what gets me the most is the comments like this one from Obama:
Obama described the six targeted attacks in Paris “an attack on all of humanity” and vowed to work with French authorities to bring the terrorists to book.
so hat about the suicide bombing in Beirut where 40+ died and more then 200 were injured? what about the 140+ who were killed by Al-Shabaab in Kenya in July? what about the countless number of Iraqi, Syrian and Afghan civilians who have been killed as a result of US drone attacks? what about the thousands of Syrians, Kurds and Iraqis killed by ISIS? what about the thousands of Palestinians who have died at the hands of the Israeli army?
what boils my piss is that statement of the attack on humanity only seems to apply when the victims are from a western civilization….the rest must be sub-human and dont….their killers dont merit such condemnation
human life is human life and holds equal value regardless f race, religion or politics…but those in a position of power and influence would rather place a value and say that one particular human life is worth more than another….and its shit like this that they come up with that gets used as propaganda by the extremist groups in their bid to radicalise their followers