I got a Microsoft Wireless Keyboard 1000 + mouse combo. Nice and quiet, some extra function keys and battery life in the mouse is measured in months rather than the four weeks I’d get out of my HP mouse. Only downside is the mouse isn’t rechargeable…but it was on expenses and I didn’t think I could justify spending more.
Replaced the horrible rattly thing (and its rattly Argos replacement that got returned after the ‘type your name’ test whilst sitting in the van), reason for going wireless is my work laptop has two USB ports, and thats it. No dedicated keyboard or mouse ports either. So with a memory stick/phone lead in regular use, I needed keyboard and mouse to work off a single USB socket.
Edit: I also have a wireless trackball keyboard designed for use on your lap, great if you like to plug your laptop into the TV every now and then. http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?q=wireless+keyboard+with+trackball&cid=18121159853948175729&ei=JpbKTNiTPKbewQXo3e27BQ&sa=title&ved=0CBoQ8wIwAzgA#p
(right-handed users only though)
Ooh, some formatting issues on long links!