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  • Thailand – suitable for a family holiday?
  • imnotamused
    Free Member

    Is there anywhere in Thailand you’d recommend for a family with a 2 yr old or is it all ping pong ball shows?

    Free Member

    In my opinion Thailand is the best country in the world to go for a holiday. Don’t get drawn into the “one massive porn place” thinking. That consists of two streets in Patpong, Bangkok, and areas of Pattaya.

    The country is beautiful, the people the friendliest you’ll meet, the weather and food fantastic. We’ve been 7 times and are going again this year. Only thing I would say is that you need to be confident that your child can cope with the climate. The World Met Office has Bangkok as the hottest city in the world, and the humidity is intense.

    Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Hua Hin, Phuket etc etc, all lovely places I would recommend.


    Free Member

    Hot, Humid, Monsoon, Sex tourism, 10 hours in a big tube in the sky?

    I’d rather go to Europe with my kids.

    Free Member

    I’d agree with djglover, about the long journey and climate bit, anyway!

    For those reasons, I’d say it’s possibly not a good idea for such a young child. You also have to consider things like Malaria, Dysentery and tropical diseases, which can be very dangerous for an infant. and you might not have immediate access to the right kind of medical care.

    And there are soooo many beautiful places in Europe, perfect for families with young children.

    Save the Thailand one for a future holiday.

    Free Member

    Hmmm, love the sound of hot, humid and monsoon (yes, really) but think it’s not the right place to take a 2yr old. Don’t like the idea of

    “Malaria, Dysentery and tropical diseases… might not have immediate access to the right kind of medical care”

    Now looking at Tunisia…

    Real motivation for a slightly more unusual destination is avoiding the Euro zone this summer (apart from mtb holiday of course…)

    Free Member

    and you might not have immediate access to the right kind of medical care.

    So why do so many westerners go to Thailand for medical procedures? Thai hospitals are apparently great and the Dr’s often qualified to practice in the West too…

    Either illinformed opinion or closet racism.


    Free Member

    I agree with djglover. How tedious to be stuck in such a cramped place. I’d save the long hauls for when he is abit older (and more likely to appreciate destinations). I personally wouldnt go near Thailand. My missus is oriental so I’d look like I’ve just bought her if we went there… :? :wink:

    Free Member

    Either illinformed opinion or closet racism.

    Just because people go to take advantage of much cheaper medical procedures, does not mean the infrastructure is necessarily great. I for one, would not want to risk anything happening to a small child, when the nearest decent medical facilities are a long way away, and the place you’re in may not be particularly accessible.

    A lot of Thailand’s excellent medical facilities are geared up to providing cheap operations; notably, ‘gender-reassignment’ and laser eye surgery. Not particularly useful, when your small child has picked up some nasty bug, been bitten by something poisonous, or has a nasty injury. Plus, most of these facilities are in the major cities, and you could be a long way from there.

    It’s still very much a third-world country, and as such, possibly a bit of a risk, where a small child is concerned.

    The OP will, I’m sure, be thinking of the health and safety of his family. That’s why I offered up my opinion.

    Anyways, loads of nice, quiet family-friendly places in Europe.

    Free Member

    I’ve never been but for the purposes of this thread I will cobble together a made-up opinion based on scant-reading and wikipedia if it helps?

    Free Member

    Why break the habit of a lifetime, eh, Hora? :wink:

    Full Member

    The OP will, I’m sure, be thinking of the health and safety of his family.

    i would happily take my kids and know many that take theirs on a regular basis.

    avoid the ‘backpacker’ towns and tourist trips/location transfers and plan ahead.

    dont be put off by the misinformed daily mail readers, thailand is a wonderful place.

    Free Member

    I’m sure it is, Van Halen. And the people I know, who’ve been there, have all said it was great.

    All I was trying to do, was offer a bit of advice (that the OP seems to have appreciated), and I get accused of being a racist Daily Mail reader! FFS.

    Read this bit again:

    “You also have to consider things like Malaria, Dysentery and tropical diseases, which can be very dangerous for an infant. and you might not have immediate access to the right kind of medical care.”

    I’d have thought that’s pretty much what any decent travel adviser would tell you.

    Some information

    The reactions alone, to some immunisations, can be a bit nasty. And doctors might advise against such a young child having them.

    I’ll go back to my Daily Mail.

    Hmm, better renew my BNP membership..

    Free Member

    RudeBoy – Member Why break the habit of a lifetime, eh, Hora?


    Free Member

    When our son was 7 months old, we took him on holiday to a beach resort in the Philippines. While he was there he had formula milk, jars of baby food and occasionally fresh (peeled) fruit, so the risk of any tropical disease was minimal, plus there was no malaria in the area. At that age the flight was fairly easy, as he had his own cot on the plane. However since then we have picked destinations a bit closer to home, I guess to some extent due the reasons mentioned above – probably the lengthy flight being the main one.

    We had a good family holiday last year in Morocco, at an all inclusive hotel right on the beach. My son, 2 at the time, was spoilt rotten by the hotel staff and had a very memorable holiday. So good in fact we are going back again this year.

    Free Member

    Ha ha! Didn’t intend to start a war! STW back to it’s normal self eh :lol:

    Thanks for the tips etc, will leave Thailand for another year but I will get there one day. Went and got some holiday brochures from the travel agents today so I’m thumbing through them for inspiration now.


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