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  • rehabilitation of offenders – door ot door sales
  • Sui
    Free Member

    Hello, maybe a slightly touchy subject, but nonetheless I will ask the question.

    Who monitors, advises, employs people being released from prison and sends them out doing door-to-door selling? Reason I ask, is that on 2 occasions now my other half has opened the door to some individuals selling over-priced tea towels (the item is irrelevant I know), however on both these occasions the chaps turning up, might otherwise be described as shifty looking! The first two chaps were pissed, reeking of alcohol and indeed still carrying a tinny. The second visit the chap was stoned and had pissed himself. Now before the flaming starts, I want to explain a couple of things,

    My missus is at home with young children, and as much as we try in society, certain appearances can make people feel on edge. Secondly, I have no problem with anyone re-integrating into society and making amends/new life, however whoever is sending these people out need to prep them better as, although there is no intention to worry it does. They are carrying ID, and are also polite, if not a little pushy, but it hasn’t been obvious who is responsible. I want to have a word with them, not to stop it, but to have a futile attempt at getting those responsible to prepare people for the task adequately.

    I thought it was someone like serco etc, in which case it will be like pissing into the wind, however if it’s someone more local (Epsom/Leatherhead), then I might stand a fighting chance.


    Free Member

    you want a futile attempt at getting those responsible to prepare people for the task adequately?

    this is that attempt.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Who monitors, advises, employs people being released from prison and sends them out doing door-to-door selling?

    I had the same thing up in Nottingham (also selling over priced kitchen stuff), I was working in my garage (on my motorbike, mtbs are hidden elsewhere) with the door up at the time, and the nice man wandered straight in. Felt slightly like I was being cased…

    And someone tried and failed to force the door while I was out of the country a few weeks later…

    Free Member

    You’re assuming that the sort of cowboy outfit that sells that sort of thing door to door actually give a shit about implementing anything in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act.

    Free Member

    they may not, but the only people loosing out are the guys and girls being released, as they will not be able to build up their much needed CV!

    Full Member

    Always asssumed that sort of thing was a scam aimed at intimidating money out of awkward feeling residents rather than integrating ex-cons back into the workforce.

    I don’t think it’s in any way “official” anyway.

    Full Member

    The Captain has hit the nail on the head.
    Call the police as soon as they leave. Give a description and which direction they are going in. Your local officers will have no issues with going to check they have a Pedlar’s licence (and no outstanding wanted markers)

    Free Member

    what chapa says
    He would not tell me on my door step and the last time I checked probation did not know who they were locally – to be clear on licence probation would know who you worked for.

    Free Member

    Always asssumed that sort of thing was a scam aimed at intimidating money out of awkward feeling residents rather than integrating ex-cons back into the workforce.

    It pains me to agree.

    Free Member

    according the missus, she seemed to think it was legit and they had valid reasons for it and what they were doing, so trying to give them the benefit of doubt. However if it does appear to be a scam, then we shall inform the authorities.

    Free Member

    The scam if it is one may not be the offender . Some “charity” business model may be to recruit ex offenders specifically for high profit door to door sales as they think it has more chance of making a sale and they can pay very little to the ex con who is glad of a job.
    The scam could also be active criminals casing but I guess they would not advertise their criminal past . The legit job and casing could indeed overlap . I am not aware of a major organisation that does this on a formal footing to who you could give feedback .

    Free Member

    A copper I know effectively ran them out of town for not having pedlars’ licenses. He regarded them as dubious at best.

    Full Member

    Actually the last one we had here was claiming to be ex-forces.

    dubious at best

    Which is what we thought of that.

    Free Member

    I’m risk averse, I bought a microfibre mit for £8 in the hope that that would prevent us from being burgled.

    Free Member

    One turned up shortly after we moved in 3 years ago.
    After listening to his tale, and buying a duster or two, he turned to go, saying “I’d close your garage door if I were you Sir, there are some dodgy types around”.
    Naive I may be, but after that episode, I always buy something.

    Full Member

    I’d just buy an English Mastiff and house it in the garage, after teaching it to attack over priced kitchen tat.

    Full Member

    Obviously the OP’s Mrs makes people nervous…

    Free Member

    it must be the nottingham knockers

    Free Member

    I was the owner of a Pedlars licence, obtained from the Police, at little cost, but had to fill in a detailed application form.

    Tried door to door and it failed,many years ago, abusive people, some refusing to answer door,Totally pointless way of trying to earn money, work out how many of a said product you need to sell to make a minimum wage, and transport costs run up the amount you need to sell stuff for.

    So basicly its a scam, person comes to door, you open door, person looks into house, asseses what there is to steal, security, if car keys are left near door, type of locks, rim cyclinder or deadlock, or thumb turn, take a picture of said chap or get a sticker saying covert cctv fitted .and then phone 101.

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