Home Forums Chat Forum Paypal refund – when will i get it?

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  • Paypal refund – when will i get it?
  • scunny
    Free Member

    So i bought a frame on ebay on friday, the guy obviously wasn’t happy with the sale price. He confirmed the sale, accepted my money and had a chnage of heart when he ‘found’ a crack.

    He refunded straight away but the money seems to be in limbo. Says it completed, but the details on paypal say its being reviewed.

    When will i get it back?

    Free Member

    my mum is a prolific ebay user and i need a refund from someone, *cough* tredz *cough*, and apparently cases can be open for upto 2-3 weeks man

    (my case going through paypal)

    hope tht helps

    Free Member

    I have a refund that is being ‘reviewed’ too. Seller’s account is ‘under review’ and they could not dispatch goods, now my refund is ‘under review’ 😡

    Free Member

    scunny, I’d be asking for a picture of the ‘crack’
    AFAIK, you sell something on ebay you’ve entered into a contract and need to honour it.

    Give him hell is what I say, as sounds like you got a good deal?

    Free Member

    Yeah i put on optimistic bid on an Saracen Ariel frame, won it at £290. I messaged him first to confirm as i knew it was cheap, but he confirmed that he’d accept the £290 with a simple ‘yes’.

    Wasn’t surprised he bailed to be honest, but it would have been nice if he could have just told me before taking my money. Now i’m sat around waiting 5-7 days (i think) for the money to be credited back into my account. Numpty.

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