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  • Rishi! Sunak!
  • Poopscoop
    Full Member

    Sunak’ll have sometimes eye out with all those gesticulations one day.

    It’s like some low impact martial art I’ve never heard of.😁

    Full Member

    …and in a surprise no-one expected:

    Laughing gas: Experts warn nitrous oxide ban will not stop use

    Full Member

    I reckon that was his real accent slipping out and everything else is a con.

    Full Member

    His hand movements are a transmogrification of Blair and Johnson.

    Full Member

    I also saw that part of the plan on antisocial behavior, is to tackle homelessness, I take it they are going to start arresting people for working in business being homeless now, as there is no budget for affordable housing, mental healthcare and addiction treatment .

    Full Member

    Maybe that is part of his plan? After all, in prison you would get a roof over your head, three meals a day, etc…

    4D chess from the social wellness genius

    Full Member

    Fieldwork the last three days:

    It’s not really going in the direction that Rishi Sunak might have hoped. I guess it might reflect voter reaction to the unexpected increase in inflation. Although in all probability it will fall again next month.

    Full Member

    Admittedly, in my big post I forgot to mention that NOS has danger to manifold.

    Free Member
    Full Member

    ^^ Time to deploy another 3 word slogan? They don’t last as long as they used to.

    Full Member

    Stop The Hope @Poopscoop

    Full Member

    One which reflects the seriousness and desperate urgency of the situation……
    “Please Vote Conservative”.

    Full Member

    Full Member


    Free Member

    Rishi pointing the finger like a crap Lord Kitchiner, needs a byline though…

    Less like;- ‘Your Country Needs You’, more like ;- “Oi, you there…”

    Full Member

    As the local elections loom, Rishi addresses the one issue even more gammon-triggering than the small boats. Expect more important announcements regarding wheely bin collections in due course

    Full Member

    Jake the Snake Berry was all over facebook last week ‘campaigning’ about this. Surprised he can tell what the state of the roads is in Rossendale and Darwen from his lair in Anglesey.

    The state of the roads does need addressing but it’s more than a bit galling the current lot who’ve presided over the total annihilation of highways maintenance suddenly get interested prior to local elections. Clearly a central office election ploy, I don’t expect any actual improvement and I’m guessing the £5.5 billion is probably existing funding after cuts have been applied.

    Full Member

    It’s time to put an end to pothole pain.

    Cones Hotline incoming in 3..2..1..

    Also, I note that the BBC has had enough of the trade deal bullshit.

    Full Member

    One fact I did learn in the vote was the reason all the euro roads are smooth is that we paid for them.
    I can’t see why the EU are still punishing us for leaving by not letting us fix our roads.

    Free Member

    From that BBC link:

    The government said other “benefits” of being in the bloc included, a boost to the services sector, by UK firms not being required to establish a local office or be resident to supply a service, meaning they will be on a par with local firms.

    Said by either an idiot or someone who has never attempted to do it.

    And it’s in an opposite time-zone, anyone who has ever worked with an opposite (or even +/- 6 hour time-zone knows what a PITA it is.

    Full Member

    the one issue even more gammon-triggering than the small boats.

    Oh those leftie muesli-munching cyclists who love potholes. They probably go out under the cover of darkness to dig potholes and windup patriotic Brits.

    Full Member

    Tory MP Dover shuts of her replies…

    Partner is on a bus with school kids 18hrs at the port.

    Everyone happy to blame the French apparently. Easy one.

    Full Member

    Just taking his turn as a portable Elphicke…

    As for pot holes…

    Full Member

    you are aware Sir Michael Take is a parody account?

    Full Member

    Of course. The clue is in the name.

    Full Member

    Cool. Because the Daily Mail missed it…..

    Full Member

    Yeah, I remember that. Might not have even been aware of his work if it was not for that cockup.

    Free Member

    Thats a great ‘take’ there from the Daily Mail.

    Almost as good as when they released a commemorative coin for VE Day a couple of years back accompanied by the byline: “Victory over Europe”.

    I kid you not, the advert stayed up on the Mail Online for quite a while before the ‘mistake’ was realised….

    Full Member

    Nearly as good as when UKIP used a picture of a Spitfire on one of their flyers without noticing (or more likely not knowing) that it was carrying the insignia of a Polish pilot

    Full Member

    GF has just been talking to BBC telling them how it is at Dover.

    Don’t mess with the middle class trying to get on Ski-trip.

    Full Member

    Very latest Deltapoll, fieldwork carried out the last 4 days.

    Free Member

    DeltaPoll had the labour lead @ 10 2 weeks ago. The Tories thought their culture war/war on boats was working where in reality it’s just a very bad polster.

    I see Sunak is running from Home Sec’s “Asian Grooming Gangs” dog whistle racism. I guess he doesn’t really want to debate it with the Guy who authorized the Rochdale prosecution.

    Full Member

    The next step will be to recruit the people smugglers so that people can get to France from Dover

    Full Member

    No sense of **** irony at the mess Neoliberalism has delivered today.

    Why did Mississippi let this idiot in?

    Tories simply don’t understand nothing they do works (apart from delivering income to asset portfolios at the expense of the state BTW.)

    Full Member

    I see Sunak is running from Home Sec’s “Asian Grooming Gangs” dog whistle racism.

    Small but, I think, important correction. From what I’ve heard she is careful to refer to Pakistani Grooming Gangs.

    Full Member

    It’s the usual double-speak. Once Cruella and her mates in the right wing press have put it out there, all Rishi has to do is mention ‘grooming gangs’ and the word ‘Pakistani’ is automatically added as it’s implied by default

    This is a really interesting book about how politicians weaponise words and language to manipulate debate, which is exactly what’s going on here

    Unspeak: How Words Become Weapons, how Weapons Become a Message, and how that Message Becomes Reality

    Full Member

    *Pikachu surprised face*

    Full Member

    Well colour me shocked! I never saw that one coming, said absolutely nobody

    Throw a load of racist guff up as a dead cat, while you quietly drop one of your main manifesto pledges. The social care reforms have been kicked down the road so many times already, the whole thing being quietly dropped was inevitable

    This government don’t actually DO anything. They’re basically just a crap PR office

    They won’t do anything about a collapsing social care system because the fundamental problem is that there are enormous numbers of vacancies and no staff. Hmmmmmmmm…. I wonder why that is?

    So once again the country is held hostage to right-wing Brexit ideology

    Full Member

    This government don’t actually DO anything. They’re basically just a crap PR office

    Accurate. But they’ve done well out of crap PR because it’s well targeted.

    No ideas, no imagination, no effort, no empathy, no moral code, no control – and on.

    When your ideology is broken and has demolished the state where else are you going to turn?

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