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  • Problems burning data CD’s on a Mac…help!
  • gustard_cannet
    Free Member

    I’m having a bit of trouble burning MP3 CD’s on my mac, i’ve made playlists on iTunes then clicked burn with no problem. The trouble i’m having is when i stick the burnt CD in another computer or my mac i can’t drag the contents off the CD?
    I also have the same problem with MP3 CD’s that i’ve burnt in Toast.

    Anyone know what i’m doing wrong ? ?

    All help would be most appreciated 🙂

    Free Member

    Are you burning an audio CD and not a data CD? An audio CD won’t give you any files to ‘drag’, you’ll have to re-rip the songs from it. There used to be an option to burn data in iTunes which has mysteriously disappeared…

    In which case… to burn a data CD, make a new burn folder (e.g on the desktop), then highlight all the tracks in your iTunes playlist, and drag them into the burn folder. Then click Burn.

    Free Member

    Buy a Mac.


    Free Member

    Nice one Oggles, that “just worked” a treat! 😉

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