Home Forums Chat Forum Running treadmills – recommend me one and where to buy?

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  • Running treadmills – recommend me one and where to buy?
  • organic355
    Free Member

    As above looking for a decent running treadmill to put in the garage.

    Fold up is an advantage, also having incline would be a plus.

    What brand should I be looking for, what sort of price range?

    was thinking up to £1000 ish. Anywhere sell old gym ones off cheap?

    Do I need to raise the budget to get something decent?

    Free Member

    Look on your local gumtree website. We got an electric one for 75 quid

    Free Member

    I’ll say it first then.

    Go outside. Cost = an extra jacket. Perhaps a hat too.

    Free Member

    Hi Organic, sorry for being off topic, but just a quick thank you for introducing me to Apparat . Big fan now and taking my wife and son to the South Bank Centre on saturday to see Apparat. Show is pretty much sold out!

    Full Member

    My wife has a Nordic Track one like this;


    She doesn’t like running on her own at night so this is ideal for her.

    it’s been fine, seems really sturdy and on a mat is fairly quiet.

    Full Member

    I’ll say it first then.

    Go outside. Cost = an extra jacket. Perhaps a hat too

    Don’t assume it is always that simple, you don’t know about individual circumstances.

    My friend got a treadmill as she didn’t feel safe funning the local streets in the dark.

    I was met with a similar response regarding Turbo Trainer. My wife works most evenings so I need to be in the house to look after the kids.The turbo trainer makes it possible for me to exercise without needing a babysitter.

    Everybody has different circumstances.

    Full Member

    Everybody has different circumstances.

    Good point. Having said that, the two main advantages of running as exercise is that it is a) free to do and b) you get to be outside in the fresh air. Spending a lot of money to shut yourself away in a garage seems like a poor idea to me! You can get a better workout in far less time by doing intervals on e.g. a Concept 2. Coupled with resistance training from with a decent weights setup (power cage + barbell) this would give you everything you need for non-bike related exercise! (Apologies for doing the standard STW thing and telling the OP what he wants instead of answering his actual question! Treadmills are utterly pointless though IMO except for particular uses e.g. rehabilitation)

    Full Member

    Treadmills are utterly pointless though IMO

    unless you actually want to run and are afraid to/unable do it outdoors?

    suggesting a rowing machine/weights instead is like someone suggesting doign hill walkign instead of cycling as you get to see the same views.

    Free Member

    @zilog, they are good for training for running however. Not sure pissing about with barbels (fish?) would help your pb during your next half now would it silly? 😉

    Full Member

    My friend got a treadmill as she didn’t feel safe funning the local streets in the dark.


    She doesn’t like running on her own at night


    Spending a lot of money to shut yourself away in a garage seems like a poor idea to me!


    Full Member

    @zilog, they are good for training for running however.

    Respectfully disagree. Do you know any serious runners who train with treadmills? I don’t. Sprint intervals on e.g. a rower will improve your fitness more than just pounding along on a treadmill at or below race pace. Try doing intervals on a treadmill (then please post the video 😆 )

    Not sure pissing about with barbels (fish?) would help your pb during your next half now would it silly?

    Again, respectfully disagree. I cannot thing of any sport where resistance training wouldn’t help. At the very least it will improve your core strength & posture which will probably result in improved efficiency in your running form.

    suggesting a rowing machine/weights instead is like someone suggesting doign hill walkign instead of cycling as you get to see the same views.

    I know, I did include a disclaimer at the end of my post! Like I said, running outdoors: fun. Running in a garage (presumably) staring at a brick wall: not so much. If someone wants to do that then that is their business, of course, but I would respectfully suggest that they were only doing that because they didn’t know any better.

    Full Member

    If someone wants to do that then that is their business, of course, but I would respectfully suggest that they were only doing that because they didn’t know any better.

    or don’t have the option of running outdoors. You seem to be completely missing this point.

    Free Member

    Respectfully disagree. Do you know any serious runners who train with treadmills? I don’t

    I do. I’ve a friend who does pretty much all her miles on a treadmill and rarely doesn’t finish in the top 3 in her age group at race.

    If someone wants to do that then that is their business, of course, but I would respectfully suggest that they were only doing that because they didn’t know any better.

    Possibly, or it might just be what gives them a buzz is different to what gives you and me pleasure. The thought of spending hours on a treadmill fills me with horror, but tastes are different. Some people find Jimmy Carr funny others Alan Carr, but thinking that someone who likes Alan Carr, doesn’t like Jimmy is simply because they haven’t seen enough of Jimmy might not be examining all the possible reasons.

    Full Member

    Do you know any serious runners who train with treadmills?

    Ingrid Kristianson set a marathon world record at London in 1985 after training all winter in Norway on a treadmill. It stood for 13 years.

    still if it suits you to believe they’re a waste of time then that’s fine.

    Running in a garage

    Ours is in a 3m x 5m room at the back of the house with windows on 3 sides and my wide opens the doors and windows and turns the outside light on so she gets a bit of a view.

    Free Member

    Respectfully disagree. Do you know any serious runners who train with treadmills? I don’t.

    Do you mean like Great Waitz or Ingrid Kristiansen. Both world record holders at the marathon and both used treadmills given the weather conditions in Norway. Both ran everyday on the treadmill and if you google them you will see what they achieved.
    Also using a treadmill does not have to include intervals they can be used for steady distance recovery runs and depending on the quaility they can go very fast. Try using a “Powerjog” !

    but I would respectfully suggest that they were only doing that because they didn’t know any better.

    Given the above you could be accused of the same. Running performance relies on “specific” training to run fast you need to run. as with Waitz and Kritiansen above the most effective training was on a treadmill not running in inhospitable outdoor conditions that are actually sub optimal in terms of training benefit.

    Full Member

    Excellent use of comedians to prove your point. well done!

    Full Member

    Ingrid Kristianson set a marathon world record at London in 1985 after training all winter in Norway on a treadmill. It stood for 13 years.

    Fair enough. I know when I’m beat. 8) It probably would have stood for longer though if she’d trained outside in the snow, à la Rocky 4.

    Full Member

    Further thought;

    Zilog seems to be defending the stance they’ve taken in tru stw ‘I shall not be moved’ style rather than from any particular belief in what’s being said…

    Full Member

    Zilog seems to be defending the stance they’ve taken in tru stw ‘I shall not be moved’ style

    Ha ha! not true! I think you’ll find I’ve already admitted I was wrong. Possibly an STW first.

    Full Member

    we did cross post 🙂

    Free Member

    outside in the snow, à la Rocky 4.

    Both won the World Cross country championships also, Waitz 5 times. So they where both “rock ard” as well 🙂

    Full Member

    Be afraid, be very afraid

    sorry I couldn’t resist 😉

    Free Member

    Intervals on a treaders? Pah, easy! Mine has a thingy that you plug in. You set up your routine on a PC then play the resultant file via an MP3 player. It tells the machine when to go at what speed, for how long and at what gradient…. automatically. I even get on sometimes when it’s doing it 🙂

    For me, I find them good for base but do prefer to be outside. Just not at 10:00 on a wet winters evening.

    Free Member

    Ha ha! not true! I think you’ll find I’ve already admitted I was wrong. Possibly an STW first.

    Yup, I was thinking the same that it really wasn’t in the spirit of the place 🙂

    Free Member

    Not me (he’s much much quicker than me) but this might be of interest:


    Full Member

    OK, so now we have that nonsense out of the way, back to the OP’s point. Any more treadmill recommendations around the same price? My wife is looking for one too. She doesn’t like running in the dark and there are no streetlights where we live.

    Full Member

    I still recommend the Nordic ones 😉

    Free Member

    Mine has ‘Reebok’ written on the side and it was about that money. Had it ~10 years and no problems yet.

    Free Member

    Just a note of caution before splashing out on a treadmill – I can ride my turbo for 2 hrs quite easily without getting bored but when we had a treadmill the most I ever managed on it was 20 minutes,I hated it with a passion….
    You could always try hiring one first,my mate hired a top of the range rowing machine for around 20 a month,there must be equivalent places that hire treadmills as well..

    Free Member

    I always set my iPad up so I can watch a movie or some tv shows whilst on mine. It definitely helps me get through the hours and catch up with things I normally would miss. It’s a good supplement to the bike I find.

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