By printing more money, they’ll be driving inflation and devaluing assetts. Which will be great for some people, and crap for others.
What the government is doing now though, cutting interest rates, trying to promote even more spending (when no banks are loaning, and nobody has any spare cash except those that don’t want to spend it cos they’re sensible enough not to!) and generally crossing their fingers it will work, is even more stupid and is probably hurting more people and for far longer than a bout of hyperinflation ever would do!
The Zimbabwean economy is an example of hyper inflation gone to the extreme, but then it’s hardly a stable government so that’s the big issue there. Done right, a bout of hyperinflation can help big time (though some will of course lose out relatively), though of course going too far “the other way” is as bad if not worse than doing nothing.
Personally, I’m never going to be able to afford a house (even when I get a new job) on my own unless we go through a sustained period of high inlfation, so I of course am hoping that this happens. Besides, fair enough to those that invested in property wisely and have done well out of it, but those that believed it was a bubble that was never going to burst need their wake up call!