Personally had blood in my s*m*n about 5 years back. It came and went (no pun….) a few times.
Eventually went to the Dr who examined externally and internally (yep, gloved finger up the..) plus a PSA test (negative) however given private medical insurance she referred me to consultant urologist at local private hospital.
He then did more of the same plus got me in for a flexible cystoscopy one Friday after work.
I’ll be honest and say I was bricking it – both in terms of the procedure and potential outcomes if anything found.
I got briefed and gowned up in my room then walked through to the theatre. First thing I saw was the ‘instrument’ and wondered how they were going to get that up there….looked like one of those black car radio antennae.
I then got onto the table with the consultant and some pleasing nurses. I was aware of my ‘frailty’ and suggested to them that the theatre was obviously cold and I was scared. Nurse was great “Don’t worry – they all do that”.
One the local was squirted up the j*p’s *y* it commenced. Not too bad really. The only challenge was the introduction of saline to expand the bladder – immediate desire to p**. However once the saline was released all was good again. I walked back to my room, dripping as I went…
Having to pass water before I was allowed home was interesting….it did sting and was red – but only to be expected.
Beetroot consumptioin – now that has had me worried on a number of occasions until I have thought about it…duh!
Good luck – sure it will all be just fine.