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  • Rule follower or rule breaker?
  • coolhandluke
    Free Member


    I’m certainly a rule breaker.

    What category are you in?
    Interested following a conversation regarding people who follow rules, despite knowing they are wrong.

    Free Member

    I make my own rules, then break them.

    Full Member

    Rule breaker (but only when they’re just daft)

    Full Member

    Quite often a rule maker tbh. Happily break them when they’re stupid, keep them when they’re good.

    Free Member

    What kind of rules are we talking about here? Don’t fart in a lift? Obey speed limits?

    Free Member

    I rake the boules.

    It’s a shit job but someone has to do it.

    Full Member

    What kind of rules are we talking about here?

    Basic 10 Commandment stuff eg Though shall not kill etc etc

    Full Member

    i have one basic rule. don’t take the piss. if you follow that everything generally works out ok

    Free Member

    I only break the stupid nonsensical ones…so pretty much most EU directives.

    Full Member

    I’m never entirely sure what the rules are (velominati aside)

    Free Member

    After climbing over a gate which had a “No public access” sign in Scotland many years ago, I asked a local about the sign.

    “Oh that’s just there for people who like to obey signs”

    Full Member

    I bet there far far more people who label themselves as rule beakers, than actually break the rules. It is just one of the most basic self fantasies that everyone believes differentiates them from everyone else.

    Free Member

    I once fooled a hake.

    Free Member

    I bet there far far more people that label themselves as rule beakers, than actually break the rules. It is just one of the most basic self fantasies that everyone believes differentiates them from everyone else.

    Like the way the desk sign “You don’t have to be crazy to work here but it helps” is a sure sign of a stuck-up bore.

    I keep trying to break the laws of gravity, no luck so far,

    Free Member

    I once fooled a hake.

    Do you make a habit of fooling fish? Confused a carp? Flummoxed a flounder? Bamboozled a bream?

    Free Member

    If I’m passing a Belgian fishmonger, I’ll ask him if I can take some moules.

    Full Member

    I follow them unless they are blatantly self-defeating.

    If there were no rules there would be anarchy, and few of the internet hardmen would really want that.

    Free Member

    I occasionally eat stuff past its use by date…

    Free Member

    What kind of rules are we talking about here? Don’t fart in a lift? Obey speed limits?

    If you have to ask, you aren’t a rule breaker.

    Full Member

    Let’s face it every one who drives a car is a rule breaker.

    Free Member

    Always happy to break the Rules set by rich Victorians

    Free Member

    Rule breaker. I know it’s egotistical, but I have always felt claustrophobic when there are too many rules. Also, it’s kind of enjoyable breaking them.

    For example:

    A mini-roundabout, painted on the road. Queues of cars wishing to drive straight, gently circumnavigating the white painted circle. I just drive over it.

    Very satisfying.

    Full Member

    Saxon – you’re allowed to do that

    Free Member

    There is no authority but yourself

    Full Member

    I bet there far far more people who label themselves as rule beakers, than actually break the rules. It is just one of the most basic self fantasies that everyone believes differentiates them from everyone else.

    Well, I work on the principle that they’re there to be broken, man-made as they are, generally speaking.
    I ride bikes on some footpaths in the country, seeing as how they’re a legal construct that’s only existed since the 1960’s, and they’re civil law anyway. Footpaths alongside roads, however, no.
    I break speed limits, too, where road and conditions allow it; 30 past a school when the kids are coming out, even if allowed, is daft, but if it’s outside school hours, no problem. 70 in fog or pouring rain, snow, even if legal, is stupid; the same road in fine, dry conditions, with no traffic, then 80-90, no problem. Common-sense rules.
    Laws of nature, on the other hand…
    I’m pretty sure the usual suspects will be along to rip me a new one later.
    Like I give a toss; I’ve got to nearly sixty, without killing or seriously injuring myself, or anyone else, by applying common-sense, not stopping now.

    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure the usual suspects will be along to rip me a new one later.

    They’re too busy masturbating while reading your post over a few times. I nearly cracked one off myself but I’m in the middle of my tea.

    Free Member

    At home, a rule breaker, apparently, from the amount of reprimands I’m issued 🙁

    At work, well…

    Full Member

    “Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.”

    Unfortunately it tends to be the idiots who think they can live by this adage.

    Free Member

    I set the rules. But they’re not for me. They’re for everyone else.

    Free Member

    In my head Anarchy in the UK plays on constant loop.

    In reality I’m depressingly law / rule abiding.

    Free Member

    To quote Barbosa, I prefer to think of them more as guidelines.

    Full Member

    coolhandluke – Member

    I’m certainly a rule breaker.

    ‘course you are.

    Full Member

    Rule follower here, day to day. I think, deep down, we’d all get along and be happier if we just followed the rules a bit more. Formed an orderly queue, deferred to the person who was stood at the bar before you, obeyed red lights. Take your licks when you messed up, and not demand an exception be made.

    That’s day to day. When it comes to the serious stuff – rules of thought, then it’s different. If you’re lucky enough to do something creative for a living, you will never have success if you don’t break some of the rules, some of the time. The trick is obv knowing which rules, and which time. That’s the difference between a contrarian bore that no one listens to, and a visionary.

    Full Member

    Garry_Lager – Member

    I think, deep down, we’d all get along and be happier if we just followed the rules a bit more

    Domestication innit. Fetch the stick, good boy, have a bone. Every time you see a dog remember it used to be a wolf, now it’s a pet. Same is true of its owner. Trained over generations for obedience and stupidity and dependence.

    Free Member

    I tried breaking the rules once, but the binmen won’t come just cause I put mine out on a Monday.

    Free Member

    Yeah, except wolves live in organised groups with lots of rules. The analogy doesn’t really work.

    Full Member

    I’m a wild eyed loner standing at the gates of oblivion, so hitch a ride with me cause I’m on the last freedom moped out of nowhere city!

    Free Member

    I had a similar thought when getting in the lift at work the other day in that there are 2 types of people (in lifts).

    Those that get in and stand by the buttons, and politely ask everyone that enters which floor they would like and those that get in hit the button and step to the back of the lift.

    I am the latter, does that make me a bad person?

    Full Member

    bencooper – Member

    Yeah, except wolves live in organised groups with lots of rules.

    Which they make for themselves within their groups, because they work, exactly like humans used to. So yeah, the analogy kind of does work.

    Full Member

    Garry_Lager – Member
    Rule follower here, day to day. I think, deep down, we’d all get along and be happier if we just followed the rules a bit more. Formed an orderly queue, deferred to the person who was stood at the bar before you, obeyed red lights. Take your licks when you messed up, and not demand an exception be made.

    That’s day to day. When it comes to the serious stuff – rules of thought, then it’s different. If you’re lucky enough to do something creative for a living, you will never have success if you don’t break some of the rules, some of the time. The trick is obv knowing which rules, and which time. That’s the difference between a contrarian bore that no one listens to, and a visionary.

    Northwind – Member
    Garry_Lager – Member
    I think, deep down, we’d all get along and be happier if we just followed the rules a bit more

    Domestication innit. Fetch the stick, good boy, have a bone. Every time you see a dog remember it used to be a wolf, now it’s a pet. Same is true of its owner. Trained over generations for obedience and stupidity and dependence.

    I’m sort of with Gary here, a large majority of rules are there to try and help us all rub along together on a daily basis with the minimum practicable disruption…

    Not that I’m against “Rule Breaking” in the right context, for the right reasons sometimes it has to be done, but breaking rules for the sake of it, because you define yourself as a “Rule Breaker” is a bit lame TBH…

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