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  • Religious ‘End-of-Days’ nuts; scary.
  • molgrips
    Free Member

    Why? So you can win arguments and feel like a big man?

    Free Member

    don’t forget a double noble prize winner was the main proponent of homeopathy

    Eh? The dirty bastard! 😯

    Free Member

    I'm just pulling up a chair on this one, as I've nothing new to add. A relief to many, I'm sure.

    I knew it was too good to be true….

    Free Member

    Interesting question, mol, thanks.

    Well, if "winning" an argument is that one has managed to convince those holding the opposite view to change their minds, then I don't see any indication that I've "won" at all, and as I've nothing new to say about it in an effort to convince or "win", then the answer is to your question is: no.

    I suppose there might be a certain amount of ego gratification (feeling "big") in "winning" the argument, but as I haven't, I guess I'll just have to forgo that pleasure.

    Free Member

    Butt pie is (alledgedly) a gentlemans relaxation magazine specialising in photo – pictorials of young ladies back bottoms. Edited and part owned by one certain SFB

    From where can one purchase a copy of said publication, just out of interest?

    For the purposes of Religious Observance, of course..

    Free Member

    deadlydarcy – Member

    I'm just pulling up a chair on this one, as I've nothing new to add. A relief to many, I'm sure.

    I knew it was too good to be true….

    Yeah. Sorry. I'll retire to the back of the room. Unless directly questioned, of course. Be rude not to reply. 8)

    Free Member

    Talkemada – I believe it can be purchased from the church of the pulchritudinous saint Kylie. Can I get an amen?

    Free Member

    Amen Brother!

    Amen indeed…. 😀

    Free Member

    Woppit – I'll 'question you directly' then. Why the continued insistence on trying to provoke an argument with me ?(couldnt help but notice your little dig about my 'part time' denomination). Are you really so short of stimulation?

    Free Member

    Are you really so short of stimulation?

    didn't he say as much himself ?

    Free Member

    1: I've stopped. Probably best not to start again, eh?

    2: No.

    Full Member

    Some people need or want to believe in God or gods and others don't. I think that about sums it up.

    As for Mr Woppit I think he spends most of his life stimulating himself.

    Free Member

    1: I've stopped

    Yeah! We win! Woohoo!

    In your FACE Woppit!

    Free Member

    As for Mr Woppit I think he spends most of his life stimulating himself.

    An illuminating insight and a pithy, cogently presented argument.

    Congrats. Must have taken all of a nanosecond to think up. Are you 15?

    Free Member

    Well, if God made Man in his own image, doesn't He spend all His life simulating himself? ❓

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    1: I've stopped

    Yeah! We win! Woohoo!

    In your FACE Woppit!

    Well, not exactly. "Winning" was defined as "convincing the other of the argument". Neither "side" has convinced the other, so there are in fact, no "winners" at all.

    As it happens…

    Oh, and I believe I'M supposed to be the aggressive one? Getting in someone's "FACE" takes a lot more than typing stuff into a forum. But it is a safe place from which to pursue that fantasy, of course.

    Free Member

    Anymore like that talkemada, and I'll make sure you're excommunicated myself.

    Free Member

    Admitting you believe in religion is just admitting you are thick

    what a thick thing to say.

    didnt read the rest tbh, but imo, you cant prove the existance or lack of ANY God:

    Some of us dont care either way, those of us who do; cant we all just play nicely and get along?
    thats what it boils down to surely?

    i dont see why some "believers" feel the need to make everyone else believe?
    or is it just an excuse for a fight?

    Full Member

    Mr Woppit you know so much yet understand so little

    Free Member

    Please enlighten me.

    Free Member

    The Doctrine of the Hutaree is based on faith and most of all the testimony of Jesus.

    sex panther!
    60% of the time, it works all of the time!

    Free Member

    those of us who do; cant we all just play nicely and get along?

    it would appear not 🙁

    Mr Woppit you know so much yet understand so little

    I don't know how you can say that when you only have what he says to go by

    Free Member

    Anymore like that talkemada, and I'll make sure you're excommunicated myself.


    (Trembles with anticipation)

    Free Member

    Steady …

    Free Member

    Woppit.. do you not have a sense of humour?

    (for those of you who struggle, I was making a joke with my earlier in your face post)

    Free Member

    Yes, it's difficult not to project assumptions onto forum text, isn't it?

    I, at least, stand corrected. 8)

    Free Member

    This is boring now. Can't we discuss ladies' bottoms instead? 😀

    Free Member

    You know, I started reading this thread with such high hopes. The early mood seemed to be one of tolerance and respect; accepting that some may hold to faiths that others find laughable but that they should not be censured for holding such views. Then it deteriorated into a bitter slanging match which neither side is going to win or back down from. Why do we bother?

    PS In the interests of fairness I should declare myself to be a Christian. If this invalidates my views please ignore the above. Apologies for being thick and all that.

    Free Member

    So…. where do you want to go from here? Or was that it?

    Free Member

    Religion – the opium of the masses.

    Free Member

    Personally, I think the wholesale dismissal/denial of the possibility of the existence of (a) God(s) is perhaps naive and narrow-minded. None of us can incontrovertibly prove or disprove such a phenomenon. There's no harm in speculation, but I do find the patronising, superior and condescending attitudes of some people from both sides of the debate somewhat arrogant and supercilious. Anyone has the right to question my beliefs, but don't think that your views are somehow superior or 'more right' than mine. Until you can prove to me, one way or the other, I'll continue to have my own opinions about things.

    Seems to me that Atheism, like most other 'religions', has become quite a lucrative industry for some…

    Now, ladies' bottoms, anyone? 😉

    Free Member

    Religion – the opium of the masses.

    Maybe the collective Human consciousness needs some form of opiate, though?

    Free Member

    Ladies bottoms as proof of the existence of God? 😀

    Free Member

    Ladies bottoms as proof of the existence of God?

    There is no doubt, in my mind…

    Full Member

    Seems to me that Atheism, like most other 'religions', has become quite a lucrative industry for some…

    too **** right – and shrill bloody evangelists of any denomination are all kack, I'd no sooner go for a beer with Dawkins than I would with any of those on the other side of the business

    (what was this about bottoms? Has somebody found the "fisting for jesus" website again ?)

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    Stop poking the religious. The debate gets nowhere. I know its hard to resist as they are such easy and soft targets with no defence but its shooting fish in a barrel

    Posted 7 hours ago #

    😀 You arrogant patronising ****.

    This forum is riddled with pretentious middle-class conformists who believe and accept everything they are told/sold.

    Perish the thought that I should gloat how easy I often find it to 'poke these soft targets with no defence'.

    Free Member

    That's a bit rude, Ernie. No need for that.

    What's your view on bottoms?

    Free Member

    That's a bit rude, Ernie. No need for that.

    No ruder the TJ's post.

    ……..and I let the swear filter decide what's acceptable in polite middle-class debate.

    Free Member

    Why do you have to be so rude to people? TJ hasn't really been offensive to anyone, and I'm sure people can speak up for themselves if they so wish. There's no need to call people names.

    Why don't you go and have a look at some bottoms for a while, calm down, have a think about your comments and how they could upset someone?

    If more people thought about the joys of bottoms, the World would be a happier place…

    Free Member

    Ernie is right. I was being rude to both sides of the debate. Deliberately so.

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