I’m after something like skateboard wheel, but lower profile. It’s for a plank for the bath for the wife so she have a soak with a glass of something and watch some crap on a tablet.
I’d like it on rollers so it can be pushed out of the way in a smooth, deluxe manner.
First thought was skateboard wheels, but something lower profile would be better. I’ve looked at little fixed castor type wheels, but they’d need to be mounted underneath something and raise the height of the whole thing.
I’m thiking there could be something perfect out there, if only I knew what to look for, what it’s primary use is.
Ideal would be something like a wide longboard skate wheel, ground to a small radius, with a concave profile so it sat on the bath top (it’s a roll top bath). I could buy some and machine them down, but that’s a bit too much cost and effort, especially if there’s something out there that would do the job better.
Any ideas?