in my right calf at 18 miles, first time in my life in any race/training and stumbled over the line in a 3h44m and it took 3 days to recover.)
Just started back on the 31st and 4 miles did me in!!
Planning on doing the new Stirling half in April and new shoes in the post to help motivate me.
Time is the issue as have an 18 month old and another due in March....(and crap weather doesnt help) so need motivation please!!
Started back last January as an 18.5 stone 48yo ex rugby player with sore joints...7k in 75mins 😳
Started running to clear head/get fit and entered a few races,trails quickly becoming my bag.Highlight was the Wooler Half in November and I am off to the Hedgehope next weekend. 15 and a half stone and sub 50 10km. Other than Hedgehope there may be a trail marathon in me this year. Entered race to the isles and Harris half on the road; the rest will be what takes my fancy. Going to the local club this year as well is my running resolution. How about a Strava mutual back scratching STW team?
Started in early 40s as an alternative to cycling especially when travelling with work. First 10k event in 2011 was the furthest I had ever run and left me sore and blistered in 50 mins..
Gradually stepped things up, now training for a marathon again and aiming to take a few more mins off my PB. Still getting gradually faster despite age which is a great motivator. 2:45 is ultimate (fantasy?) goal, may not make it but should get close. If I can keep it up for another year I'll actually be quite a handy age group runner (v50) though not great by any means.
Some great stories there folks, cracking stuff!. Really chuffed that after last night's 12km run the legs feel pretty good this morning.
Wee rest day today, I'll do a HIIT workout later, tomorrow I'm gonna take the train a couple of stops then run the 5km to work and back again in the evening. Should be a nice wee start to the day.
Got a head torch arriving later with the plan of doing a couple of runs a week when time and light constraints prevent cycling. No aims as such though, if I can run half an hour at a moderate pace I'll be happy.
There was a similar thread to this a wee while back:
As for me, I've let myself go over an extended festive period so time to get back into it!
I've also signed up for one of these challenges, called race at your pace that is 100 miles in the month of January
Check out this guy: [url= ]Andy Holden[/url]
"he once ran 100 miles and drank 100 imperial pints of beer in a single week."
I’ll be doing the South Downs 100 trail marathon and QECP’s trail marathons this year.
Did the New Year Meonstoke Cross (50k) on NYD, was muddy and ace in 4”57..
Other than that, just picking nice places to trail run.
Gloucester half in 12 days! Started running regularly in November. Was going pretty well with a 15km sub 2hr half pace just before Xmas. At which point I did something to my knee. Only been out once since. Improving tho and Physio is on the case so should be fine.
Really want to get sub 2hr but if I have to manage my knee, just getting round running will be enough. First ever competitive race I've done. Never run more than 10k before December!
Hills definitely. Trail running is way more fun/easier on the body. I spend so long stretching as well. Foam roller has been good.
I don't exactly enjoy it. But I've enjoyed the progression from running around 5:45/km for 5km and being totally knackered to running 5:20k/15km and feeling mostly okay.
Yeah, we could do with one thread I reckon.. bit like the Ski one..
Rovaniemi 66km in 7 weeks - was originally going to do the 150km but a niggling injury over the last few weeks means it would be unrealistic to attempt the distance. First winter ultra on foot have done the 150 and 300 on a bike - hoping it won't be quite as cold as the -27C last year 😯 Having pushed a bike for about 90km in 2016, looking forward to the prospect of going 'light'!
Welcome fellow runners!
I'm about 18 months into my running journey, started in September 2016, couldn't run to the end of the road and was 3 stone overweight. Did a C25k, quite enjoyed it, got bullied into entering a marathon and so the training began. Turns out I quite enjoy running, and I'm nowhere near as bad at it as I thought I would be. By May I'd run a 20:21 5k, then a 1:45 half in June and then finished the Birmingham Marathon in October in 3:55. Then my Achilles went and I've barely run since...
This years goals are:
Manchester Marathon in April, I'd like to go sub 3:45 and ideally 3:30.
Wolvo to Brum half in June, sub 1:30 would be good for that.
And then spend the rest of the year aiming for the elusive sub 20 5k.
Oh, and there's talk of an iron Man in October but I'm not committed to that just yet...
In truth, last year I did too much running and not enough cycling so will focus on running until June and then spend summer onward on my bike.
stevemuzzy - my two are four and two now so I know what you've got ahead! Just get out when you can and mix sessions hope to keep motivation.
Its fair to say, I'm getting a bit nervous / excited about this now.
[url= ]stupid run in winter[/url]
@Nobeer - North Ayrshire Athletics have just announced their Kaim Hill Race for 18th April - trot up the slope from Fairlie...something for your diary ?
I'll be there marshalling / heckling / picking bodies up
Its fair to say, I'm getting a bit nervous / excited about this now.stupid run in winter
That looks good!
I've got a 100 miler in July in the Basque country, first time I've attempted that distance. And a trail marathon in February. Nothing else signed up for, I'll probably try and do a 60-70km race late May / early June to prepare for the July race though.
Cheers, joined.
Both kids do Junior Parkrun on a Sunday morning. My wife usually runs/jogs with the 4 year old but I've done that a few times over the last few months too, otherwise not run much but realised that I'm going to have to start if I'm going to keep up with the 7 year old so did my first run of the year yesterday. 5 k in the pissing rain and wind. Felt ok and can still walk today!
Cheers Wallop, I'm in.
Thanks Wallop, I'm in!.
@Nobeer - North Ayrshire Athletics have just announced their Kaim Hill Race for 18th April - trot up the slope from Fairlie...something for your diary ?I'll be there marshalling / heckling / picking bodies up
Aye, registered an interest in that on Faceboak last night AFU, though tbh it's the descent through tussocks, holes and big stanes that worries me more than the beasting from sea level to nearly 400m in such a short distance.
Cheers Wallop, I'm in too 🙂
As per previous thread, mainly fells and got some good long runs planned. Not quite as stupid as Marcus and his spine run though. 😉 (good luck by the way, ill be dot watching)
Not quite planned the year out as much as last year but Jan is short xc or orienteering races and long training runs. Then see what I need to do to be in good shape for spring and start having a look at a few ultras.
Def doing the Fellsman, try and get under 14 hours. A mountain marathon or two and a Bob Graham, plus maybe another round (time/wife/family permitted)
Joined the group. Ta
Yep, i restarted running in December as ive entered a Duathlon in Stockton in April that has a 10K and 5K run with the bike ride sandwiched in the middle. Also entered the Humber Half marathon in June, along with the Leeds Olympic Tri a couple of weeks prior. I used to quite a bit of running until 5 or 6 years ago, then pretty much stopped altogether as i couldnt be arsed. I wouldnt say ive regained the love for it, but im enjoying the relative novelty again, doing a couple of 10ks per week then throwing in a longer one, around 15-16k at the weekend. It means ive barely touched the bike of course - a couple of sessions on Zwift has been the lot 🙁 with oonly one actual outside ride since November....
Good luck Marcus.
I’m entered in the SDW100 and NDW100 this year and will probably do the OMM again.
Would love to attempt a Bib Graham round in the next couple of years.
I started running more regularly last year. with a 2 yr old and 8 week old the cycling has had to be shelved as the most I can manage is to nip out for a quick 30-40 min run 2-3 times a week.
I have a history of trying to push speed/distances and getting injured so am just aiming to get out there and enjoy it without getting too competitive with myself. Moving to the sticks helps as all my running is on local footpaths.
Any tips for running shoes that handle muddy trails better than road shoes that don't cost the earth?
Any tips for running shoes that handle muddy trails better than road shoes that don't cost the earth?
Decathlon Kalenji Trail XT6, £55, good grip and nice and neutral. I'd not a run a marathon in them but for a bit of bashing in the mud they're perfect. For an extra £5 there's a waterproof version too.
North Ayrshire Athletics have just announced their Kaim Hill Race
Just had to google that out of curiosity.
Hope that side of the hill isn't as boggy and mossy as the Knockendon side and has fewer hidden burns (the Dalry road is where we fly rockets from, just along from the dogging, erm picnic site).
I thought about starting a C25K. This is as far as I've got. I have thought on and off several times.
Just started running again a couple of weeks ago, have done 3 runs so far, 1.6, 2.5 and 3.3km. I guess that's building up the distance rather quicker than c25k but it's taking things easy compared to what I'd normally do as I'm coming back from injury having not really run properly for several years - for ~20 years I was running 30-40 miles a week as part of multisport training and also used to be decently fast. Only planning on running once or twice a week at the moment to give myself time to recover, but looking at the C25k programme I might just try 3 times a week but shorter run/walk sessions as in that to see if the recovery works better.
Will hopefully only be a few weeks until I'm running 6-7km comfortably at which point I'll probably start carefully adding in some interval sessions to get some speed back before I just end up training to plod round. So far I've been averaging just under 6min/km with a faster 5:15km thrown into the middle of the latest session, but then 5min/km used to be an easy pace and 4min/km a steady cruise - interval sessions were usually at 3-3:20 pace (I've done a 5k at 3:20/km). I doubt I'll ever be as fast as I was, but would like to think I could cruise at 5min kms and break 20 mins for a 5k. Though the main aim is to be able to run off road comfortably enough that I can get back into orienteering.
For an extra £5 there's a waterproof version too.
Never heard good things about waterproof running shoes - the water gets in anyway, and then you're stuck with it. Not an issue when you're cycling, but a pain when you're running.
Mogrim - Yeah that's what I thought when I entered in June.
Cheers ajf and ciron. Knowing a few people are watching your dot can help sometimes when the demons are trying to get in.
Never heard good things about waterproof running shoes - the water gets in anyway, and then you're stuck with it. Not an issue when you're cycling, but a pain when you're running.
Couldn't agree more, not a fan of them at all but some are, hence mentioning it.
Adidas do good cheaper-end trail shoes, used to be called Kanadia, now looks to be "Galaxy Trail". Under £40 at sports direct. I find them comfy enough for shorter road runs too.
Great to hear of all the folk taking up running, well done!! Training for the Manchester marathon at the moment, motivating myself to run the wet and dark is my biggest stumbling block. Funny how it's fine once you're out!
Training for the Manchester marathon at the moment
Waves, me too!
Well, I say training, due to injury I'd not run since mid November, starting on the treadmill this week, did 1.5 miles yesterday and the injury didn't flare up but need to ease up slowly. Not ideal, I was up to 15 miles at this point before my last one.
Hope that side of the hill isn't as boggy and mossy as the Knockendon side and has fewer hidden burns (the Dalry road is where we fly rockets from, just along from the dogging, erm picnic site).
Aye, it's every bit as bad, but steeper!
I'll be at Manchester too. A month into training here, really enjoy this time of year with mileage ramping up and planning the tune-up races etc. Not quite so much fun by mid-Feb when I've had weeks of trudging up and down the road in rain and gales! But a treadmill and flexible hours is a huge help, I can nip out for a run between the showers or just have an evening jog in front of the telly.
Good idea for a thread!
First of all, a few bits for motivation:
- Read "Feet in the Cloud" about the Bob Graham Round and the history of fell running.
- Watch double bob film
- Watch:
Ramsey Round, Scottish 24hr round.
Anyway, I love fell running/big mountain running. There is something so simple about just running up a mountain! Although, at the time, you're on your arse.
This year i'll be doing loads more running, living in Scotland it's not always possible to ride, and running is the obvious, and quick option.
Marcus’s Pennine Way looks awesome, no way I’d do it in winter but what a challenge. Really best of luck with that, I’ve you manage to write a report I’d be delighted to read it.
I’m in two minds joining the Strava Group.. I might... 😕
Some proper intermediate challenges by a lot of folks, this looks good and something to build on. Try not to do too much too soon and beware you will get some sort of injury at some point, then feel cheesed off about it.. but we all get niggles so just rest and keep mindful that the injury will heal and you’ll be back running soon enough..
Good thread.
Have we decided which thread to keep all this in one place yet ?
May as well keep this one going?
bookmarking partly because I'm a few weeks back into running, and (whisper it) just getting to that point where it is no longer indescribably hard, although it hasn't yet become easy* either, so i want to follow what's being said, but also want to watch that Nicky Spinks film later.
* yeah yeah, never gets easier you just get faster. YKWIM, where you can go out for a run without worrying about whether you'll pull something / die of exhaustion within 15 minutes.
PS - joined the Strava club, only just started recording my runs (one so far) and forgot to turn it off once back home - so I didn't really do 8.5mins/km, more like 5.5/km and then 15 mins before i realised.
May have a go at a BGR later in the year.... There, I've said it!
And I suppose if we are setting targets, sub 17:00 for 5k and 36:30 for 10k. In my 54th year they should be achievable if I can stay injury free...