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  • Screen protectors, where from?
  • DT78
    Free Member

    Yes, it should be simple but I’ve spent an hour faffing about trying to find a specific sized screen protector.

    anyone know a site which has a proper search function that doesn’t bring back a whole bunch of iPhone screens when you ask for a 6.25” x 3.5” tempered glass protector?

    it’s for my 3d printer and despite being a disposable part is not sold by the supplier….i can only find people online asking questions about it not answers.  One site I’ve found is in the us and wants £23 postage

    Seems it must be an obscure size, anyone give me a pointer to some good suppliers?

    Full Member

    Sorry, I don’t use 3D printers, does it have to be tempered glass?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    its replacing a tempered glass one so id like to replace like for like. its a fussy machine so dont want to give it any excuses to play up!

    that website is great, gives option for a custom protector. bit pricey at £9.99 delivered, but cant seem to find an off the peg version


    Full Member

    One site I’ve found is in the us and wants £23 postage

    That’s about right, most US suppliers refuse to ship outside CONUS*, and if they do, the shipping absolutely stiffs you.

    *Continental United States.

    Full Member

    What are you doing to require a screen protector for a 3d printer?

    Full Member

    What are you doing to require a screen protector for a 3d printer?

    This – why do you want a protector?

    Full Member

    I use a company called Speedo Angels. They make screen protectors for motorcycle TFT screens, GPS etc. They are a UK company, they might be amenable to doing a bespoke screen for you?

    Free Member

    Presume the guys asking about screen protectors on 3d printers don’t have experience with resin.  Resin printers use a LED screen under the resin vat.  It passes through UV light to cure the resin to make the form.

    If you have a cock up with the resin, or other mishap you can trash the LED screen, which is not a cheap part to replace, approx £80-100.  To help mitigate this you have a screen protector.

    My machine is an elegoo mars 4 ultra.  It ships with a screen protector already fitted.  I have managed to crack it due to having residue in the resin tank I didn’t spot, which then when the build plate zero’d cracked the protector, but the underneath LED is fine.  In fact I’ve been using it with a crack for a while and as long as I avoided that area its worked ok  Now the crack has spread and the protector needs replacing.

    Elegoo for some very strange reason do not sell replacements for what is a consumable part, well, I suppose it is only a consumable if you have a cockup.  No cockups it would probably outlive the rest of the machine

    you can use it without a protector, but if you have a resin spill or the like it is probably time for a new one.

    Free Member

    Might be better asking on 3DprinterTrackWorld? 🙂

    Full Member

    seem to be some on both Amazon & AE?

    https: //www.amazon.co.uk/Aladrs-Protector-Protective-Monochrome-Thickness/dp/B0CR178B7C/ref=asc_df_B0CR178B7C/


    Free Member

    I’ve seen those thanks, they come up on the searches, but, if you look closely at the description they are a, not the correct size for a factory replacement ( it probably could be made to fit) and b, they are not tempered glass but a plastic film so won’t have the same light transmission nor as much protection as a tempered glass protector.

    The benefit of it being a film is even though its the wrong size you can just cut it down…. alternative you can just use a spare FEP if you aren’t after tempered glass

    Bit naughty of the sellers really

    Advice from 3dprintertrackworld (and elegoo) is buy it from amazon.  Hence me spending a couple of hours last night trying to sift needles in haystacks

    I’m going to go for the one from the link above, yes its £10 but hopefully I won’t bust another one and it gets my machine back up and running safely

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