After a few weeks of ending my Sky sub, and starting BT Vision/Youview, Sky called up and offered:
£100 credit to my bill
75% off any package
No minimum contract (that bit turned out to be a lie and after arguing for several minutes, they put me on hold whilst they listened to previous phone call recordings from 9 months earlier and then waived the charges since my £100 credit ran out)
After showing some interest I went for a basic HD package, I then reminded him I would need a new box, turns out he should have asked that question up front and it wasn’t free, so after some wrangling in the background I got a new HD box with free delivery bolted on.
So after several months my bill credit ran out, I’d hardly watched any Sky as BT Vision was catering for all my needs, and managed to get them to honour the ‘No Contract’ part of the deal and got it all switched off.
I really don’t get the business model of premium price for a service that is only really watchable after Sky+ing everything so you can fast forward through the constant adverts. Trying to watch live Sky is tedious, and you can’t even channel hop as all the channels go to adverts at the same time!