Home Forums Chat Forum Tell us something interesting from your work/speciality

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  • Tell us something interesting from your work/speciality
  • crikey
    Free Member

    TJ, my brother is a journalist and I’ve really, really tried to get him not to use the phrase, but he says even when he is accurate, the sub-editor changes it back; what can you do?

    Full Member

    you can stretch a muscle further if you contract it hard first for a few seconds

    Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Fascilitation?

    I’m not the Stig. However, I do know that the ideal angle of approach for a car wheel to mount a kerb to drive around an object blocking the road is 45 degree. At this angle the chances of puncturing are far less.

    I also know that if you drive too fast and lose control of your car, then try to stop it with your head against a tree, the tree will always win. Additionally, you will not have a head left and you’ll spread your brains for a considerable area.

    Free Member

    Mildred, are you a crash test dummy?

    Free Member

    Although not associated with any diagnostic hominin fossils, the blade-based leaf points of the Lincombian-Ranisian-Jerzmanowician technocomplex are believed to have been manufactured by Late Neanderthal populations during the later stages of Marine Isotope Stage 3.

    Free Member

    Nascar damping pistons have alot of tiny prots in then to deal with tiny high speed movements to reduce vibration

    Loco, what’s a prot?

    Full Member

    The drugs don’t work.

    Free Member

    I design and model Vibrators

    Full Member

    Nope, not a crash test dummy, though at times…

    My daily vernacular consists of phrases such as “back stop” and “over penetration”!

    Free Member

    The UK, particularly the South West is at a once in every 50 year risk of being hit by tsunamis.

    In the past they’ve killed people on the Scilly Isles and flooded up to 500m in land.

    Free Member

    People generally are not that keen to be detained in hospital against their wishes.

    Full Member

    Joxster – Member

    I design and model Vibrators

    Do you work in the Cambridge area?

    Free Member

    Jemima, do you work for a wave power developer? If so me too 🙂

    Free Member

    DrT, indeed I do. You based in Edinburgh?

    Free Member

    A tiny sample of blood from every Scottish newborn of the last 9 years has been through the instrument I was servicing the other day.

    Genetic illness screening by LC/MS.

    Some very interesting stuff on this thread.

    Full Member

    People are prepared to risk other peoples lives rather than see shiney stainless steel pipes protruding from their nice new/old buildings.

    Free Member

    The Xenon arc lamps (bulbs) used in cinema projectors can rate up to 15000 watts and can explode with the force of a car bomb if dropped or damaged. Body armour has to be worn when replacing them.

    Free Member

    landfill sites settle about 1m / year as the waste breaks down and gives off landfill gas.

    Free Member

    The Xenon arc lamps (bulbs) used in cinema projectors can rate up to 15000 watts and can explode with the force of a car bomb if dropped or damaged. Body armour has to be worn when replacing them.

    I can hear Trouties brain calculating the size of battery and run time with that bulb right now.

    Full Member

    Taipei 101 has the fastest passenger lifts in the world and on a high speed run can reach the speed of 3300 feet per minute or 17m/s

    Free Member

    A broken false fingernail is neither an accident nor an emergency.

    Free Member

    Some people don’t appreciate being told this.

    Free Member

    The cheese slices you buy really are made from cheese which has been swept up off the floor.

    Full Member

    Not from the current job but an old one in market research:

    Chickens can’t see in blue light, it needs blue lights – in response to adaptations need on truck mounted forklift.

    Current job:

    Chaos equals need squared.

    Free Member

    Drinking lots and lots of dissolvable asprin will make you puke, a lot.

    Free Member

    66kg – the average weight of the kit carried by a front line soldier in Afghanistan.

    Full Member

    If you disagree with WHAT I have done, there is an appeals process.

    If you don’t think I have the jurisdiction to do what I have done, then you have to go to County Court.

    As I have told you several times over the last few weeks, in person, in emails, by letter, on the phone……[you know who you are!]

    Full Member

    You need a shed load of bleach and acid to kill you!

    Free Member

    Plastering a nice flat accurate wall is very very satisfying 😉

    Free Member

    I have watched the following being removed from peoples bottoms;

    light bulbs, tow ball covers, cans of deodorant
    and about 4 of these;

    …you’d think they would put some kind of string on sex toys.

    Free Member

    Forested Canadian peatlands are losing resilience to natural disturbance. Disturbance is fundamentally changing ecosystem type from wetland to upland.

    End result: Risk/shown increase in monsterous wildfires because of increased fuel loading/lowered water table.

    Blame: Changing precipitation patterns.

    Free Member

    Aircraft fuel is closer to low grade diesel than most people would think.

    Free Member

    Downloading an average You Tube video across a mobile network uses a similar amount of data traffic as 500,000 text messages….

    Free Member

    Contractors extending the nuclear reactor on campus: Noise considerate

    Contractors replacing the tandem accelerator: Definitely not

    Free Member

    we will see you coming….

    Full Member

    To treat Ethylene Glycol (antifreeze) in cats you give them intravenous alcohol. Pissed cats but it saves their kidneys if caught early enough!

    Free Member

    I was once sent to a Harley Street clinic by my then employer, to look at a broken PEME machine. I was a mainframe support engineer then and had no experience of any medical equipment other than what my old man used (he was a GP).

    The physician at this clinic, (who seemed quite unlike a physician), said the company who had been maintaining these machines had fallen out with her.

    I tactfully asked to see any documentation she had as I had no clue about what a PEME machine was and she produced a leaflet. As she opened the draw to get this, I caught a glimpse of the manual for the machine with “FOR EQUESTRIAN USE ONLY” stamped clearly on the front cover! I got a quick look at it when she went out of the room for a bit – lots of pics of how to use it – ON A HORSE! WTF?

    I opened up the machine to see if there was anything easy to rectify, like a fuse blown and discovered a PCB laden with coil inductors. Having worked on manufacturing HF circuits years before, I realised that the tiniest bending of these coils could send the high frequency circuits wildly out of tolerance. I called the office and explained that we couldn’t do anything without schematics. I was then asked to take it back to the office.

    Before I left, a woman brought her small child in for treatment with one of the other machines!? I left feeling really concerned, but this physician was supposedly a friend of the MD of the company I worked for, so I had my hands tied.

    When I got the thing back to the office, I explained to the engineering director that there were some serious ethical issues – the machine was not approved for use on humans. Aside from this, as we had no schematics etc, the HF circuits could be well out of spec. As the machine was engineered to radiate electomagnetic energy to warm deep tissues to promote healing, an HF circuit being out of adjustment could potentially be very harmful – bit like putting your hand in a microwave!

    He sat back in his chair and looked at me for a few seconds and cajoled me in an arrogant tone “You are worrying about nothing, it’s just a little circuit board”. I politely told him he’d have to get someone else to go there in future as I was not going to be a part of it. He was an non-technical sales guy by trade – but a **** arrogant ignoramus! What an oki cokey outfit that was!

    We hear much about cowboy builders (an easy target), but who would dare challenge Harley Street physicians? There is a general opinion that Harley Street is where some of the finest medical people in the world reside, so it’s a shocker to find some seedy little back street style clinic there, run by unqualified quacks!

    You wouldn’t catch me blindly phoining one of these clinics. I’d insist on recommendation from a senior health expert who works for the NHS.

    Scary stuff!!

    Free Member

    We use a drug called protamine to reverse Heparin (a blood thinning drug). Protamine is made from fish sperm.

    Free Member

    I have the right to break into your house if you live in Northern Ireland and I think I have reason to do so.

    If I discover methane in your property at a level of 1% gas in air, I will ask you, anyone else within your property, your neighbours and anyone else I deem necessary to kindly take yourselves elsewhere. Thats 20% of natural gasses lower limit of combustion, or LEL (lower explosive limit). Above 15% gas in air will not ignite. But I wouldn’t fancy proving that one.

    Free Member

    Poo, is immensely useful. It’s rich in nutrients, gives off a highly flammable gas which can be used to generate heat and electricity, and in the bigger poo processing plants, pretty much all the electricty used to run the plant, comes from the poo it is processing.

    Free Member

    There is no standard symbol for cliffs on OS mapping.

    Some cartographers managed to sneak their names into their freehand cliff symbols.

    Those on the Isle of Wight are the easiest to spot 🙂

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