howarthp, feel for you mate
proper bastard this when you have kept active all your like.
i am now af free (touch wood) for the 1st time in 5 years. it has been a long old slog, 2 cardioversions, both failed, 2 atrial ablations, both failed, and open heart surgary last september, which worked.
But i was in permenant af from the start, i never went back into normal rhythm.
i was on warfarin from day one, and beta blockers, riding to start with was not possible. i was blacking out with any efforts.
i resorted to buying a ebike with pedal assist to keep me out on the trails. it worked. i got a bit stronger, and went on a very strict diet.
i gave up the ebike after 2 years, and went to a tourer, and just rode slowly but for a long time. i vowed to not stop riding no matter what. even took up doing uplifts.
my cardiologist thought i was gonna be stuck in af for life, so last september i went in for a procedure to remove a sack on the heart where a stroke can start form. a precautionary procedure.
while i was in surgery he found a hole in a valve which was stopping all the other things they had tried from working.
he fixed the problem, but had to crack my chest to do so.
i was back on my bike within 3 weeks, and went touring at 5 weeks.
i am slow still, lost all my strength. a combination of the illness and 5 years older may be to blame.
one thing tho, never stop trying to get it sorted.
if you are not happy, ask to see someone more specialized.
feel free to ask me owt you want mate.