Home Forums Bike Forum Technofear – anyone else's Photobucket ad making Safari hang?

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  • Technofear – anyone else's Photobucket ad making Safari hang?
  • drain
    Full Member

    Wondering if anyone else is having any difficulties with Safari hanging when they’re trying to use Photobucket? Very frustrating as I want to put some pix on for a Classifieds reply!

    It’s not been a problem before today, so, not being particularly computer savvy, I’m stumped and can only think it might be this very annoying little video ad that is running on that page. Maybe it’s some Flash problem, which Macs seem to be prone to?

    Even if I were to upgrade to the Pro version the “featured” ads still run!

    Please type slowly with small words if there’s a techno fix ;-)

    Free Member

    G-o-o-g-l-e c-h-r-o-m-e

    Full Member

    ^^^ what he said

    Full Member

    So my wife keeps saying… :idea:

    Free Member

    Alternatively there are methods of blocking the annoying ad in question*, but we’re not allowed to discuss such things.

    (* Disclaimer – note how I talked about blocking one ad, not all of them… )

    Full Member

    Tsk, sounds potentially naughty – do tell!

    Full Member

    Well, well, the Chrome option seems to be working – so far… Ta muchly!

    Free Member

    STW depends quite a bit on the revenue from adverts, so obviously they’re not too keen on people using such technologies when browsing STW.

    There are however, *certain* situations when the technology can be beneficial – perfect example is one flash advert which keeps locking up a website. Would the website rather you went elsewhere (as the site is unusable?) or block that one advert, and continue to browse… therefore generating more revenue from other adverts on other pages.

    I guess it depends on your moral compass really?

    On the flip side, there are various methods for webmasters to detect if the visitor is using said technologies too.

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