As with most things it comes down to balance but I appreciate that everyone will have a different view of what the right balance is on this one.
Living a stone’s throw from the Pentlands I am well aware of the erosion issues highlighted on this thread but as a regular Trailquester I am also a huge fan of the concept, the way the events are run and the inclusive nature which encourages more people to get out and ride (and navigate!!).
The scale and location of the Pentlands make it the ideal venue for a Trailquest but as Andy has said there is no ideal time of year (for various reasons). Although March has the potential for certain trails to be wet and at risk the organisers have excellent control over the routes open to riders and as the vast majority or riders stick to the rules at these events then any risk should be mitigated.
There are obvious trails to be OOB like Black Hill, Phantoms, North Castlelaw, etc. but I think it would be a shame to take Maiden’s out because of the short section at the junction with Phantom’s. Perhaps we could keep it in but mark that section as “push-only”?
The restricted trails open to riders will definitely impact the event but there will still be plenty route choices to be made and it means I may even find a checkpoint outside my house in Colinton… 😀