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  • Really, really stupid stuff you think about when riding…
  • noteeth
    Free Member

    When crossing a stream channel, I sometimes imagine that an unseen enemy has dammed it further up, just waiting for the right moment to unleash a torrent of destruction.

    Free Member

    ah crap I didn’t get the pastry out of the freezer better pedal faster

    Free Member

    When I was at school it was the ugliest girl in the class, now it’s my fav pronstar 😉

    Free Member

    ^^^ Yourself?

    Free Member

    Why aren’t foxes domesticated, I would love to own a fox.

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    GW – Member
    When I was at school it was the ugliest girl in the class, now it’s my fav pronstar

    Are they the same person? 😈

    Free Member

    Foxes smell

    Free Member

    I’m constantly considering ways to evade Them…

    Free Member

    When I was at school it was the ugliest girl in the class, now it’s my fav pronstar

    at your age I suppose drooping problems are gonna happen!

    Free Member

    Rob Hilton – Member
    Foxes smell

    What of? have you ever smelt a fox

    Free Member

    Any singletrack going through a pair of trees = some kind of portal, but only at certain times.

    Free Member

    First hour working through various current problems with work and stuff, then pizza generally, actually Pizza most of the time 😳

    Full Member

    muckytee – Member

    Rob Hilton – Member
    Foxes smell

    What of? have you ever smelt a fox

    They smell of Foxes 🙄

    Full Member

    Unfortunately I’ve recently started recounted the mind numbingly spirit crushingly, scrotum shrivellingly embarrassing things I’ve said/done in my youth (Late teens/pretty much all of my twenties) there’s a lot, end up soft pedalling for a while til I get over it.

    Free Member

    i have a habit of getting shit songs stuck in my head, the worst offender would be hall and oats

    “you’re outta a touch, im outta time,
    im outta my head, when you’re not around
    you’re outta a touch, im outta time”

    this monstrosity was on repeat in my head for 3 hours because i dont know any of the other words 🙁

    Free Member

    Could be worse, it may be the Robbie Williams/Take That I was subjected to at work many years ago. Whenever I get an aural flashback I know that a pratfall into a prickly bush is soon to follow…

    Full Member

    I count, don’t start a 1 or anything normal, just find myself counting from anywhere between 2-100.
    It’s gotten kinda weird as it’s become an unconscious habit, & I’ve no idea how to stop it.

    Free Member

    The theme tunes from Zingzillas, Chuggington, Octonauts, In The Night Garden etc etc etc

    Free Member

    I usually have the most catchy/annoying song I’ve heard on the radio recently stuck in my head when I’m riding. Or when I’m pushing hard on the road bike it’s usually the line “aint nothing gonna break my stride, aint nothing gonna slow me down” from Every Time I Die’s The Good Life that goes through my head loads 😆

    Full Member

    The theme tunes from Zingzillas, Chuggington, Octonauts, In The Night Garden etc etc etc

    before the embarassment started I had 64 zoo lane, postman pat or octonauts.

    Free Member

    I think about how cool I must appear to anyone I meet out on the trails.. so if you see me out and about and I look a little aroused.. you know why

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    _tom_ – Member
    I usually have the most catchy/annoying song I’ve heard on the radio recently stuck in my head when I’m riding.


    Round Cannock on Tuesday it was a pretty solid two hours of the current Katy Perry chorus.

    slainte 😯 rob

    Free Member

    I get the most repetitive song possible in my head and time it to pedal strokes. Annoying when it sticks for days though…

    Actual thoughts get pretty bizarre, night riding especially – what happens if there’s a bear in the woods? Lottery win plans often go through my head, generally anything to distract me from the fact a hill is beating me!!

    Free Member

    Riding Time = Top Thinking Time

    Rivalled only by bath time and walking time. Walking and bath tend to result in quite focused, detailed, problem solving thinking. Normally work or similar technically complex stuff. Some great ideas and solutions have been formulated here.

    Riding time, on the other hand, equally complex thought time, but more philosophical. Sometime work / problem solving related, but lots of lateral and tangential connections.

    I think my brain loves it when my body is busy

    Free Member

    Sometimes forget where I am on my local loop.

    Not forget as in ‘lost’ but charge up to a flowing right-hander on autopilot before realising it’s a tight left-hander.

    Having more than one bike also has its disadvantages when one commits to that four foot drop-off on one’s XC hardtail having slayed it the day before on one’s FR bike.

    Free Member

    Round Cannock on Tuesday it was a pretty solid two hours of the current Katy Perry chorus.

    Yeah it’s usually a Katy Perry song for me as well for some reason 😆

    Free Member

    I usually have 5 second loops of lyrics/songs going round my head.

    Yesterday it was this…

    Free Member

    Funny, don’t really get the music thing going on

    Free Member

    i have a habit of getting shit songs stuck in my head

    This. Only ever a single chorus or half a verse. Very annoying.

    Full Member

    what’s that fluttering in my chest …………… 😯

    Free Member

    cake and a brew

    Full Member

    Did i lock the car?

    Even though i always double check before..

    Free Member

    I think up ways to find time to ride more which seems like sure fire winners until they are thwarted within a day or two.

    Free Member

    On the Downhills i’m usually thinking “whhhoooppeee” and feeling like i’m 12 again.

    On the uphills i’m usually thinking, why am i blue and should my lungs be on the outside of my body?

    Towards the end of the ride i’m thinking, should i undo the benefit of all this exercise i’ve just done and have a cheeky “sports pint?”

    Free Member

    Out on a ride the other day I was drawn into a weird fantasy of being able to tap dance really well, you know like Fred Astair. All my friends where gathered round me,’at the bar of my fantasy pub’ cheering.
    Not sure if it was due to a lack of oxygen getting to my brain on an uphill?

    Free Member

    Spent most of last nights’ race at Haldon thinking ‘am I having a heart attack..?’ But after the cramp/stitch passed, mainly thought about the substantial fried sandwich I’d be eating the following morning.

    Pleased to report that sausage, bacon, egg, tomatoes, mushrooms and black pudding on three tasted soooooo good. (Hey, it’s a rare treat eh?) 8)

    Free Member

    “whose on STW”??? when they should be out ridin.

    Free Member

    As a deluded fantasist with a constant internal monologue, I sometimes fantasise that I have inexplicably been picked for a tour de france team, and though I am clearly in last place (no other riders around) I have to keep going to make the cut off else my team will suffer.

    I have also been known to imagine what it would be like to be chased by a helicopter over the moors and how I would best evade its cannons, although I did once suffer a number of “straffing runs” from an A10 back in the day, I guess a cyclist is a harder target to lock onto than a tank, and therefore makes good practice. As a result of this I’m constantly checking the skies.

    This week I’ve had the small potatoes theme in my head, constantly. Sometimes I sing it out loud, including the harmonies, this i find works better than a bell.

    Free Member

    Loving the “sports pint”!

    Full Member

    My arms get in the way when I sleep, it would be awesome if I could remove them at night, and pop em back on again in the morning…

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