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  • soccerball 22/23, the WC hump season
  • ElShalimo
    Full Member

    Kane is a good striker but the media gets far too carried away with English player (always has done). He’s London based too which distorts the focus somewhat.

    Shearer was a more selfish player, definitely a better goalscorer and almost certainly played in a tougher era of football. He could dish it out too so it wasn’t one sided. People often forget that Shearer had a lot of injuries, some of them long term –  he had several seasons where he played less than half the games

    Full Member

    The chances Newcastle are making and wasting these last few games…… Kane should join them, he’d get 266 goals in about 3 months.

    It’ll either come back and haunt them, or all of a sudden they’ll start going in and they’ll whack someone 8-0

    Full Member

    Don’t agree. Kane is no where near Shearer’s level. The protection forwards get now is at its highest whereas Shearer regularly stood toe to toe with Viera and Keane.
    Jimmy Greaves was on another level totally.

    Full Member

    Both played in pretty average sides, with a couple of good seasons (Blackburn title and Spurs when they were decent under Poch UCL final). I think Kane scores at a faster rate, even more so at international level, as well as being able to drop deep and create. Shearer much more physical and powerful and if he hadn’t had the injuries he had would have scored more. Hard to separate them IMO but I’d actually take Kane – slightly better finisher, again IMO. Always hard to compare eras, which makes me feel old, having watched both!

    Full Member

    Both played in pretty average sides

    Pretty average sides who were consistently in the top 4 of the premier league and playing in the CL 🙄.

    The chances Newcastle are making and wasting these last few games

    Yes it’s very frustrating. We’d be pretty scary with a decent striker. Wilson has been a yard off the pace since coming back from injury, Willock and Joelinton have always been profligate, and Almiron looks tired. Think a wholesale change in the front three is required. We were miles better with ASM and Isak on the pitch last night so I’m sure they’ll be starting as soon as they’re fit enough. Still need another striker though. Kane would be great but clearly he’s not going to move from one serial underachiever to another 😀.

    And how the hell is Nick Pope not England keeper?

    Full Member

    Yes it’s very frustrating. We’d be pretty scary with a decent striker.

    I think some of the chances being created and wasted, Al’s wondering if his boots still fit.

    I love the way we’re playing, even the nasty side, that has been missing too long (and who’d have thought lovely granny’s favourite Eddie Howe would bring that!) and no goals conceded (apart from Weds, less said the better) for 15 hours by Pope is incredible.

    Reminds me of a tribute to Shilton when he retired…. “it’s hard enough to even create chances against their defence, and just when you do you look up and see Nick Pope and think ‘ah **** it, might as well just go home’ “

    Full Member

    Isak will be centre forward surely, ehen fit, with Almiron and ASM wide?

    Pope is not as assured with the ball at his feet, but yes, he’s a better keeper than Pickford. I’d rather have him in goals for sure.

    Pretty average sides who were consistently in the top 4 of the premier league and playing in the CL 🙄.

    Newcastle league positions with Shearer: 2, 13, 13, 11, 11, 4, 3, 5, 14, 7 and 13th. Spurs have been top four on 5 occasions in Kane’s time. Spurs better than pretty average but neither were consistently top 4 and playing in the UCL.

    Full Member

    Isak will be centre forward surely, ehen fit, with Almiron and ASM wide?

    Yeah that’s the obvious change. ASM can be inconsistent and I’m not sure Howe likes him due to his aversion to doing the dirty work but he’s the most creative player we have and is unbeatable when on form. I think him and Isak will be a very good combo assuming they stay fit. On current form I’d possibly even give Almiron a rest (switch Willock to the right?) as he looks frustrated and out of ideas at the moment but I think that’s mostly because we’ve been too reliant on him. With Isak and ASM in the team he would get more freedom.

    Newcastle league positions with Shearer: 2, 13, 13, 11, 11, 4, 3, 5, 14, 7

    We don’t count the Dalgliesh/Souness years, they’ve been wiped from memory. 😉

    Free Member

    How good is it as a Newcastle supporter to see us grind wins out like a George Graham era Arsenal? – ableit with a hell of a lot more flair, just short of finishing ability at present. It’s easy to forget we were everyone’s 2nd favourite team under Keegan but probably because we would be a soft touch in the crucial games. We’d get a pat on the head off Sky etc. We’ve done the Entertainers now we look more like Winners.

    Wilson wasn’t injured at the WC. He had an illness. He still looks under the weather and miles off the pace. Isak has to start next week. Agree with @dazh that Almiron looks tired.

    Looking forward to the City Ground jumping tonight. I expect a similar outcome with Man U narrowly prevailing but I hope I’m wrong!

    Full Member

    How good is it as a Newcastle supporter to see us grind wins out like a George Graham era Arsenal?

    I can’t ever remember having a defence as impregnable as we have now. Corners and set plays against us used to be highly stressful, now I barely watch as you know the result. It is weird though seeing us bully other teams all over the pitch. They must be a nightmare to play against.

    Full Member

    Judging by the team sheets tonight, Arteta is willing to sacrifice the cup to strengthen the gooners run at the league. Shame, I was looking forward to the match expecting two near full strength teams. And it is on ITV so that’s another disappointment, maybe I can find a stream with some other commentators..

    Free Member

    Oh hi, sorry, been busy. Just logging back in to say Arsenal are still top of the league.

    Speak soon!

    Full Member

    Annoying that the clubs are fielding weekened sides.

    Oh hi, sorry, been busy. Just logging back in to say Arsenal are still top of the league.

    Oh, and Devon Loch.

    Full Member

    Annoying that the clubs are fielding weekened sides.

    It has always been thus. Everyone criticises it until they’re the ones in a title fight, then it becomes perfectly acceptable

    Full Member

    It’s actually been pretty even, shows that Arsenal have some depth.

    Full Member

    Yeah, arsenal B team acquitted themselves well in the first half, city still not firing on all cylinders but got the ball in the net from an unexpected source (although Ake has been one of city’s better players recently). Not the attacking feast everyone was hoping for though.

    Full Member

    Possession stats tell the story. City usually have 70% plus, only managed 54% tonight. Arsenal will be happy I think – fewer games now and avoided a psychologically damaging spanking. Time to ditch the Europa League and put all eggs in one basket?

    Full Member

    Well today’s the day that the behemoth of Berkshire travel to North. I’d normally go with the Ultras but she’s coming to my house to watch in the town with some ManU mates who wouldn’t know Middleton from Stockport.

    Full Member

    As a ‘pool fan may I commend Brighton for top trolling – playing Hey Jude at kick off for today’s FA Cup match 🤣

    Full Member

    This Wrexham Sheffield match is absolutely brilliant! Loving the Wrexham fans chanting “**** the Tories!” 😃

    Free Member

    One of the Wrexham players had it wrote on his boots didn’t he? Then got made to wear different boots?

    This Wrexham Sheffield match is absolutely brilliant

    Not if you’re a Blade 🤣

    We were awful, but credit to Wrexham, they probably deserved to win that

    Proper blood and guts cup tie. Must have been great for the neutral

    Free Member

    can we fanboy Ryan Reynolds?

    Full Member

    Full Member

    It’s January Transfer Deadline day !!!!

    It’s highly likely that nothing exciting will happen as usual.

    Full Member

    Well Eriksen is now out for the season due to that knuckle-dragging Neanderthal 😡

    He should have been off way before he was. He was just charging around rattling peoples legs from underneath them, the ****ing meat-headed moron!

    So it now looks like we’re in the market for another midfielder or its the return of McFred

    Full Member

    ManU have enough midfielders, and look like another one is incoming on loan, they just need to get the best out of those who are there, Van De Beek isn’t leaving, so is he actually being considered, Sancho is injured/personal leave/dropped, they have enough players there, they just need a system to work with them.

    Full Member

    I’m loving the Sky build up to the NUFC vs S’oton second leg – Ginola, Dan Burn the local lad, the crowd…… I’m just shitting myself that they seem to have forgotten there’s another team playing tonight with an intention to mess it up for them.

    Full Member

    Its only Southampton, no worries for the toon 😁

    Full Member

    That’s what Citeh thought

    Full Member

    If only Longstaff could finish (1/2)

    Full Member

    To be fair he had a great first touch and had to hit it quick, was great link up with Almiron and Guimaraes to set him up though, they’re certainly playing with confidence and flair tonight.

    Full Member

    Some of the build up play is mindblowing right now.

    Full Member

    we go crackers for 25 yard shots and overhead kicks but that is about as good a goal as you’ll see.

    Full Member

    Yeah, it’s some nice stuff and a lot of it with the players who’ve been there before the change in owners.

    Think Newcastle might have a final coming up for the first time in memory!

    Full Member

    This is turning into a long night…..

    Free Member

    ,…it is, waiting for Navas to be confirmed, least we’ve got a scrapper in

    Full Member

    Sabitzer on loan looks a good signing as cover for Eriksen. He’s quality, can score plenty. Kind of midfielder I thought Liverpool might go for given their midfield issues?

    Jorginho to Arsenal is a good signing too. And it seems Chelsea may get the Fernandez deal done. Just heard on Sky that since the yanks took over they’ve spent more than all the clubs in the top 5 European leagues combined 😳

    Full Member

    Doesn’t seem that long ago that lots of mates who support Liverpool were laughing about Man Utd losing to Brentford. They seem quiet recently.

    Funny old game.

    Full Member

    I know that given it’s FA cup this week it’s practically end of Jan, but we’re still only 19 or 20 games in. I’d rather be where Arsenal are than Man City but there are a lot of games left to play.

    <small class=”bbp-reply-post-date”>Posted 1 week ago</small>

    You read it here.

    It’s technically back in City’s hands, if they beat Arsenal in the games to come. Arsenal going all Spursey now need Spurs to go Arsenaley tomorrow.

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