Cheers Tony (and all), not sure I can get over in time for muddymoles, but I will check it out. That would be fun.
Despite the damp patches on the top, I enjoyed it up there. Took a few attempts to find start of AZ/BT and first time, I missed the steeper start completely. From YTube bits I thought that came mid way down, so that there is no option but to ride it – like the bottom U-drop. Silly not to have done it on the repeats because not tricky really and no worse than bottom bit. I guess there is just the fact that you have a moment to think about it. Next time!! I think all the YT stuff of gap jumps and steep routes had made me a little cautious first time out.
I missed the “wall-of-death” somewhere near the stable? Apparently, there are two (cement circles) up there but I missed them both.