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  • Sky+ box playing up
  • votchy
    Free Member

    Yesterday morning sky+ box wouldn’t switch on and it sounded like the hard drive was constantly running, assumed this was the box just updating so not too worried, got home last night and hard drive still whirring away but box switched on ok. got up this morning, hard drive whirring away and box wouldn’t switch on, switched it off at wall for 5 mins then switched back on, after about 5mins box finally switched on but no Sky+ facility, couldn’t access planner, pause or rewind current program, any ideas of problem/solution or will I have to spend hours on the phone to Sky then pay £60 for an engineer to tell me I need a new box?

    Free Member

    have you had an engineer our previously? If not, just go straight through to cancelling your subscription department, they will resolve it alot cheaper if you threaten to leave. They usualy have reconditioned boxes available too worst case scenario.

    Free Member

    its obviously been hacked by the Israelis to subvert the Iranian national grid, what ever you do DON’T TOUCH IT!!

    Full Member

    Mine did something similar a couple of years ago. They can give you a series of key strokes over the phone for your remote that will re-boot/de-frag the box. Make sure they don’t give you the sequence that wipes the hard drive!

    Free Member

    Buy a Mac?

    oh! sorry, wrong forum. 😉

    Full Member

    Had a few problems with ours not recording, turning itself off and generally going weird – ring sky, they’ll guide you through a magical maze of button presses on the remote, then they reset the signal or something from their end – had no probs since

    Full Member

    A box reset might fix it. Ring Sky.

    After months of arsing about with mine, I fixed it by upgrading to a HD box.

    Full Member

    switch it off at the wall & hold down the backup button on the box (not on remote) while you switch power back on – after a few secs all the leds will flash and screen will tell you that it’s downloading software. takes about 10min & “won’t” ( 😳 ) lose any recordings.

    There’s more you can do using the remote but try that 1st

    Free Member

    Loads of information here:

    If a reset doesn’t do it then the HD maybe shot but it’s pretty easy to fit a new/bigger one.
    If it’s a Thompson HD box the power supply goes after a few years and gives all sorts of weird symptoms before finally giving up.

    Free Member

    How old is the box? If it is out of warranty, look at the digital spy forum above. Replace the hard drive with something much bigger, it is really easy and will give you loads of space for recording stuff you will never watch.

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