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  • PC memory help
  • cynic-al
    Free Member

    I’ve tried 3 different sticks in an old Dell (Dimension 2200), none work.

    Crucial says 2 x 133MHz non ECC 256MB is the limit – tried these, no go,…Dell says 100MHz non ECC 256MB…no go either.

    WTF? Can anyone (of you lot) help?

    Full Member

    did you use the crucial checker thing Al ? Always seems bang on for me, even when it “fails” :

    I used it once, didn’t offer me a match but I bought the match for a very similar laptop from same manufacturer and wouldn’t work. When I phoned up they said it was a known issue with that model and they (or anyone else) couldn’t supply new memory that would work.

    Free Member

    We have a few of these at work running various bits of kit.

    If I recall correctly, the max. memory is 512MB, which can only come in the form of 2x 256MB sticks. I seem to remember ours needing PC133 memory like this amazon link

    Is this the stuff you’ve been trying to use?

    Full Member

    If 100MHz will do, you should be able to fit 133MHz parts.

    Is there a restriction on rank, I wonder? Ie, does it require “single-sided” or “double-sided” memory perhaps?

    When it ‘doesn’t work’, what happens? Does existing memory work? Tried different combinations / orders?

    Free Member

    Cheers…”doesn’t work” = beeping on switch on and no screen output.

    Yes I tried Crucial (sorry if that wan’t clear in OP) and tried memory spec’d like the amazon link for £6 a pair not £22!

    Free Member

    OK here’s the Dell link which says 100MHz, but crucial says 133MHz, and the 128MB stick in there is labelled as a 133MHz.


    I guess it’d be a PITA to fix and therefore it’s for the skip!

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