Home Forums Chat Forum That C4 Athertons programme this morning….

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  • That C4 Athertons programme this morning….
  • brooess
    Free Member

    Doesn’t seem to be available on 4OD. Does this mean it’ll never be available to see now I’ve missed the live broadcast? And did I in fact miss anything anyway?


    Free Member

    Try here in a few days time:
    Freesports on 4 website[/url]

    (Read the previous thread!)

    Free Member

    not really unless you like the presenter telling the athertons how good they are.
    Not to take anything away from them but when Mr S Peat did his run the interviewer mentioned that Man from Sheffield.
    Good footage but the interview chap on the payroll.

    Free Member

    The presenter was bad. He tried to make everything really REALLY exciting. Had to turn the sound off.

    Free Member

    Was a bit rubbish really. Bit too much use of the word rad for my liking. But as above decent footage but it felt a bit half arsed.

    Free Member

    Everything was super this and stoked that. Fun to watch though. I like seeing their training.

    Full Member

    It was "rad"

    Free Member

    need i say more?

    Full Member

    Lost much respect for her when she moaned so much about the skin suits, shortly after losing to one…

    Full Member

    Couldn’t do with the bloke who presented it.

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