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  • Scum of the earth……..
  • romster
    Free Member

    Mid 20’s male forced his way in to my 92 year old Nan’s house today and robbed her! You read that right……robber her! 👿

    Police have been great so far, they actually had my Nan identifying someone within an hour of the incident but it turned out to not be “the guy”.

    As you can imagine she is a nervous wreck from the whole incident but did a cracking job with the guys description, so we sit in hope and wait on the justice system.

    What the f*cking hell is this all about eh? What has happened to society? My Nan only retired at the ripe old age of 78 and worked from 16. She’s full of funny stories about riveting on Lancaster Bombers during the war and being one of a handful of geordies in a particular part of Manchester, she hasn’t got a bad bone in her body, yet some vile, waster, f*cking scum bag without an ounce of respect in the world forces his way into her house and robs her.

    To say I am angry would be the biggest understatment of the year, so apologies if this is dragging on.

    What do you think this scum puppy is likely to get if we catch him? I don’t mean me and the other 4 grandsons which are gunning for this mother f*ckers neck, i mean the police…..is it likely this guy will serve time? If so how long?

    On another note, i’d be interested to hear what people like this “deserve” ….. in your opinion! This is a last shot attempt at taking my mind off it……please help! 😯 👿

    Thanks peeps.

    ANGRY Romster!!

    Full Member

    Can’t be very helpful except to agree. $4itbags.

    Hope your nan is ok

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Can’t wait to see what replies we get here but I bet I’m gonna disagree with a few!

    Free Member

    Out of curiosity, how much did he get away with? Hope she’s alright, some of these criminals just have no morals at all.

    And what he deserves? To be tied down, while your nan is allowed to drop heavy things on him from a great height. Especially bombers.

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear that mate, happened to my Nan a few years back and I felt exactly the same. I have a few contacts, lets say, and found the people who did it but the Mrs persuaded me to dob them in rather than sort it myself as I’d end up in the nick and they’d get their fifth, sixth or bloody tenth warning! For the record, they got let off but won’t set foot in our village again!

    Free Member

    Don’t want to be pedantic but what actually happened? as I think you will probably be referring to a burglary and this is very different to robbery. People often say “I’ve been robbed” meaning their house has been broken into and various items from the house stolen. Robbery is different and carries a higher and more severe sentencing power (life) buglary is less, however if your Gran is elderly it will be an aggravating factor in the sentencing.
    I’m guessing they’ve had scenes of crime around? Whether they catch them or not will vary hugely depending on response of officers (time), what has actually happened, how much your Granny has seen, what information the police receive (from other sources) etc. It’s really hard to say what the likely hood of them getting caught is. However it sounds quite promising from what you’ve said so far.

    It’s a horrific feeling and I really feel for you. I hope that your granny can get over it with support from her family.

    Free Member

    If you find him, dont hit him above the neck. Thats what a copper once told me…

    Don’t want to be pedantic

    Just what the guy want’s to hear eh. Are you a copper?

    Free Member

    kill him.bury him.that’s all.

    Free Member

    I know how you feel mate, someone climbed a drain pipe 3 stories to get in my gran’s accommodation and steal HER jewelry given to her by her late husband. And the police as with cycle theft don’t give a monkeys.

    I know many of you want to help these oh so damaged scum bags, but if you get the chance kick seven shades out the c**t yes it drops you down a level morally but he’ll sure think twice before bunking into another old persons house. Actually I’ll help!

    Full Member

    Just hope that the law will deal with it. Rest assured that if you and your family try to deal with it you will be demonised and will feel the full force of the law. Which is more than those pieces of shit will ever endure.

    Kneecapping?? Ironically it did keep our streets safer. Apart from random acts of terrorism.

    I hope your Nan is ok.Give her a hug from me.

    Free Member

    Hey nothing we can say can make romster feel better but he asked what the score was with sentencing and what they would get, if it’s a burglary versus and robbery they are very different and people regularly get them confused. Was just trying to explain. Sorry 😳

    Free Member

    P1ss on their bombers! Own them with shoes!

    One of my patients 70 year old mum was robbed recently and the police Were fantastic, sent round people to add a load of security to her house and got some cctv to be installed… didn’t stop what the incident but definately helped her feel safer again…. take up all the offers for victim support.

    THis country is falling apart but there are some genuinely good people out there, being there for her will be proof of that

    Free Member

    Munque-chick is a copper and often speaks sense.

    Oh, and to the OP. I felt the same when my gran’s house was burgled. Proper deep red mist.

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear that romster, I’d be seething too if I were in your shoes.

    Free Member

    THis country is falling apart

    Indeed – crime has massively gone down over the last ten years

    Romster – sorry to hear that – righteous anger is the natural reaction.

    Free Member

    Cut the c**ts thumbs off.

    Full Member

    Munqe-chick will know very well that its low priority and the chances of making an arrest, never mind a prosecution, are slim. And as for the sentence…wise up. We all know that robbery, aggravated burglary or whatever…there will be a thousand reasons given by a thousand do-gooders as to why Nan was at fault.

    Free Member

    £60! Putting my beloved nan whose been a rock for us all through one of the most terrifying experiences of her life for £60!

    Forensics have been in and we’re hopeful he slipped up at one point, when my Nan attempted to make a phone call to my mum, he pressed down the lever and cut the call off (the only time which he didn’t have gloves on). So we’re hoping from this they’ll either get a print match or dna.

    Like I said we live in hope.

    Still feels very surreal, you read about things like this in newspapers or see it on the news and it makes you angry but jesus when it actually happens to your nearest and dearest it just tears you in two!

    All i can add to this is i’m just so happy this scum bag didn’t do anything else, It could have been so much worse. Considering her age she dealt with the situation amazingly well, she’s got company for probably the next few days so fingers crossed she’ll be over the worse in a day or two.

    Cheers all.

    Free Member

    Indeed – crime has massively gone down over the last ten years

    That depends on who you believe.

    True scale of violent crime rise revealed

    Full Member


    i asked a question that’s already been answered

    Full Member

    Sharia law anyone?

    Free Member

    Romster, she might be a “rock” and seemingly OK on the surface, as grand old ladies like this often are, but she *will* appreciate any company she gets over the next few weeks.

    Free Member

    Penguinni burglary is a home office priority and I think you’d be surprised at how much time, resourcing, money, officer effort goes into catching burglars (along with robbers and violent crime). The station I worked at (until very recently) has a specific burglary team consisting of a Sergeant and 8 officers (mix of detectives and PC) all they investigate is dwelling burglaries (and non dwelling series). I’m not going to bother going into how they work but 8 officers 24/7 investigating burglaries adn 8/10 times they will nick someone, whether they get a charge or not is a different matter. But most forces around the country will and DO care about burglaries.

    Romster I really do feel for you, the angry from you is the hard bit to deal with, at least Grannie is okay. IF i was there, i’d pop over for a cuppa, but she can have my best wishes instead. Fingers crossed they get a hit.

    Free Member

    she *will* appreciate any company she gets over the next few weeks.

    She’ll be kicking us out in the end fella don’t worry, there was 3 grand kids and her daughter at her house within minutes of the incident. We’re a big family so company is one think she won’t be short of, thanks for the advice.

    Free Member

    Christ £60, surely it would’ve been easier to just shoplift some crap from tescos and flog it down the market.

    Free Member

    Jon – wrong place for this debate but from your link

    Instead, they have always used a separate the separate British Crime Survey which suggests violence has dropped by more than 40 per cent since 1998.

    The british crime survey is a massive accurate survey of real peoples experience of real crime. its the true picture.

    Free Member

    Unfortunately shoplifting isn’t profitable for theiving scum, unless they nick in bulk! They get a 1/3 of the price . .doesn’t buy much gear.
    Good news that you are a close family and could get there quickly to be near her. xx

    Free Member

    Free Member

    wrong place for this debate

    agreed. a topic for another day, perhaps.

    Full Member

    Munqe-chick – I wont be surprised. But I do have 29 years experience….and I really do know how it all works.

    Whether its a burglary, robbery or theft doesnt really matter. The fact is Nan is ok…and her family should really resist the urge to hunt the fecker down.

    Free Member

    So you would understand what I was trying to explain that for court and sentencing it does make a difference and that secondly you should know it’s a HO priority and forces take it super seriously and do give a sh** despite what people think. On that note think I’m off.

    Romster glad she’s okay, hope you are all feeling better tomorrow and glad you got good service.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    THis country is falling apart

    Indeed – crime has massively gone down over the last ten years

    should that not read reported crime has MASSIVELY gone down

    epicyclo – Member
    Sharia law anyone

    hmmmmm tempted

    I realy do hope your Nan is ok no one deserves this please send her my regards

    Free Member

    Tah munque – thanks for the kind words!

    That goes to all you lot, big thanks for the comments, although it’s obviously still firmly imprinted on my mind at the moment i am slowly calming down.

    and her family should really resist the urge to hunt the fecker down.

    We’re not going on a man hunt, however much we’d love too. The police seem to have things in hand, plus one of the family is police connected so we’ll see how things pan out. Will keep you all updated though.

    Signing off…

    Still Angry, But Not as Bad as Before Thanks to STW Romster

    Free Member

    Tj… maybe a discussion about crime rates and every other factor that’s effecting this country is for another thread, I know crime rates are down…

    I was paraphrasing, rather crudely, the op in an effort to show I had read his thread and hopefully show that his feelings in this situation of anger and dispair are not unusual in this situation. Basically because I thought there would be people arguing over stuff and it wouldn’t be long before someone writes it was her own fault for or labours fault or something equally unhelpful to someone looking to validate their feelings.

    Free Member

    jon1973 – Member

    wrong place for this debate

    agreed. a topic for another day, perhaps.

    Free Member

    Tar n feather’s too kind for scum like that, peel them in brine.

    Free Member

    Noted, took ages to write a reply on my phone so each post had lots of extra replies whilst I wrote

    Full Member

    Sorry to hear what happened, dude. Scumbags.

    Free Member

    Shoot the shit
    But hope your Nan is OK

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