Mid 20’s male forced his way in to my 92 year old Nan’s house today and robbed her! You read that right……robber her! 👿
Police have been great so far, they actually had my Nan identifying someone within an hour of the incident but it turned out to not be “the guy”.
As you can imagine she is a nervous wreck from the whole incident but did a cracking job with the guys description, so we sit in hope and wait on the justice system.
What the f*cking hell is this all about eh? What has happened to society? My Nan only retired at the ripe old age of 78 and worked from 16. She’s full of funny stories about riveting on Lancaster Bombers during the war and being one of a handful of geordies in a particular part of Manchester, she hasn’t got a bad bone in her body, yet some vile, waster, f*cking scum bag without an ounce of respect in the world forces his way into her house and robs her.
To say I am angry would be the biggest understatment of the year, so apologies if this is dragging on.
What do you think this scum puppy is likely to get if we catch him? I don’t mean me and the other 4 grandsons which are gunning for this mother f*ckers neck, i mean the police…..is it likely this guy will serve time? If so how long?
On another note, i’d be interested to hear what people like this “deserve” ….. in your opinion! This is a last shot attempt at taking my mind off it……please help! 😯 👿
Thanks peeps.
ANGRY Romster!!