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  • soccerball 22/23, the WC hump season
  • theotherjonv
    Full Member

    report I read had them being attacked by Fiorentina fans, but haven’t read extensively – what else was there?

    Full Member

    Fiorentina player got hit by something thrown from the West Ham fans – cut head. Before that some of them were lobbing plastic bottles at the player taking the corner. Morons.

    Full Member

    Ah, hadn’t seen that. Yep, ****ts

    Free Member

    A shame some idiots behaved like that, but I refuse to let them spoil my enjoyment. First European trophy in my lifetime and first major trophy I’m old enough to remember.

    Full Member

    We’ll done to Weeest Aaaaaam!

    It’s baffled me how they’ve underperformed for so much of the season in the league, given the strength of the squad and a decent manager in Moyes

    Full Member

    Meeting up with about 5 West Ham mates on Saturday – it’s going to be a looooonnnngggg night.

    Full Member

    City making heavy weather of this!

    Full Member

    They may yet win it, but they have definitely choked

    Full Member

    Lukaku reprising his Man U form. What a miss! And followed up by a rubbish shot.

    Full Member

    Ugly, but WHO **** CARES!

    Full Member

    Half as good as Forest now 😀

    Full Member

    Congrats to Man City; best team in UK and Europe in 22/23 season.

    Full Member

    Lukaku reprising his Man U form. What a miss! And followed up by a rubbish shot

    He remains a constant source of disappointment to me

    Just got a message from my daughter, who’s just watched it with her mates in the pub

    “Oh well… at least it’s not the scousers”


    Full Member

    On a serious note… citeh have been unreal for seasons now and this treble was absolutely inevitable

    Who’d bet against them doing it again next season?

    Free Member

    Do the City fans only sing other people’s songs?

    Full Member

    they have had a psychological block on the CL, now they have the monkey off the back it wouldn’t surprise me if they did it again

    Full Member

    They may yet win it, but they have definitely choked

    Choked? Hardly. They haven’t played their best football – amazes me the some days Haaland can be almost anonymous – but Inter are no mugs and turned up with a game plan that stifled City. Of course it got nervy at the end when City gave up a lot of possession and the chances came but overall City were the more accomplished and creative for me.

    Full Member

    It’s a cup competition at the end of the day. Not always the barometer of the best team, as leagues are.

    Haaland – one goal in eight games. He’s done 😀

    Full Member

    It was a standard Euro final, with an italian team in the final, Inter went into full italian mode, keep breaking up the game, niggly kicks and shoves, give away freekicks, kick the ball away, fall over at the slightest touch when you lose possession, etc, etc.

    It was a proper turgid final, Haaland wasn’t in the game because Inter did the above on the wingers and midfield, they cut him off, but even when he’s not doing much, he’s still taking up the centre backs attention the whole game, same with Gundoghan, they focused on those two, was amazing to see how many times they left the foot in on challenges, fell over and Inter got the freekick!

    Full Member

    Yeah, if Inter had got a few more (deserved) yellows in the first half hour, the game would probably have changed. Not that the ref had a particularly poor game, but Inter definitely got away with lots of repeated niggly stuff, no major decisions to make, and no var interactions,  partly because the niggly stuff broke up the play before it became penalty box action. There was nothing that had me shouting “red card” at the TV, but plenty of times I was thinking that should be his third yellow by now.

    Full Member

    and it’s difficult to be too critical of that, unless you subscribe to the view that it’s entertainment first and last.

    Inter would never outplay City and they didn’t come to get rolled, so they came with that plan. I’ve seen many games where it’s worked as well, and they’ve scored a goal against the run of play or taken it to penalties – at least the best team won overall.

    Full Member

    Watched the game in a pub where there was a sizable contingent of Inter fans. We periodically shouted “cheat” when there were moments of shithousery.

    Full Member

    We periodically shouted “cheat” when there were moments of shithousery

    Fingers crossed those 115 FFP charges aren’t proven in that case.

    Full Member

    City were the better team overall, however Inter had two good chances after City had scored. If those had gone in City could have had no complaints

    Full Member

    Fingers crossed those 115 FFP charges aren’t proven in that case.

    My team were demoted due to a points deduction. What I dislike is simulation and feigning contact. No need for it.

    Full Member

    Hard agree!

    Full Member

    Gary O’Neill sacked. So the silly season has started early.

    Full Member

    Darren Moore also leaving Sheffield Wednesday by ‘mutual consent’ after guiding the Owls to a thrilling promotion to the Championship – utterly ridiculous.

    Full Member

    Darren Moore also leaving Sheffield Wednesday by ‘mutual consent’ after guiding the Owls to a thrilling promotion to the Championship – utterly ridiculous.

    Wonder if Adrian Durham Will accuse Wednesday of racism like he did with the Albion when Big Dave left us…

    I agree it’s insane though, he looked like a great fit there.

    Full Member

    It just baffles me. Achieve everything that could be demanded of you, then some, then get rewarded by being sacked?

    What do these clubs think is going to happen? That Pep is going to get bored at City and fancy a new challenge?

    I think a lot of the owners have watched Ted Lasso and thought was a documentary

    Free Member

    The Bournemouth and Wendies sackings are weird. Just plain weird. O’Neil got them something like 36 points in 34 games which was an incredible feat given the team he had which for a premiership side is utter garbage. Leeds were linked with the guy who has just taken over and it looks like his previous side had a 50/50 season – great first half and then fell off a cliff. Its a gamble.

    Full Member

    It just baffles me. Achieve everything that could be demanded of you, then some, then get rewarded by being sacked?

    Moore wasn’t sacked, was mutual consent, just to be clear. Don’t know what the disagreement was but at this point in the season I always think of ‘I’m going to need £Xm to build the squad for a Championship season’ – ‘You can’t have it’ – ‘OK, let’s go our separate ways’

    I’m sure we’ll see or hear in due course.

    Full Member

    ok, I know it is the summer break, and apart from the few avid transfer watchers everyone is off doing something more interesting instead. Still too early to start the next season thread, but by god, everyone deserves to have a laugh about the farcical situation of PSG throwing a hissy fit because Mbappe is actually honouring his contract.

    Full Member

    I know it is the summer break, and apart from the few avid transfer watchers everyone is off doing something more interesting instead

    So the Women’s world cup doesn’t count?

    Full Member

    There’s a lot to discuss about Saudi league transfer activities!!

    I guess they’re all moving there to play at the highest level

    Full Member

    Jordon Henderson is definitely worth three quarters of a million quid a week 😂

    Full Member

    So the Women’s world cup doesn’t count?

    For me, no I have no interest in it. But don’t let my lack of interest stop you having a discussion about it.

    Full Member

    good result but not a great game / performance. Finishing particularly looked quite poor, a few chances they won’t be able to squander against better opposition.

    Full Member

    There’s a thread going for the World Cup:

    2 weeks to the Championship starting – perhaps a 23/24 thread is due?


    Full Member

    So the Women’s world cup doesn’t count?

    I couldn’t give a toss if there was never another game of international football played ever again, by men or women

    It’s invariably, with the occasional notable exception, absolutely bloody awful!

    We should probably start a thread about the upcoming season, then I can start bitching and moaning about the shysters who, as predicted, are still owners of our club and will remain so. This whole thing has been a complete farce! An exercise in them enriching themselves even further while loading the club with yet more debt. We are truly ****ed as it appears, as predicted, that we’ll never be rid of of them and they’ll carry on squeezing it for every last penny

    I’m particularly appalled at the way De Gea has been treated. A new low even for them

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