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  • soccerball 22/23, the WC hump season
  • Caher
    Full Member

    As for the goal – wonderful strike. Better than Nayim lobbing Seaman for me, or when he got done for England vs Brazil, don’t remember who

    It was that Brazilian journeyman Ronaldinho. Was watching in a pub in Ireland at the time and giggling was long and raucous.

    Full Member

    Champions League draw:

    Real Madrid v Chelsea
    Inter Milan v Benfica
    Manchester City v Bayern Munich
    AC Milan v Napoli

    Ooof, the hard way for City again, Real in the semis if they beat Bayern, assuming Real beat Potter’s lot (surely?!)

    Full Member

    I’d have thought that Napoli was the one to avoid.

    Full Member

    Palace this year

    Spurs 0-4

    Chelsea 0-1

    ManU 1-1

    Newc 0-0

    ManU 1-2

    Brighton 1-1

    Brentford 1-1

    Liv 0-0

    Villa 0-1

    City 0-1

    Brighton 0-1

    so yes, quite a tough card, 7 games against the supposed bigger teams – albeit did well against them with 3 draws and 3 single goal losses. They don’t get thumped often.

    Against Brighton, Brentford and Villa 2/12 points, and you need to win the mini league you’re in against these types, and pick up what you can against the bigger teams. If you look at the last 6, that’s 2/18 with 4 games against their peers, and the fact they’ve scored two goals in that and had virtually no chances either I think is what’s done for him rather than the previous 5 that were a tough set.

    Full Member

    The Viera one is an odd – they’re hardly shipping goals, most games only losing by 1 – 0.

    Watch them beat Arsenal this weekend now, just like happened when Everton sacked Lampard.

    Free Member

    To beat anyone you need to score goals and apart from Olise and Eze chipping in with the odd goal, they’ve not really got anyone unless Eduoard or Mateta suddenly become prolific.

    Free Member

    VAR and the offside rule is an absolute farce. Something needs to be done.

    Luckily for Newcastle they still managed to get 3 points.

    Full Member

    VAR and the offside rule is an absolute farce. Something needs to be done

    I’ve self resolved it and barely watch football now.

    Full Member

    Hmm, two games in a row with Haaland being hooked after an hour, is the bubble finally burst?

    Full Member

    😂 conveniently left out the goals! What a machine he is
 City look unstoppable in this form. Burnley we’re good until the first goal, but that feels a long time ago now

    Full Member

    Meh, apart from goals what does he give Man City đŸ€”

    As for the weekend so far, Spurs being Spursey, Chelsea in the top half of the league on goal difference, Leeds out the bottom 3, there’s currently 4 points between 12th place and bottom!

    Full Member

    Yea, yea but in other news Reading got a draw against Hull, after losses against Middleborough and Millwall – a trio of places you wouldn’t want to live.

    Full Member

    Blimey! Just watched Conte’s post-match interview on MOTD. He wasn’t holding back, was he? 😳

    I’m not surprised though. Spurs we’re woeful in the second half. I just can’t figure out how they’re clinging on to a top four spot. They’re absolutely awful! Kane spends 90% of the match in his own half

    Chelsea look even worse though. Their defence is a complete shambles. Haven’t they just spent half a billion quid on players? They look like a mid-table side, at best. They’re a mile off top four. Surely Potters days are numbered?

    On another note, I had money on Burnley going down to their usual 5-0 scoreline at the Emptyad so I was gutted when the sixth went in

    there’s currently 4 points between 12th place and bottom

    Mad, innit? If it carries on like this, the last day of the season will be totally bonkers with every goal scored making a difference to who goes down

    Full Member

    Yea, yea but in other news Reading got a draw against Hull, after losses against Middleborough and Millwall – a trio of places you wouldn’t want to live.

    ? I count 4 ? 😝

    Full Member

    ? I count 4 ? 😝

    Not sure where you live but Reading’s a lot nicer to live; proof being the high house prices.

    Free Member

    Well Sheff Utd v Blackburn has been an excellent cup tie.

    Hoping it goes to extra time.

    Full Member

    Not sure where you live but Reading’s a lot nicer to live; proof being the high house prices.

    According to Rightmove, average house price in Bermondsey last year was a couple of hundred grand more than average house price in Reading.

    Free Member

    Hi all, been a couple of weeks. Still enjoying being top of the league, ten games to go now.  I also enjoyed Conte, It was a joy to behold. He essentially said ‘lads, it’s Tottenham’, ‘where’s your silverware’, and ‘literally defined Spursy’
 It was incredible.

    Speak Soon!

    Full Member

    According to Rightmove, average house price in Bermondsey last year was a couple of hundred grand more than average house price in Reading.

    Still wouldn’t want to live there.

    Full Member

    I hope we actually turn up for the second half here. McTomminay, in particular, is absolutely dire.

    Mitrovic is (rightfully) going to fancy his chances against Maguire. He’s always a howler waiting to happen

    Full Member

    Inevitability, right on cue


    Full Member

    Mitrovic has just scored.

    Full Member

    Still wouldn’t want to live there

    So we agree, house prices are not an indicator of how nice an area is.

    Full Member

    So we agree, house prices are not an indicator of how nice an area is.

    You know right well that London is an exception. Make a sensible comparison to Reading v Middleborough or Stoke etc.

    Full Member

    ^ the original comparison was Reading, Millwall, Hull and Middlesbrough
I was just using your examples of places that you wouldn’t want to live.

    Anyway, I’ve no skin in the game as my club is West Bromwich Albion
which is a total shithole 😂

    Full Member

    Great save there by Willian 😂

    Full Member

    Good god. What was Mitrovic thinking?

    Full Member

    Well, this is all a bit mental! 😂

    3 red cards in as many minutes?

    Edit: 3 red cards in 40 seconds. 😳

    Full Member

    Well, this is all a bit mental! 😂

    I only went to make a cup of tea đŸ˜±

    Full Member

    That was a textbook example of how to chuck a match away with a minute of total madness.

    They’ll have 3 match suspensions for the next games too. Absolutely insane!

    Full Member

    Meh, was a weird minute, does make you wonder what would have happened if it was the other way, yes Willian and the penalty are stick ons, but would a ref send a ManU manager off instantly and then their star player, i’ve seen other big name players do arm pulls on refs this season and be even more petulant without a card shown, didn’t Fernandes shove a linesman a couple of weeks ago without much really said about it?

    Full Member

    If you shove a ref then get up in their grill, effing and Jeffing, then you’re off. Every player knows this, but Mitrovic did it anyway

    But let’s take a moment to appreciate the greatest exponent of the art 😂

    Full Member

    Quite possibly the worst bit of play acting in the EPL ever, that ref went down in stages and looks like he’s scared for his life on the ground, then Winterburn pushing DiCanio, then bricking it the second DiCanio turns round đŸ€Ł

    Used to be a season ticket holder when DiCanio was at Celtic, he was always up for an argument, or a fight.

    Full Member

    I just can’t figure out how they’re clinging on to a top four spot.

    Now that the toon appear to have gotten over their slump by benching the useless Wilson Spurs won’t be in 4th for much longer. 🙂

    Full Member

    Looks like they’re going to make an example of Mitrovic with a 10 match ban


    Full Member

    Got an old work colleague who was at the game (Fulham fan) and he told me that fellow fans going back to London were astonished. Lots to discuss with ManU fans going back south on the train.

    Full Member

    Woys back

    I assume a certain somebody else is just waiting for a call

    Full Member

    Looks like they’re going to make an example of Mitrovic with a 10 match ban

    Whereas rat boy Fernandez did the exact same thing to the Lino against Liverpool and didn’t even get a yellow.

    Full Member

    It wasn’t the same thing though, while I do think Fernandez should have been sent off, the level of aggression and anger was no where near comparable, Bruno was just being, as usual, a petulant dick, red card would have been enough IMO.

    Full Member

    Whereas rat boy Fernandez did the exact same thing to the Lino against Liverpool and didn’t even get a yellow.

    There was absolutely no comparison with Bruno and Mitrovic

    With Mitrovic, his team had been on top all game and one of his team mates had just rightfully been carded for a clearly mad handball, so there was no injustice to protest against, never mind with that ridiculous and totally over-the-top level of aggression.

    The issue with Bruno was that having failed to get himself subbed (despite his best efforts), he then had a massive strop (as usual) and had clearly decided to get try and get himself sent off instead.

    The ref had clearly clocked this and decided that if the rest of us had to endure this then so did Fernandez and he wasn’t prepared to give him an escape route from the horror show he was part of

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