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  • Something so simple….
  • samjgeorge86
    Free Member

    Ok, I feel a bit daft asking this, but…
    I’ve just got my first fs frame, coming over from a BFe to a Mega, and I just want to know the correct way to set the sag on the shock.
    Do I have the shock locked out, fully open, or in pedal mode?
    And do I have rebound at it’s slowest or fastest, or central?
    I am googling my nuts off, maybe it’s the terms I’m entering but I’m getting no answers, which makes me think it’s irrelevant or just common knowledge..
    Shocks a monarch rt3.
    Cheers 🙂

    Free Member

    Remember to put the rebound damping and the pedal gate on minimum before setting sag (red dial full anticlockwise and blue lever to left, away from chain side).

    I think it does yes. Thank you so much.

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