Its just is it a number or just a placeholder.?
Define ‘number’.
The set of natural numbers is what most people think of – the question of whether or not natural numbers includes zero seems controversial. For me it would seem to be a number. If I ask you how many fingers I am holding up, the answer to the question ‘how many’ must be a number, right? But you could legitimately answer ‘zero’. I can never hold up -3 fingers, so the answer can never be -3, but it can be zero. You could say that the answer zero is a special case by saying ‘you are not holding up any fingers therefore the question is invalid’ and if we had no word for zero that would be correct. But we do.
Although, for you to answer zero you would expect me to be holding up two fists. But if I didn’t hold my hands up at all, would you still say zero or would you say that the question is unanswerable and the answer is therefore not defined?
It’s a bit like a problem we face in IT. If you fill in a form with say your address on it, you can leave one line blank for example the second line after your street and house number. Does that mean that you just didn’t fill that in, or is it that you don’t have a second line? We have to distinguish between the two when we store your address. There’s a difference between no data and an intentionally blank line or, in maths terms, ‘zero’ and ‘undefined’. So in the case of fingers, there’s a difference between me holding up two fists and you having your eyes shut. In both cases you see no fingers, but you intuitively know there’s a difference.